Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
I received an error message when I turned on my laptop this morning. The message was "battery too low". Then it gave me a choice to continue or go to my tools. The thought and action immediately followed that I needed to plug my laptop into a power source. It was an involuntary action. I did it without thinking because it is a habit when I see that message. The Holy Spirit hit me with a thought: "Who is my power source when my battery gets low." I did not have to think long. My immediate response was God. Then there was a followup question: Why don't you plug into HIM when your battery is getting low?
As I pondered the two questions more I had to repent. I have allowed other things to distract me from my power source. The amazing growth part for me is I used to go days, weeks, or months beating myself down because I had not been connecting to the power source. You may have done or be doing the same thing. We do not have to beat ourselves up or even feel down or ashamed. We must remember that "Jesus cares for you" my last blog post. Cast those negative thoughts on God because HE cares for you. (I Peter 5:7)
I ran back to my Power Source which is God and HIS Words. Immediately, I began to try and find Scriptures and think of examples of people in God's Word who were connected to the power source. There were two people who came to mind: Jesus and David. In John 5:19, "Jesus said He could do nothing by Himself, He does only what HE sees the Father doing." In First Samuel 30:6, David was about to be stoned by his men because their sons and daughters were taken captive. "But David found strength in the LORD His God." Jesus and David were plugged into their power source.
Of course, Jesus did no wrong but David messed up a great deal. I want to be more like Jesus but in reality I am more like David. But the same power source they had is the same power source we have today. No matter how low our battery has gotten we can still plug into God. So the question becomes "how do I plug into God". A picture is worth a thousand words.
The main way to plug into the power source which is God is to get into HIS Word. In God's Words you will find life, freedom, love, peace, forgiveness, joy, etc. I am a speaking, talking, walking in freedom example of what God's Words can and will do for you to change your life. I am not speaking from someone else's experiences but my very own.
My mind had to be renewed and so does yours according to Romans 12:1-2. The Holy Spirit wants you to understand who and where your power source begins. It is NOT your best friend. It is NOT your spouse. It is NOT your mother/father. It is NOT your job. It is NOT anything our finite minds can comprehend. As a matter of fact, "it" is a "PERSON" HIS Name is God our Father. As you get to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND the God who created you. HE will lead you into your FREEDOM in Christ through HIS Spirit within you. He will open the prison doors in your life. He will lead you out of the darkness you may have been in for days, weeks, months, or even years. You may say I have been waiting on that. The beautiful part is God has been waiting on YOU to plug into HIM as your Power Source. It is a choice ONLY you can make.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me plug into the correct power source and know and UNDERSTAND that God and HIS Words to me are real. Make Romans 12:1 - 2 real in my life.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me plug into the correct power source and know and UNDERSTAND that God and HIS Words to me are real. Make Romans 12:1 - 2 real in my life.
What power source are you plugged into?
What power source are you plugged into?
Is it leading and guiding you to freedom or prison?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God.
Please share a comment or email me privately at
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