Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Have you ever been in a place where you just do not want to be bothered? Or you don't want to bother anyone else? There is something that is going on with you and you may feel like others just won't understand. Or you think it is silly what you are going through so you just deal with it by yourself. You may not understand that there are those around you that will help if they knew. There may be others that are trying to help but you push them away. You may believe they have their own problems and don't need yours added to the mix. Well, these are tricks of the enemy to keep us isolated from God and each other. We need each other. We need community. We need Jesus who cares for each one of us. 

Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for HE cares about you. (I Peter 5:7 NLT)

TESTIMONY: I have been waiting for my voice to return so I could speak the words of the blog. But I was soooo focused on waiting to speaking that I overlooked that I could just write the blog. As I am dealing with my voice going and coming, coughing, throat discomfort, and pressure in my chest. I am thanking God even in the midst of the discomfort because I KNOW GOD is in control. Even though, right now my body seems to be winning. I am choosing to believe the truth that says: By HIS (Jesus') stripes I am healed. (Isaiah 53:5 KJV) I had to listen to the Words of God and my previous post: "You are not an island". I had to be reminded that I have a support system. I had to be reminded that God REALLY does care for me. When I am on the mountaintop, in the valley, and everywhere in between I am NOT alone!!! Neither are you!!!

As I was thinking about my body winning right now. There have been problems and issues I have faced where I believed they were winning. The darkness seemed to overcome the light. (John 1:5) This is a lie but shows itself as truth. There may be issues or problems that you are facing right now and you believe they are winning. BUT GOD shows each of us that HE was and is still in control of EVERYTHING that concerns us. We have to choose to believe it.

Sometimes the darkness may seem so dark that you wonder if there is a God or that HE actually hears your voice. You may be going through something that seems to linger and you wonder when you will be free of it. The problem or issue does not have to be HUGE or GIGANTIC. It could be just bothersome or small. But the beautiful part is that Jesus cares for BIG and even the small things that concern us. Jesus also cares for EVERYTHING in between.

The lyrics to this song has been a blessing to me so I had to share it with you. Use it to combat the lies, problems, and issues you may be facing today. I challenge you to listen to it more than once.

 (Link to video:

NOTE: Please forgive me for not writing anything for a week, I have been sick. I usually post something every three or four days but this week has been hard. I have been up and down and up and down again. My body would just not cooperate with me. But God... Many of you have checked on my blog but there was nothing new. I want to thank you for your time to visit and check back with me. You are appreciated!!!

I understand that this blog may represent some portion of life, light, and liberty to you in your life or in the darkness you face. It may seem like I have turned off the light but God has and never will turn off HIS Light concerning you. Sometimes we are the "life givers" and other times we are the "life receivers".  There are family and friends that I had to reach out to for support. God has reminded me that this blog and ministry is where you may reach out for support. I don't know what you are going through BUT GOD does. This ministry is HIS and not mine. I am only a steward.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me really KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Jesus REALLY does care for me. Make I Peter 5:7 real in my life.

What burden or worry do you need
 to give to the Lord?
Will you allow God and others to help you?  

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

1 comment:

  1. As I reread this blog it BLESSED me this morning. It is my prayer that when you read it you will be encouraged to believe that there is hope and light in Jesus for you!!!
