Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1


Hello WOV,

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Have you ever heard or watched a program or movie and just could not wait to share it? Well, this is where I find myself tonight. God has met me this night. I was invited by Cryss, one of the hosts  of No-Tea with Chrita and Cryss to listen in on their show. These two ladies are phenomenal in their own right. But they had some women on the show that were equally phenomenal.

These women have been through hell. These women were speaking LIFE out of their death situations about being held captive and how Jesus set them free. Their stories are ones of Victim to Victor. They discussed overcoming being physically abused, molestation, homelessness, working for an escort service, prisoners in their own minds, etc. I guarantee you will find yourself or someone you know in their stories and lives.

This is the write-up for the show:

No Tea with Chrita and Cryss are elated to have join us the Author, and Screenplay Writer, Tammy Jurnett-Lewis, and the THIRTEEN amazing Co-Authors of the anthology, "Camouflage: Because I Wear a Smile... 14 Stories of Courage and Triumph". Each Author's stories of triumph, and the selflessness of their transparency, will educate, empower and encourage.
The book was authored, and compiled by Mrs. Lewis, with a Forward, by Cheryl Wood and Co-Authored by Eliza Hawkins, Adrienne Dawkins, Melody Stewart, Latrice Masssey, DeAndria Lewis, Asanta Michelle Brooks, Chelle Yancy, Ahna White, Kimberly McGee, Ryan Elizabeth Williams, Karyn Smith-Davis, C. Genice Midgett, and LaTonya Renee.
Please join us, as these ladies share their collectively woven experiences, that have come together to form this narrative of victory, and survival.
Have a pen and paper ready for taking notes. Here is the link to the podcast:

This is my write-up after the show:

Can you say POWERFUL and POWER PACKED show!!! WOV, You have to, have to, have to listen to the podcast of this show. God will meet you exactly where you are. God will confirm where HE has brought you from. HE will strip any excuses you may have for NOT walking in your freedom. These women have been through it ALL and God brought them out TRIUMPH!!! Please listen!!! Click the link above.

This is the book that they were talking about on the radio program. I bought my copy which was the BEST $1.05 I ever spent.
It is my prayer that you will not just read my words but you will actually listen to the podcast and purchase the book as well.

Love you ladies and God loves you even more than you can comprehend. 

Please share what you glean from these Phenomenal Ladies even if your comment is just WOW like mine. Email me. Also, please share the podcast with other ladies. They will be blessed as well. You can also listen live on Monday nights 7 - 9 pm EST in America. There are also AMAZING podcasts from previous shows.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, Open our eyes to see YOU through the ladies words. Open our ears to hear Your voice clearly. Open our hearts and minds to understand what you are saying to each one of us. In Jesus' Name!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Women of Valour, 
You and I are 
Choose to BELIEVE!!!

I am working on the Self Talk Series book which is also our identity in Christ. As I am writing, The Holy Spirit is showing me how the enemy deceives and tricks us. He wants us to believe his lies instead of God's truth. His game/goal has NOT changed since Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

I was watching this video on our WOV YouTube Channel. I thought I had published this particular video but I had not. It is for you if you have NOT heard that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL today!!! It is also for you just to confirm the fact that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL today!!! This is according to Genesis 1: 26. The Self Talk Series blog I was working on was: "Remember Who You Are."

I am FED UP with the enemy telling us repeatedly that we are ugly. This is a lie from the pit of hell.

The truth is:
Watch this video and choose to believe the truth about you.
Link to Video: https://youtu.be/egYTahE3zok

NOTE: The TRUTH will set you free but you must participate and choose to believe it. Begin or continue to speak life to you until the truth manifests in your heart, mind, and eyesight. Speak the Word of God to you in the mirror. You need to see yourself speaking it and hear yourself saying it.

The TRUTH that I speak of can only be found in and through Jesus the Christ and God's Word. If you have accepted and received Jesus as your Savior then this blog post is for you.

If you have not or you have been on the fence about accepting Christ, Today can be your day. Pray this simple prayer to receive Jesus Christ into your heart.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED about your decision. God is going to transform your life as you participate with HIM. Please do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too! WELCOME to the family!!!

PRAYER: Father, I thank you in advance for showing us that WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Open our eyes to see us the way You see us. Show us the new person You see when You look at us. Holy Spirit, change our eyesight and open our minds and hearts to see clearly who You have created us to be. In Jesus' Mighty and Holy Name!!! Amen!!!

What lies have you believed concerning your looks?

How have you been made into a new person?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

How many times have you thought or spoken these words: 
I trust you, Lord!!!

It is easy to say because it just rolls off the tongue. Especially, when we are in church type settings. It is the 'go to' statement when we are going through something.
I am going through _______________, But I trust You, Lord to work it out. 
But then when we get in our alone time with just us and the mask comes off. Then worry, questions, and doubt quickly move in. Finally, we try and figure it out. We turn to friends, family, and maybe even enemies.
But 'WE TRUST GOD!' Right?

Prayerfully, you will find "you" somewhere in my testimony. Maybe God will reveal or has revealed where "you" were through this testimony. Wherever "you" find yourself PRAISE God because this is GOOD NEWS!!! Please keep reading. You are in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time.

TESTIMONY: The Holy Spirit has been digging up some things within me that I did not know were there. The main one is a lack of trust of and in the Lord. I said with my mouth I was trusting in God to make the Air Force Reserves a reality for me. But I REALLY was not in my heart of hearts. (Read blog post: With God ALL things are Possible.) I am learning to trust God in more areas of my life. Trust me when I say it is a battle within me. I have trusted in my ways longer than I have in My Daddy's ways. The Holy Spirit is teaching me that just because I say the words: 'I trust You, Lord' doesn't mean that I actually do. This is a hard pill to swallow because I thought I was doing okay in the trust arena. In some areas, I was and am but there are other areas not so much.

The Holy Spirit has and is showing me that my lack of trust still does not hinder or stop the hand of God. I was wavering from trust to doubt each week. Sometimes it was a daily struggle. The Air Force Reserves has given me a new arena in which to trust God. I have to trust HIM even more for my safety and protection. I do not know what the future holds. But I do KNOW the One who holds the future in HIS hands. These are words that I am still wrapping my mind and heart around. But I do KNOW 2 things:

  1. My Daddy's, God's, WORDS to me are truth and life.
  2. My Daddy, God, has the best plan for my life. (Even when I can't see it.)

The Holy Spirit led me to God's Word.
I Corinthians 1:30
God has united you (Andrea) with Christ Jesus. 
For our (Andrea) benefit. 
God made HIM (Christ) to be wisdom itself. 
Christ made us (Andrea) right with God;
HE made us (Andrea) pure and holy, and 
HE freed us (Andrea) from sin.

I have read this verse numerous times over the years but this time the Holy Spirit taught me about my identity.
  • God has untied me with Christ. (Identity and Oneness)
    • I am one with Christ. (Ephesians 2:19)
    • My identity is in Christ.
  • God made HIM (Christ) to be wisdom itself. (Wise)
    • I have wisdom because I have Christ in me. (Colossians 2:3)
    • I am wise because of Christ.
  • Christ made me right with God. (Righteousness)
    •  I am righteous because of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
    • I can come boldly into the throne of God.
  • Christ made me pure and holy. (Holiness)
    • I am holy because of Christ. (I Thessaloninas 4:3 - 7)
    • My holiness is NOT dependent upon me but who Christ has made me to be.
  • Christ made me free from sin. (Freedom)
    • I have been set free from the prison and power of sin. (Mark 10:45)
    • I am free and choose to walk in my freedom in Christ.
I wrote in my notes: 

Women of Valour, ALL of these applies to you as well. This is who you are in Christ. Our Father does NOT have favorites. Your past is just that Your past. You cannot change it and neither can I. BUT we can CHOOSE TODAY to believe, receive, and speak what God's Word says about each one of us. 

I don't know about you but I am tired of being on this roller coaster of living and walking in defeat in some areas. I AM FED UP!!! IF You are too then pray this prayer with me.

TRANSFORMATION PRAYER: Father God, I come into Your Presence in the Name and by the Blood of Jesus the Christ. I am tired of living beneath where you have created and destined me to be. I am tired of NOT seeing your abundant life manifested in and through me. I am fed up with me. One day I am up and the next one down. Holy Spirit, I give you permission to ROCK MY WORLD and TRANSFORM me from the inside out. Give me or renew within me a passion for the WORD of God and the Presence of God. You are the ONLY One who can change me and help me walk in obedience to where You will lead and guide me. I want to participate in the changes You are making in my life. I surrender my will for Yours today. Have Your way, Lord! In Jesus' Holy and Mighty Name!!! AMEN!!!

If you prayed that prayer. Hold on WOV, 
God is going to continue to move in your lives
in ways you cannot yet comprehend. 

I love you, WOV!!! But God loves you more than your mind can comprehend. As you walk through this day and ALL others take these words with you. Many times, we cannot remember the message but song lyrics will bring the words back to our minds. GOD WILL make a way. No matter what the circumstances are. This is a song that has and is ministering to me in this season. I pray it does the same for each one of you.

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/q9DgVOONzIk 

PRAYER: Father, I thank you in advance for showing us that we can TRUST IN YOU!!! Open our eyes to see us the way You see us, open our ears to hear Your voice, and open our hearts to comprehend You clearly. Holy Spirit, lead and guide us to follow and walk in obedience to where You lead us. In Jesus' Mighty and Holy Name!!! Amen!!


In whom do you trust?


I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Women of Valour, 
You and I are 
Choose to BELIEVE!!!

Do you know who you are? I mean REALLY know who you are.

  • You are God's Masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)
  • You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by God. (Psalm 139: 13)
  • You are More than a Conqueror. (Romans 8:37)
  • You are made in the image and likeness of the Trinity. (Genesis 1:26)
  • You are loved by God (Jeremiah 31: 3)
Now you may be looking at those words and saying to yourself or hearing in your mind that those words do not apply to me. Well, I am pleased to inform you that those words absolutely apply and belong to you. They were inspired by Your Father, God, just for you. When HE had them written HE was thinking about you and me today.

I know you have negative words that are coming at you even now. They are reminding you and you are remembering:
  • something negative that someone else has told you about you. (They are lies)
  • how you can act like someone you are not. (Put on a mask)
But, I am talking about looking into the mirror and seeing who God created you to be. I am talking about God revealing to you who you really and truly are. If you are not seeing you the way God created you then this particular blog is just for you. If you are seeing you then it will be confirmation for you. If you are somewhere in between today this post is definitely meant for you. Keep reading.

In this video clip, Lion King, Simba is reintroduced to who he REALLY is. Some of us need to be reintroduced to who we really are. As you look at this clip substitute you for Simba and his father, Mufasa, as God. The baboon represents the Holy Spirit.
Link to Video: https://youtu.be/O7fXfCZ4sB4

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. He leads and guides us back to our Father and our identity. We, like Simba, have to  go through,under,and around some dark things within us to get to Our Father, God. Like Simba, we cannot allow our situations and circumstances to defeat us. Simba was determined to follow where he was led. We have to be just as determined. Our past hurts and  unforgiveness of wrongs is painful. As we hold onto those things it keeps us separated from our true identity.

When Simba looked in the water which reflected his appearance he was discouraged. But we have to choose to look harder into our mirror, which is the Word of God. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see Our Father and our true reflection which is Christ in us. As we look, we begin to hear our Father's voice through HIS Words telling and reminding us who we really are.

Our Father is telling each one us that we have forgotten who we are and thus forgotten HIM. We must REMEMBER WHO WE ARE!!! God knows each and every situation and circumstance we have, are, and will face. HE has already worked it out on our behalf. We must choose to believe it.

The Holy Spirit used this video to help me remember. God can and will use anything to minister to us even a cartoon. The same Word that God used to minister to me many years ago HE is using to minister to you.

You are more than what you have become. 
GOD and The Holy Spirit wants you to remember who you are.

By Andrea Monroe

You are more than your past.
You are more than your present
You are more than your dismal future may look right now
You are more than your current set of circumstances.

You are more than a rape victim
You are more than a mistake
You are more than a sex object
You are more than an abused woman

You are more than a mother
You are more than a sister
You are more than a daughter
You are more than a wife

You are more than a conqueror through Christ
You are more than able to stand victorious
You are more than able to command the storm raging around and inside you
You are more than able to walk out of your prison cells

Now Choose Today to

Focus on Jesus the Chist
Focus on the the Cross of Christ
Focus on HIS blood being shed for you
Focus on Him taking your punishment so you don't have to

Focus on Him going to hell in your place
Focus on Him rising with ALL power and authority
Focus on Him being in heaven interceding for you
Focus on the truth YOU ARE MORE than you have become

If you have children you want MORE for them. Your Father, God, wants more for you and me.

The ONLY perspective that matters is God's perspective. Your value can ONLY be seen through God's eyes. Choose to look in the mirror, God's Words. Speak what HE says about you until you believe what they say about you. Your reflection is Christ in you.

To Accept Jesus Christ into your heart Pray this Prayer:
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins, and mistrust of You. I am asking You, Jesus, to come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with the rest 0f my life. 

If you prayed this prayer and believed it about you. Welcome to the family!!! Tell someone about your decision to accept Jesus Christ.

Now let's do this exercise as a child of the King who has accepted you into HIS family.

PRAYER: Daddy, God, I thank You for opening my eyes to see you. I thank you in advance for opening my eyes to see myself the way You see me. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to teach me Your Word and make it real and applicable for my life. I thank You, Father, for leading me through the process. Lord, I thank You for healing my past hurts, brokenness, shame, and regrets. I thank You for the miracles You are working in and around me. I thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me in the process. I thank You for showing me that I am Your child today. You have a plan, purpose and destiny for me. I come into agreement with You, Holy Spirit, for my new life in Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!


Who are you?

Who are you focusing on?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me