Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

I am tired of the enemy taking and distorting things in our lives that God has given us through the death, burial and resurrection POWER of Jesus Christ!!! It is time out for us just rolling over and saying all we can do is pray about it.


Another crucial part is speaking to yourself. How do you view yourself? How do you view others around you? How do you view the world at large? What do you tell yourself about you? The words that you speak to you are more important than anyone else's words. 

I can say:
  • You are beautiful.
  • You are God's masterpiece.
  • You are a child of God.
  • You are a wonderful singer, writer, dancer, etc.
  • You are an amazing mother or wife.
But if you are telling you lies like:
  • I am ugly.
  • I am worthless.
  • I am a spawn of hell.
  • I cannot sing, write, or dance, etc.
  • I am the worst mother or wife ever.

Your words have over powered my words to you. Since you are saying these negative words to yourself then this is your truth. It is a lie and everybody else KNOWS it but you do not. Your words are absolute truth to you. So the words are seeds that we speak to ourselves and those words are being watered and they are growing bigger and bigger. The plants are producing dead things in our lives but we continue to take care of the plants and trees of negativity. How you may ask? By consistently watering and fertilizing them with negative self talk.

Your words have the POWER to keep you stuck or propel you forward. Your words tell who you REALLY and truly believe you are at your core. This is called Self Talk. It is a very important lesson to learn.

The Word of God actually speaks to this. The Holy Spirit hit me with a thought "Power of death and life." When I looked up the verse I also read above it and verse 21 is a part of is as well. Your life has more life or death depending on your words. Your words can kill or they can bring life. It is up to you. As I stated, my positive words have no power if you do not believe them about yourself. God's Words has no real power if you do not believe it about you.

Proverbs 18: 20 - 21 (NKJV)
20 A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth;
From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
21 Death and life are in the POWER of the tongue,
and those who love it will eats its fruit.

Message Version
20 Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach:
good talk is as gratifying as as a good harvest.
21 Words kill, words give life;
they're either poison or fruit - you choose.

Our words will produce death or life. When you say I am ugly it is true and when you say I am God's Masterpiece it is also true. It just depends on what you believe. We have to change our words to change our world. I have heard that somewhere I believe. It is the TRUTH!!!

Again, I ask what does your self talk sound like: Life or death? Start listening on purpose to the words that are coming out of your mouth. They have a tremendous amount of POWER.

I am a child of God. I am a Woman of Valour. I am beautiful. I am loved and loving. I am a writer. I am an encourager. I am the optimistic one. I love helping other people. I have come to realize over the past couple of weeks that these are gifts from God." I am not saying look at me. I am saying look at God. HE has been orchestrating my life from the beginning. God has and is orchestrating yours as well.

CHALLENGE: I challenge you, Woman of Valour, to look in the mirror on purpose and say: 

I am God's Masterpiece according to Ephesians 2:10. ----(repeat 10 times daily)
(Please let me know it you are taking the challenge and how it is working out for you. I want to celebrate each one of you more!!!)

The enemy wants us to avoid the mirror of God's Word which will only show us TRUTH. But he loves for us to look in the physical mirror and see what we see or what he shows us. Start speaking LIFE to you, Woman of Valour!!! I pray over each blog post before I publish it. I am praying over these posts specifically.

PRAYER: Daddy, open Your daughters eyes to see themselves as you see them and created them. Let your Word come alive to and within them like never before. Show them that they are Your Masterpiece!!! Open their ears to hear Your voice whisper to them. Bring people across their paths to tell that You created each one of them as Your Masterpiece. Holy Spirit, heal the broken, painful, and dark places inside Your women. I touch and agree with you Holy Spirit for the testimony that they will share concerning the new eyesight you have given them. In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!

What words do you say to you? 

Are they words that kill or words that give life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Monday, June 27, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
Hello Women of Valour,

I have to share what happened on Saturday and finished up this morning. So yesterday was quality time with my husband, Carlton. Last week, we were like 2 ships passing in the night. So, we made time for "us". It was an absolutely AMAZING day spent catching up with each other and just time in each others presence. It is one of the main things I love about our marriage. We absolutely love spending time with each other. We did not do any thing major but just normal stuff and had a ball.

SATURDAY: We have a friendly competition going on to see who can get the most steps on our VivoFits in a given day. So, yesterday we went to Body Combat class. He had me by 1000 steps. He went to walk the track. I came home because we had to get ready for a surprise party. You know most times it takes the woman longer to get dressed than the man. Just saying.

After the party, we went to the Farmer's market and walked around. Then we went to Sonic to eat and walked around the shopping Center to Radio Shack and back to Sonic where our car was parked. By now, I have 10,000 steps. Hubby has 13,000 steps. Then we go to DQ to get ice cream. Then we go and play Miniature golf. I won't tell you who won.

Carlton was still ahead of me in steps. But by this time, I had decided I was not competing I had a goal in mind of 15,000 steps. So, we ended the night with a trip to Ollie's. It is a store that has everything but for cheaper prices. I especially love their book section which are priced 75 - 90% off. By the time we left I have 15,000 steps. This is the first time ever I have had 15,000 steps in one day. I was pumped. I wanted to take a picture but my phone was dead. I did not even think about using hubby's phone. Each morning, the first thing I do is put on my Vivofit.

SUNDAY: This morning, when I put it on and saw 0 steps. It had reset overnight. This is when the Holy Spirit hit me with "HIS mercies are new every morning." I said WOW!!! HE further explained that just as ALL those steps were reset. This is the same way God resets our mess ups during any given day. We cannot do anything that HE cannot and does not cover with HIS mercy.

Lamentations 3:22 - 23
22The faithful love of the lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.

Once I read the verses, "Great is HIS Faithfulness" got me as well. The LORD is faithful even when we are not.

1) Choice: No matter what words you have spoken, deeds you have done, things you have left undone, sin you have committed there is a clean slate each and every day that God wakes you up. It is a choice as to what you will do with that day.

2) Priority: I started this post with spending QT with my husband. My marriage is a priority for me. It is great because we communicate and spend time together. We also have to get in spending QT with Our Heavenly Husband. This relationship must be prioritized because out of it flows ALL other relationships. It AMAZES me that our AWESOME Father and God wants to communicate and spend QT with us each and everyday. Even when we get caught up and a couple of days or weeks pass by HE adores us making time for HIM. What are you prioritizing in your everyday life? 

3) Competition: I said Carlton and I are in a friendly competition. Some of you may be in competition with a neighbor for a newer car or bigger house. Some may be in competition with a co-worker for a promotion. Some may be in competition with a girlfriend to see who can get married first. There are ALL kinds of ways to be in competition but are they helping or hindering you in accomplishing your purpose?

4) Goals: I stated, I decided to focus on my goal which was getting 15,000 steps. I had to pause on this part. What things did I do within that day to hurt or hinder myself or someone else. They were counted against me just like my steps were counted. BUT GOD gives us new mercies each day. What have you done or not done in the space of 24 hours. Sometimes we have to refocus our attention to attain a goal. What goals have you set or need to set for yourself to walk in your purpose?

I am not bringing these things up to bring about condemnation but to bring about freedom. So the enemy cannot beat us up with things that have happened in our past. We can tell him, "Yes I did or did not do __________________. But God has given me new mercies for today. And I will have new mercies for tomorrow as well." We have to talk back when the enemy talks to us. We can start with this prayer.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for the new mercies given to me each and every day.  I am thankful for Your Faithfulness to me Lord. Help me understand that You are ALWAYS for me and NOT against me. In Jesus Name. Amen.  

Who are you in competition with? 

What priority does God have in your every day life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Monday, June 20, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

How many of us really like looking in the mirror? What about when you are getting dressed for a special event? What about on your wedding day? What about when you were 8 months pregnant? What about on the days you are cleaning house? What about when you just rolled out of bed? What about when you feel ugly? What about when you go on a date with someone who could potentially become the one? The answers are many depending on the scenario that led you to the mirror.

Did you know that we have 4 mirrors? Three mirrors can display both truth and lies. But the last mirror will ALWAYS and ONLY display TRUTH. The first mirror is the way you see yourself in the physical mirror on your wall, in your hand, or purse. The second mirror is the mirror of how others view you. The third mirror is how you view others. The forth mirror is GOD'S Words to and about you. All of these mirrors have the same purpose "to display". But the last mirror also has the purpose of making changes within us. This can only occur as we allow it to change us. The mirrors display what we see and what others see concerning us.

The definition of mirror according to Freedictionary.com:
  1. a surface capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form an image of an object placed in front of it.
  2. Something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of something else.
  3. Something worthy of imitation 
James 1:23
If we listen to the Word and do not obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. (NLT)
Another version says being a hearer of the Word and not a doer. (KJV)

Proverbs 1: 22, 29 - 31 mirror for me. (It is harsh but it was my testimony) I was truly focusing on the wrong mirror and trying to figure out and fix everything about myself. By the way, it did NOT work.

TESTIMONY: When I focused on the correct mirror I fell in love with a man that rescued me from the prisons that held me bound. HE showed me who I truly was. It was not the person I believed I was or others had told me I was. HE showed me that I am the Woman of Valour HE created me to be. I love me. I am comfortable in my own skin. I like looking in the mirror at my reflection. It it ONLY because I see Christ in my in the mirror. This has taken many, many years of counseling sessions at the throne of God and in HIS Word to change my eyesight. It took me believing that HE actually did and does love me. God had to change my thought processes and eyesight. HE has to do the exact same thing for each one of us. Only HE can do it. You can exercise and change your physical body but if your eyesight is not corrected...no amount of weight loss or eating right will help your self image or esteem.

Let's look at the 4 mirrors:

1) The way you see yourself:
  • What do you see when you look into the mirror?
  • Do you see a beautiful woman looking back at you?
  • Do you see an ugly woman looking back at you?
This mirror is a reflection of light or darkness which originates in your own heart and mind. In order to change the picture you must change your heart and mind. 

For example, you look in the mirror and all you see is negatives about you. All you hear are negatives concerning you. You cannot accept compliments because you are trying to figure out their angle. Why did they say what they said? What did they mean by that? 

2) The way others see you:
  • What do others see when they look at you?
  • What do they say when they look at you?
  • Do they actually see you or the mask that you show them?
This mirror shows a reflection of what is in their hearts and minds concerning you. It also reflects the person you show them or the mask that you allow them see you wearing at a given point in time.

For example, you try to keep everyone around you 'fixed' by trying to please everyone. It called a people pleaser. We cannot please everyone. We were not designed for this purpose. You want everyone to have a good opinion of you but it is impossible. Especially, when you cannot lend the money or give of your time. You have just blown it with that person(s).

3) The way you see others:
  • What do you see when you look at another person?
  • What do you think when you look at another person?
  • What do you hear when you talk to another person?
This mirror shows a reflection of our judgments for or against another person based upon our background, life experiences, situations and circumstances. The filter is still our minds and hearts. 

For example, you can judge someone based upon being married/unmarried, children/childless, rich/poor, sexually active/virgin, straight/homosexual. These are labels that we use to judge in building up or tearing down. When we see others we must look at them from a perspective of love not just judgement.

4) God's Word to and about you:

This mirror will always tell you the TRUTH. The truth is what will set you FREE in your heart and mind. It will take you taking the Word of God like a daily prescription pill to break some of the curses and strongholds that the enemy has you bound up with. 

You may be asking what is the point of this post? The point is that God wants you to be set free in your heart and mind where you are concerned. I believe God's heart is crying out like an earthly father whose child is locked up in prison for months or years. HE has the answer to set him free BUT the child won't listen to him. Jesus is our answer. God through HIS Spirit is trying to set the captive free within each one of us. We have been set free but we do not believe it in ALL areas of our lives. God's heart is for us to walk in our FREEDOM not just talk about it but actually live it out in our everyday lives.

What mirror are you choosing to focus on today? Only you can choose. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will give you some colored contacts so you can see you and your world differently. Even as you go to sleep tonight and every night. Your eyesight will change to see you and others the way God sees you and others.

REMEMBER: The more you focus on a particular mirror. The more you will get those results whether positive or negative results. Only you can choose.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I want to see myself the way You see me. Change my eyesight concerning me and others around me. In and through the process of opening my eyes to see also open my heart and mind to see the beauty You placed inside of me. Deliver me from the prisons within my own mind. Show me if and when I try to return to them again.  

Which mirror are you focusing on most? 

What is the result?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

It has been a little while since I have written. There has been a lot on my plate. Just like ALL of you. As women, we juggle a great deal of tasks. I am VERY thankful for each one of you. There has been a couple of things that God has been dealing with me on. If you have been following this blog you know I am going to share. The way in which I will share will be different moving forward. I am still going to write this blog and share. However, God has opened up another avenue in which we can share with each other.

God has been dealing with me on fear. Specifically, fear of failure and fear of success. One deals with  NOT moving forward because I believed I would fail. So I was stuck there for many years. Now I am overcoming the fear of success. Which means I wouldn't push myself to achieve more because of more responsibility and expectations placed upon me. So I was stuck.

In both cases the outcome was the same. I just thought this is just the way I am but God has and is showing me that HE has a purpose and plan for my life. I have to choose to walk with HIM through this process. HE has the same for each one of you as well. As I stated, God has been dealing with me. He led me to speak to two incredible Women of God who were able to speak life and truth to me. As you know, Women of Valour is all about setting the captives FREE and for women to walk in their freedom in Christ. Christ is the center of ALL.

I made this video on Sunday after church. I encountered some technical difficulties trying to upload to our new YouTube channel. But God here it is:
Link to Video:https://youtu.be/dp52bGPo_U8 

As I stated in the video, I have set up a 'Closed group' on Facebook. WOV Releasing the Spirit Within. Our first topic of discussion is fear. Specifically, the Fear of Failure and Fear of Success. These are topics you may be able to identify with. There is safety and help for each one of us. Just like I was hurting and not knowing what was going on. This may be the same for you. Please join us for some open and honest discussions, help, and healing. You are not forced to talk but be a member and read what is posted. Our banner is 'OVERCOMING FEAR WITH TRUTH'!!!

There are 3 ways to join the group:
  1. You can send me a message via the blog.
  2. You can send me a message via Facebook. Andrea E Monroe
  3. You can respond to my Facebook post for this blog.
  4. You can send me a google+ message. 
I also talked about our new YouTube Channel: WOV Releasing the Spirit Within. Same name as the Closed group on Facebook. I am SUPER EXCITED!!! I have done a couple of videos already entitled.
"Christ is the Center"

God wants to use these technologies to set the captives free. It is my prayer that you will join us in these 2 new ventures.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for opening doors to set me free in areas that I am bound. I thank You for Your death on the Cross just for me. Thank You for showing me Your Love for me in a VERY REAL way on the cross.
What are you going to do with the Cross of Jesus?  

I pray something you read or heard touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me