Sunday, December 23, 2018


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Choose to BELIEVE and RECEIVE WHO You Are!!!

You are loved!  You are accepted! You are significant! God sent HIS ONLY SON, Jesus, just for you. (John 3:16) This is why we celebrate the Christmas season. It is because of the birth of The One who would ultimately show the Love our Daddy God has for you and me. Notice I did not say had but "has" in the present tense. This means today and right now this moment and second. Jesus gave HIS life to save each one of ours. But HE did NOT give it just for us to exist but to LIVE IT!!!


Jesus was sent because Your Father and mine loves each one of us. 
Jesus came because HE wanted us to know that we are accepted
Jesus came because we are significant

During this season of celebration or misery with your family and friends, remember it is up to YOU!!! You can choose to believe!

If you do not have a loving natural family or even if you do. You do have a loving spiritual one. You have to believe it for yourself no one can do it for you. You may be in the valley, on the mountaintop, or somewhere in between today. But you are LOVED by Your Father and mine. 

You have NOT:

  •  made too many mistakes 
  • committed too many sins
  • turned your back too many times for God to give up on you. 

Your family, friends, and associates may have given up but NOT your Heavenly Father.

As I listened to my favorite Christmas song, questions filled my mind.
Can you imagine giving birth to the Son of God? Watching Him grow from a baby, to a toddler, to a teenager, and to an adult. Then watching Him give HIS life for the world. This song is POWERFUL and always puts me in a VERY thankful mood. No matter what is going on in your life I pray it does the same for you. This is HOW MUCH you are loved today!

I am praying for you to believe these 3 things about yourself:

  1. I am loved!
    • The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. (Jeremiah 31:3)
  2. I am accepted  
    • To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved (Ephesians 1:6)
  3. I am significant 
    • Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  (Psalm 139:16)

Prayer: Holy Spirit, Open my eyes to see that I am loved, accepted, and significant by and to You, Daddy God, today. I am choosing to believe these as my truths. Thank You in advance for showing me who I really am.

Have you believed the lie that you are unloved
What truths in God's Words can you use
to battle the lies you have believed?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment below or email me privately at

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Real Talk - I WON TODAY!!!

Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Image result for thought action results
Image from

Hello Hello Hello Women of Valour,

It has been a LLLLLLOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time since I have written anything.

But I just have to share this in written form to help me process my day today. Hopefully and prayerfully it will help you all as well as I share. 

It hit me this morning that EVERYTHING starts with a thought. You might say DUH!!! 

But it hit me that my thoughts turn into my actions and many times non actions! My thoughts sometimes paralyze me from acting on them. BUT NOT TODAY!!!

Let me back track a little.

So this morning I woke up and the thought hit me to go to the gym. I recently started working out...again!!! (Yeah I know I hear you too)

So instead of me giving myself excuses. I just got dressed and went. I actually enjoyed my time on the treadmill. There were only 5 people in the gym with me at 7:00am on a Saturday. 

Funny thing happened I was able to accomplish some things:
  •  My Saturday Motivation Facebook Live Saturday Motivation - Limitations 
  • I was able to walk 3 miles 
  • I was able to read the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to show me things I had not seen in Scripture or even within myself.
Say with me...keep reading:

Within our WOV Closed Group, We are reading Understanding Your Potential by Myles Munroe. This book, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are taking me on a brand new journey that I did not even know I signed up for. 

Have you ever been there? I hear you saying...Yeah, Yes, and Yep!!! Keep reading... 

Two things stuck out to me today that Myles Munroe says in the book. 
1) You cannot climb beyond the limitations of YOUR OWN BELIEF!!!

I realized today that I took a step forward toward wholeness and healing within my mind and body. I chose to ACT on the thought that popped into my mind. I did not give an excuse which is what I have done in my past. I chose to act. While on the treadmill I started thinking about how I can make exercising a part of my everyday routine.

You can do this too! It is a mindset shift which starts with a thought then action which will bring results then REPEAT!!!

Thought + Action = Results I did not allow my feelings to come into play because then I would not have taken the action required to get the results.  #WOVourthoughtsmatter

Can I tell you in that moment the Holy Spirit began to download a plan to me on just how easy it would be to implement this plan. I am EXCITED because it is sooooooo simple. My thought now has an ACTION PLAN to get it done and produce results. 

2) God created EVERYTHING with potential!!!

Today as I thought about this concept I thought about the seed that Myles keeps saying a seed has a tree inside of it with fruit and seeds and another tree with fruit and seeds and it keeps multiplying. But all you see is the seed. 

Can I tell you that my thought was a seed today that became an action (tree) and produced results (fruit). This will produce more seeds and so on. 

You can do this too!!!! yes i am talking to you!!! 

This means in any and every area of your life!!! Relationships, finances, spiritual, exercise, mental, etc. Set a goal and go after it.

  • Exercise starts with one thought then a step
  • Healing a relationship starts with one thought then a word with the person
  • Budgeting starts with a thought and writing out your bills
  • Reading the Bible starts with a thought and reading one verse
  • Prayer starts with a thought and a word with God
I challenge you to try this in your life today!!! 

I still would have done the Saturday Motivation and Spent time in the Word but not walked 3 miles. 

Today is a WIN WIN WIN day!!!

Enjoy your God Blessed Day!!!

Let me know how this works out for you! Drop a comment or email!!!

Prayer: Lord, Help me to not only think about positive things but help me act on them as well. Download answers to my daily issues and problems that I can actually walk out practically in my life. Thank you for bringing and leading me to people that can help me along my journey for accountability sake. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Have my thoughts been getting in my way of 
making true good changes in my life?

Why have I allowed them to stop me?

I love you BUT GOD loves you 
more and more and more 
than your finite mind can ever comprehend!!!
 -Andrea E.Monroe