Saturday, December 31, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

For those Prayer Warriors who stood on the wall for me concerning the entering into eternity of my Father. I want to thank you from the depths of my heart. God heard and answered your prayers. Here is the test and testimony that came from and through the struggle.

I watched Collateral Beauty tonight. It is a Phenomenal movie and I would encourage you to see it if you have not. 

It takes God to take a tragic/negative situation and turn it into a positive one. Only HE can do that. 

This is what God did for me to reveal HIS Collateral Beauty!

Prayerfully, God will use this video to minister healing and wholeness to you in the midst of the situation you are in.

The 2 keys are:

  1. Choose to forgive because you cannot get the time back that unforgiveness steals.
  2. Choose to stop playing the blame game because it is designed for us to lose.
God sees you!!! 
(Genesis 16:13)

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me really KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Daddy God REALLY does see me and what I am going through. Make Genesis 16:13 real in my life.

Who/what do you need to forgive to get unstuck?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

This is a first and hopefully not the last time for this ministry to be used in this way. I am reaching out to you all because a sister is REALLY in need of prayer and $$$.

Place yourself in her shoes. If not for the grace of God this could be you or I. Prayer still works and God still uses people to help other people. Every little bit helps. Don't say I only have $2 or $12 or $22. The little will add up to make the much. Do not allow yourself to talk you out of helping which is easy to do. Follow through and actually help. Would you want the person to talk themselves out of helping you or would you want them to actually pray and give.

My prayer for each person that reads this post is for God's promises to manifest in your life as you give through prayers and/or money to help this family. I am asking the Holy Spirit to tug on hearts right now.



PRAYER: Daddy, open our eyes to see the hurts and pains of others in need. Give us the strength to move into action instead of sitting on the sidelines. Help us lift this family up before and to YOU. Father, set the captives free in this situation. Show us that our prison doors have already been opened by You through Jesus the Christ. Give us Your wisdom to help us walk out our freedom in Christ is very real and practical ways. Let your Word come alive in the midst of our prayers and giving Daddy. Open our eyes, ears, and heart to see and listen to You. Lord, help Alicia and her children move past the loss/pain/hurt they may feel during this season. Lord, walk them through this process as ONLY you can. We touch and agree with You, Holy Spirit, for the testimony that will come from Alicia and family concerning what You have done in the midst of this season in their lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!


Are you willing to step out and help 
someone else change their lives?

What are others ways or resources we can share 
with Alicia in order to help her through this season?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello BEAUTIFUL Women of Valour,

How are you doing this Christmas season?

Is your Christmas season red and green
Filled with good things happening.

Is your Christmas season blue
Filled with whoa-as-me moments or feelings of loss/pain/hurt

Or do you fall somewhere in the middle between these two opposites

Well, this post is being written to lift "our" spirits.

This picture is God speaking to us right now in this moment.

Take these words to heart!!!
  • You may be contemplating suicide right now. 
  • You may be down to your last dime and don't know how you are going to make it into the next day or hour. 
  • You may be thinking about how bad your life is right now 
  • You may be angry at your present life and scared right now
  • You may be fearful of what is going to happen next 
  • You may be scared to take the next step even if it is a good thing.
  • You may be feeling the loss of a family member or child or friend
  • You may be sad right now because of some wrong choices you have made
  • You may be angry because of some things that have been done to you
  • You may have suffered a loss of a family member/child during this season and brings back feelings of pain or hurt or loss.
But I am here to let you know and remind myself that: We cannot give up it; is not an option. You WILL come through your storm. We are needed and wanted by Someone. God loves us in this moment and He is right there with us. He wants us to reach out to HIM in this moment. He wants to walk and help us through this moment. Now I have to walk out the Self Talk Series in my own life. One decision...

MY TEST and TESTIMONY: This video was done a couple of weeks ago but not shared. But as I was writing this blog I listened to it and it helped me. This blog post is written to help me just as much as it is done to help set the captive free within you. I just found out today that my biological father passed and I do NOT know how to feel about it but there are two things that do I KNOW and UNDERSTAND!!!


You are 1 decision away from changing your life for the better or the worst.

Link to Video: 

(In the video, for the English Scholars please forgive me 
for my mistake with contraction versus conjunction of the word 'but'.)

Note: Jacob's name means Deceiver. In Chapter 27, Jacob steals his brother's blessing. Jacob had to decide to forgive his brother. We have to decide some things in our lives as well in order to walk out what God has for each one of us. God was watching over Esau just as HE is watching over us. God is NOT surprised by what surprises us.

In verse 40 Isaac tells Esau his firstborn son,

 "You will live by the sword,
and you will serve your brother. 
you will shake his yoke from your neck." NLT (emphasis added)

The Message Bible says,
you'll break loose and run free.

We have to decide to break free!
No one can decide for you!

Link to Video:

You are 1 decision away from changing your life. 
Just one choice can impact your life in a 
positive or negative way. 
But you are NOT alone in the decision process.


PRAYER: Daddy, Open our eyes to see ourselves the way You see us. Give us the strength to move past our snapshots and moments in time that have kept us bound. Help us bring our problems to You instead of trying to figure out and mess things up. Father, set the captives free within us. Show us that our prison doors have already been opened by You through Jesus the Christ. Give us Your wisdom to help us walk out our freedom in Christ is very real and practical ways. Let your Word come alive to and within each one of us like never before. It is Your Word that we need to change our perspective and situations. Show us that we are made wonderfully complex by You! Open our eyes, ears, and heart to see and listen to You. Holy Spirit, help us see the snapshots for what they are and move forward in spite of them. Lord, help us move past the loss/pain/hurt we may feel during this season. Lord, walk us through the grief process and  in to our green pastures since You are our Shepherd. We touch and agree with You, Holy Spirit, for the testimony that we can share concerning the new perspectives You have given us. In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!


Are you willing to make the hard decisions 
to change your life?

What yoke(s) do you need to shake off 
in order to walk in what God has for you?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me