Monday, November 9, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Have your parents ever made you a promise? Have you ever made your child a promise? Did they keep their promise to you? Did you keep your promise to your child? God is our Ultimate Parent. HE ALWAYS keeps HIS promises to us. 

TESTIMONY: I was teaching vocabulary words to my class last week. They were learning what the word "promise" means. I asked them: Have your parents made you a promise that they kept? All of their answers were "yes" along with the specific promise their parents kept. As the children were sharing, a thought hit me that "God has made me a promise that HE is coming back for me". As I was thinking of the promises and looking up the exact address in God's Word. I found a "God's Promises Bible" App. Of course, I downloaded it and God's Promise for today is Proverbs 3:9-10. (Please check out the app.)

This past weekend, I continually pondered the thought and the promises God has made me through HIS Words. Here are 5 promises that I have specifically thought about this weekend.

1) God promised HE loves me. (Jeremiah 31:3, Deuteronomy 7:7-8, John 3:16)

2) God promised HE would give me eternal life. (John 3:16, John 17:3, I John 2:25)

3) God promised HE would give me freedom. (Isaiah 61:1, John 8:32-36, Luke 4:18-19)
4) God promised HE would provide for me. (Psalm 23:1, Proverbs 3:9-10, Psalm 34:8-10) 

5) God promised HE would give me peace. (Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7) 

I kept hearing this song this weekend. It blessed me so I am sharing it with you.

 Link to the Video:

This song demonstrates the promises of God to each one of us. It was God's Master Plan to die for each of us in order to save us, clean us up, and set us free. God has done HIS part on the Cross through Jesus Christ. Today will you allow God to continue to clean you up so that you can be set free in EVERY area of your life. God KNOWS you are worth it and so do I. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see your promises to me. Make them REAL to me. Help me to experience your promises in my own life.

Will you choose to believe God's promises 
about you?
What promises of God do you need to believe 
and  speak into your own life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

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