Monday, September 28, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

God's Word says, "God chose things the world considers foolish to shame the wise..."(I Corinthians 1:27). God used the cartoon Cinderella to explain the new creation. As, I taught my class about fairy tales and how they are not real. I read to them an abbreviated version of Cinderella. The story I read to them did not have any pictures. So, I explained to them they had to use their imagination. I explained, the imagination is creating pictures in our minds with the words they would hear in the story. I had cutouts of Cinderella dressed as a maid, two stepsisters, a fairy godmother, and of course, the prince. I placed the cutout of maid Cinderella and the cutout of Princess Cinderella back to back. So, when I talked about her before the ball, during the ball, and after the ball I just had to turn my hand to show her at each stage. You may be saying, “Are you seriously talking about a fairy tale? Yes, I am.” Please keep reading.

God revealed to me that Cinderella is just like each one of us before we accepted the free gift of salvation (Romans 10:9) We were the maid for satan’s kingdom and dressed in rags doing the dirty work which was sinning with or without condemnation. In the story, Cinderella was transformed on the outside. We as Christians have been transformed from the inside out. Whether we believe it or not, we are a new person in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17). Our old life is gone and a new life has started. God wanted to show us that there is a better way and life. This is what Cinderella is shown by her fairy godmother.  

We have been transformed just as Cinderella was transformed from the maid into a princess for the evening. But that is where the example ends because we as children of God have been changed for an eternity. Sometimes it may seem like we flip back and forth like I was turning the cutouts of Cinderella. But in reality, when you and I accept the free gift of salvation we are changed in that moment. We are washed whiter than snow. We are given love, peace, joy, and forgiveness. They are available to us if we will only accept them. These come with salvation. They are not something any of us have to work for, they are freely given to us as well. We just have to choose to believe it is true.

TESTIMONY: When I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart I was happy and telling everyone. But then the feelings fizzled out. I was left with the same old Andrea. This time something had changed. I had a taste of something being different. This time when I did my dirt I felt bad about it. This is called conviction. It was like the angel was on one shoulder and the demon on the other. I usually listened to the demon instead of the angel. Until God showed me John 3:16: For God (My Father) loved the world (me)...  
As I read, I was stopped at "God loved me". God revealed to my that HE is My Father, My God, and HE loves me from the crown of my head to the bottom of my feet. It is not a regular type of love from a person because our love is “on” one minute and “off” the next. But the LOVE OF GOD is endless. We cannot use it all up no matter what we do or how hard we try. It NEVER fails!!! (I Corinthians 13:8 NKJV) I was like Cinderella bubbling up on the inside because I chose to believe what HIS Word said about me. The difference was mine was not going to change back at midnight.

So, today if you are feeling a little down and out like things are not going quite the way you desire. Or, you are just not where you would desire to be. Remember God loves you!!! If you are on top of the mountain I am praising God with you. In this walk with Christ, there are mountaintop experiences and valley experiences. We have to remind ourselves that no matter what God loves each one of us the same on the mountaintop, valley, or in between.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, thank you for the reminder today that GOD LOVES ME!!! Help me to continuously and consistently believe it.

Has God made you into HIS new Creation?
Are you believing HIM or your reflection?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

The fun I thought I was having does not compare to what I have found in my personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and God. Through the process, I found out that God and Jesus are BOTH Giver and Taker. These are some things we have been given by God through HIS Son Jesus Christ: freedom, peace, love, joy, forgiveness, and acceptance, etc. I needed each one of these desperately in my life. These are some things that have been taken: pain, guilt, shame, condemnation, self-hatred, unforgiveness, rejection, etc. I needed each of these taken from me desperately. You may be desperate as well. Please keep reading.

 There was a book that began to shine some light on just how destructive my life was. It was called the “Bondage Breaker” by Neil Anderson. This book is packed full of God’s Word and truth about who we are in Christ. You may be desperate as well. God used it to show me how HE saw me. He also used it to start putting holes in the walls I had built up around myself for protection against HIM and other people. The funny or sad part depending on your perspective was the enemy (devil) and I would try and refill the hole with a lie instead of me trying to believe the truth. I knew the Scripture that said, “the enemy was a liar and the Father of lies. (John 8:44)  But the lies I believed were truth to me. It is really sad to me now to KNOW and understand that my previous belief system was based upon lies and not the truth.

I have met many people who have previously and are currently experiencing the SAME LIES in their lives. The lies are the same but they are played out differently in their lives. The enemy has strategies to take us off course using lies. God has HIS plan to bring us back to the right path. God acts like the GPS to reroute us when we miss the correct turn to lead us to HIM and truth.  

God’s Word started to penetrate because I could not just cover up the truth any more. God would speak to me through dreams, visions, music, movies, cartoons, etc. My mind would recall the Word of God. The Bondage Breaker was God’s way into my warped mind. I started to see glimpses of God as Love instead of the disciplinarian and judge. I started to see Him as the Forgiver of ALL of my sins: BIG and little ones. This was stretching the truth which was a lie as well. There are no BIG and little sins. God only sees sin which has been taken care of on the cross of Jesus Christ. What is God trying to use in your life to help you see HIS Truth?

TESTIMONY: My truth were lies. First, my truth was I was unlovable. God showed me in many ways that HE loved me through HIS SON Jesus Christ. Second, my truth was I could never be forgiven for the sins I committed knowingly and willingly against God. He showed me that He had already forgiven each and every sin. Third, my truth was I was unacceptable and rejected by God. I did not belong or fit anywhere or with anybody. God showed me that I am accepted by Him and belong to Him as HIS child.  Here are some actual truths:
v  I am loved by God (Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16)
v  I am forgiven by God (Ephesians 1:7, I John 1:9)
v  I am accepted by God (Ephesians 1:6, Romans 15:7)
v  I am a child of God (Galatians 3:26,I John 5:1)

Due to my belief system of lies, it took a long time for the foundation of my belief system to be rebuilt. It took work on my part to believe and accept the truth. But, just as a man woos a woman he is interested in God is wooing each one of us. The time frame can be long or short it depends on you. God loves you now today. God has already forgiven you for every sin you have committed, are committing, or will ever commit. God has accepted you for who you are right now. He is trying to show us who HE really is not the lies we have believed about HIM. Just because it took me a while does not mean it has to take you that long. You can trust, believe, and accept the truth today. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me accept the truth that I am loved, forgiven, accepted, and a child of God. Show me the lies I am believing instead of the truth.

What is God trying to use in your life
to help you see HIS Truth?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately 

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

           I am reading Audacious by Beth Moore, she asked a question about our perception of Jesus. "Do you see HIM as a giver or a taker?" I paused and actually stopped to answer the question.  I used to think He was “a taker” but now I see HIM as “the Giver”. Then as I continued to read, she made a statement: “How we feel about Jesus has a dramatic effect on how we feel about other people.” So, I had to agree with her based upon my own life. You may feel the same way. I will share my thoughts on the question as well as the statement. Prayerfully, something you read will bless you and encourage you to a walk closer in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Do I see Jesus as a giver or a taker? I saw Jesus as my Savior. He had saved me from going to the fires and brimstone of hell. He died on the cross for my sins which would make me feel really sad especially during Easter holiday season. But, that was the extent of what He had done for me. I was still living and feeling unloved, chaotic, unwanted, less than, inadequate, etc. Like I said, in the ‘Viewpoint of God’ post, I was introduced to the God of the Law and Discipline not Love and Grace. My messed up viewpoint was of God and Jesus. I actually saw them as two separate people. Jesus was my Savior who has done a couple of things for me. But God, as my Father, was a judge and judgmental. He was the parent you did not want to interact with. He only saw my wrongs and let the hammer down every time I sinned.

TESTIMONY: I saw myself and other people as takers so Jesus and God were takers as well. God was all about rules and regulations which took away my fun. I was going to hell for everything. He wanted to take away my fun: sleeping around, clubbing, drinking, friendships, etc. He wanted me to live “boxed in”. I was a Christian because I had accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at one time and then more times than I can count. I served in my church. I was trying to be a “GOOD” Christian. But, I just could not seem to get my life right. People that I wanted to help me wouldn’t instead they would take from me without depositing anything. The ones I knew were not good for me were the ones that seemed to give. My life just seems to be going down the wrong path. I would ask myself: “Am I a Christian? Have I really accepted Jesus as my Savior? Especially, when everything I did seemed to turn out wrong. Everything I tried seemed to fail. BUT GOD My Giver stepped into my life and started to show me who HE truly was instead of who I believed HIM to be. HE showed me that I am a child of God and so are you. (Galatians 3:26) I had to choose to believe it and so do you. Choose to believe it today.

You may be able to identify with some or all of my testimony. If you can then God wants to deliver you from living a defeated or unfulfilled life as His Child. You may be making the same statement that I was. “There has got to be more to it than this.”  Or you may not have taken the step of accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior because of your taker viewpoint of God.  

I am writing today to let you know that there is much, much, much more than this. Today, can be the day that God opens our blinded eyes to see HIM as the Giver of life, love, blessings, peace, joy, and freedom in HIM. God wants each one of us to experience HIM personally for ourselves. God gave HIS Son Jesus to GIVE HIMSELF to you and me. (John 3:16) [To be continued]

Prayer: Holy Spirit, show me how I see Jesus. Today, I choose to see Jesus as the Giver of my life. Help me to stop trying to be a good Christian and just accept the fact that I am a child of God.

Question: How do you see Jesus?
Is HE a taker or giver?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately 

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

As I thought about 9/11 yesterday and reflected back on my own experience that surreal day. I am still in AWE. I had forgotten about the feelings, shock, death, panic, etc. The pictures yesterday brought it ALL back to me. I had been in the Air Force for 14 years when it happened. I was stationed at the Pentagon and was inside on that frightful day. I worked in the basement level of the Pentagon. We had heard about the Twin Towers being attacked. As we watched the video, it was like watching a movie: "Independence Day" or "Terminator". We KNOW they are not real. This video did not seem real to us as we gathered around the computer screen. We started discussing how the Pentagon would probably be the next likely target for terrorists to attack. Little did we know, that the plan was already in motion. 

We did not know anything had happened. There was someone running through the halls screaming the Pentagon had been hit with a bomb. I know there are conflicting stories as to what actually hit the building. All I know is the building I worked every day had missing offices and floors because if this incident. People were EVERYWHERE trying to escape the smoke and debris. Cell towers were down so we could not contact family members and they could not contact us. All anyone could do was watch whether on TV or at the actual sites. It was a VERY chaotic time frame, even until a VERY LONG time afterwards. 

My Pastor at the time worked in the Pentagon as well. We worked on opposite sides of the building. But, somehow we ended up about 2 feet away from each other. This was orchestrated by GOD. I was trying to call my Momma who watched CNN religiously back then. I was also looking around for my Pastor. She was doing the same calling her husband and looking for me. I heard her voice and turned around and it was her sitting on the ground. We hugged each other for a long while. We stood there with everyone else in disbelief that our building was on fire in front of our face. 

Everyone was told we could only use the Metro (equivalent of subway) to go into Virginia. We could not get to our cars. So, we went into Virginia to her husband's job. That was a struggle trying to get to and then find space on the trains. When we finally made it to his job it was continuous nonstop CNN. We were bombarded with the pictures of the attacks from that day over and over again. We watched it over and over again and then over and over again. 

We finally started home that evening and they dropped me off at my car which was at the Metro station in Maryland. I thanked them and got into my car. I just sat there with my head on the steering wheel. I could not start the car. I looked up and asked God "How am I still alive when soooooooo many are dead in the building I work in everyday". I heard "The Mighty Hand of God". I just broke down and cried, for the first time I showed some emotion. I later found out I was in shock but did not know it at the time. My body and mind went on autopilot. I drove home and sat on the couch watching it over and over again still not really believing it. 

I got out of the military the very next year. I could not do another year in the military or that building. I watched the building I worked in become a tomb. There were escalators, elevators, offices, hallways, etc. rebuilt but it was never the same for me. Later, that year I had to start deciding if I was going to reenlist. I was praying and asking God what should I do? I believed HE told me to get out. Although, nobody else believed it but I did. I had so much peace about the decision. I did not see it as me throwing away 15 years, which is what everyone kept telling me. I saw it as me trusting God for the next part of my journey. 

The next part of my journey was to become a teacher. I have taught students from preschool to the college level. Through the process, I truly don't know if they taught me more or if I taught them more. I was blessed to teach at each level. God has touched many students and parents through my obedience to HIM. I trusted HIM and HE did and has not let me down. If you choose to trust HIM, HE won't let you down either.

As I look back now, I see how God used that frightful and painful day for me and soooooo many countless others to propel me into the destiny HE had setup/planned for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) There were students that I have touched that only God could have orchestrated. Many times out of our deepest setbacks and pain God can, will, and is using it to set us up for the next phase of our journey with and for HIM. God is NOT moved by our right or wrong choices. HE just uses them to propel each of us to HIS intended outcome. But, we have to choose. 

A new part of this journey has been added. Women of Valour, God is using this ministry to touch people's lives. It is truly NOT about me. It is about bringing darkness to the light. God is using my own life experiences good, bad, and the ugly as a testimony and testament to HIS goodness, grace, mercy, love, peace, etc. to each one of us. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, show me God's Will in the midst of my setback and pain. Since, You did it for Andrea I choose to believe You can do it for me too.

What is your setback or pain that God wants to use 
to place you in another part of your journey with HIM? 
Will you let HIM do it?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Monday, September 7, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

In my last blog, I shared my current victorious viewpoint of God. Many of you did and can identify with what I said. Now, let me share where God, My Father, found me. What was my previous defeated viewpoint of God? Again, many of you will and can identify with what I share today. In my previous introduction, I stated "God is love and peace". I did not know what either of these were except in words only. They were NOT my viewpoint of God at all. These words were always meant for the “elite” Christians. I said the words but I did not REALLY believe them where I was concerned. As a Christian, my viewpoint of God was messed up to say the least. But trust me God, Our Father, wants to take away the poisonous (weed) thought processes each of us may have about HIM. He wants us to see HIM as the antidote (seed) for each and every poisonous thought we may have. 

You will read a "BUT GOD" after each section except the last one. Please refer back to “Positive Viewpoint of God” post. The previous post shows the miracles God did in each area of my life from a freedom view. This post shows my prison cell view. God wants to help us switch from a negative view to a positive view of HIM.

God was NOT Love. He could not really love me because of ALL my sins. I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that God did NOT loves me. How did I know this? When I thought of God I saw only the "Disciplinarian". I had been introduced to the God of Law instead of the God of Grace and Love. I believed I was going to hell for everything. At my lowest points, I felt like HIS Word was wounding and cutting me and HE was using Christians to wound and cut me even further. His love was conditional and HE had favorites that HE loved. I did not make the list. BUT GOD…

God was NOT My Forgiver. He had not forgiven me for ALL of my repeated sins. How did I know this? I knew He hated sin, therefore, HE hated me. God did not even hear my prayers much less answer them. I was the worst kind of Christian. I was a hypocritical and judgmental one. I was so burdened down with my sins it felt like I was carrying around another person on my back ALL the time. I believed this was how I was supposed to live as a Christian. BUT GOD…

God was NOT My Deliverer. He did NOT set me free. How did I know this? I was like the children of Israel who were wondering around the wilderness for many years without entering the Promised Land. I was walking around in circles trying to act like a “good Christian”. But there was no victory in my life. I just kept doing the same sins over and over again. I was sitting in prison cells in my on mind with no hope. I could not even spell freedom much less experience it. BUT GOD…

God was NOT My Peace. I lived in continual chaos. How did I know this? I was hearing many voices in my mind ALL the time. It sounded like a radio station with multiple channels: not worthy, ugly, suicidal, unlovable, inadequate, lonely, keep the secrets, etc. These voices were always speaking to me. My voice and the voice of the enemy were all I heard. I did not know to ask God to stop the voices because they were just a part of me. BUT GOD...

God was NOT My Father. HE did not provide for me. How did I know this? HE was father in name only. In my mind, God was a “dead beat Dad”. He was not taking care of me. I was taking care of myself. I earned the money and paid all of my bills. I had a “Me” mentality. The church leaders represented thieves to me because of my cult like church background. I was taking care of Andrea for the most part. I would give a prayer and a praise sometimes but it was due to the masks I was wearing. BUT GOD…  

God is NOT My Protector. HE did not protect me. How did I know this? When the man came into my room, where was God? When I felt lonely and needed the company of a man to make me feel like I was valuable, where was God? When I got pregnant and wanted an abortion because the child was not real to me, where was God? HE was off taking care of the “elite” Christians. I was not on the list. BUT GOD…

BUT GOD was My Healer because He had healed my body. How did I know this? Even in my warped state of mind, I could always say and believe: “By Your (Jesus) stripes I am healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) God would always heal me no matter what I had done. HE even healed my sick mind. He wants to heal yours too in the areas where you think negatively about HIM. I challenge you to let HIM.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, show me the negative points I have about God, My Father. I choose today to believe God is ALL of these and more to me. Lord, Heal my sick mind.

What is your negative viewpoint of God and 
How would you like HIM to change it?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I was having a conversation with a dear sister in Christ and this thought process came up: What is my viewpoint now of God? I gave her my answers like God is love and peace. These are words that come to the mind very quickly but I thought about it more in depth. I thought about the "how" I can believe what I believe? Also, where and how my viewpoint has and was developed.  You may be able to identify with some, all, or none. But trust me God, Our Father, wants to reveal HIMSELF to each of us in these ways and more. 

God is Love to me because I know beyond a shadow of doubt that HE loves me. How do I know this? When I was at my lowest points God, My Father would give me HIS Word or send someone across my path to speak life to me. When I thought I was unlovable HE loved me anyway. HIS love was and is unconditional.

God is My Forgiver because HE has forgiven ALL of my past sins. How do I know this? When I was burdened down with sin and had no one to turn to HE took my load and lifted me up. He showed me what it was like to walk without ALL of my baggage. He showed me that I could actually walk with HIM and enjoy being a Christian.

God is My Deliverer because He set me free. How do I know this? When I was sitting in my many prison cells within my own mind. He showed me that the HIS Son, Jesus Christ had already opened any and every prison cell I could possibly think and speak my way into. He opened my prison cell and walked me out of the prison into HIS FREEDOM.

God is My Peace because HE gave me HIS peace. How do I know this? When I was hearing many voices in my mind. He gave me peace of mind. He turned ALL the voices off so that I could hear HIS voice and mine. He has and is training me to distinguish between HIS voice and the enemy. HE gave me peace to replace the chaos.

God is My Father because HE provided for me. How do I know this? When I had more bills than money. He helped my cars last longer than they should have. He kept a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and shoes on my feet. My Father ALWAYS provided EVERYTHING I needed. 

God is My Protector because HE protected me. How do I know this? When I was having sex outside of marriage, He kept me from having a child without being married first. HE kept me from getting a disease while I was out doing my dirt.

God is My Healer because He has healed my body. How do I know this? When I had surgery twice in my life HE brought healing to my body. When I was in car accidents he healed the aches and pains I experienced. He has healed my body more times than I can count in major and minor ways. HE is healing my Mother from her surgery in major ways. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, show me my viewpoint of God as my Father!!!

What is your viewpoint of God?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

        Seeds or words are the start of everything. Our words are used to show us where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. What we plant in seeds/words is what will grow. If we plant positive words then positive words will grow. If we plant negative words then negative words will grow. This is a VERY simple concept but in reality, it was VERY hard for me to understand. I had to ask: Why? It was because of ALL the poison that was in my mindset and thought processes. The poison came from ALL the negative weeds I had planted and allowed others to plant inside me.

How were they planted? They were planted when I thought and spoke negatively about myself. They were planted when others spoke negatively about me. They were even planted when “I thought or felt” others had negative thoughts about me based on their body language or facial expressions. I was in a mental prison created by the devil and me. The beautiful part for the enemy was the fact that I did not know I was in a prison. The prison was created mostly by my own words and thoughts.

My words were very negative. I did not understand that even the negative words that I did not speak outwardly were poisoning my system as well. The weeds I was speaking were growing and taken control in my garden. I was speaking poison or death to myself. You may be identifying with some things I am saying. If you are, I want you to know and understand that there is an answer or antidote for each one of us. HIS name is Jesus Christ!!!

TESTIMONY: My answers were in God’s Word. The POWER of life and death are in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) God had to make this verse of HIS Word real to me because I did not believe it. When I looked at my life it was NOT what I desired it to be. I kept saying and doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results. My way had NOT worked at all. So, I had to decide to say and do something different. As you are reading, through this blog, it is my prayer that you will try something different as well.

The Holy Spirit led me to my antidotes and answers. They were verses I knew and some others were new to me. I had to learn and speak a new language. I had to keep speaking the verses over and over and over again. My mindset and thought process were sooooooo warped and the poison was running rampant. I had to fight to even try to believe God’s TRUTH about me. You will have to do the same no matter what issues you are facing. Here are some antidotes I had and still have to apply:

Poison (Weeds)
Antidote (Seeds)
Nobody loves me
My God (Daddy) loves me 
(John 3:16)
I am ugly
I am God’s (Daddy's) masterpiece
(Ephesians 2:10)
I do not belong
I belong to Jesus Christ (Savior)
 (Ephesians 1:6)
I am alone and lonely
My God (Daddy) is ALWAYS with me (Psalm 139:7 - 8)
No one really cares about me
My God (Daddy) cares about me 
(I Peter 5:7)
There is no hope for me
Christ, (Lord) You are my hope 
(Colossians 1:27)
God has abandoned me
My God (Daddy) will never abandon me
(Hebrews 13:8)
I am inadequate (still working on)
I can do everything through Christ (Lord)
(Philippians 4:13)

          The enemy's game has not changed. He wants us to continue to CHOOSE to believe lies instead of God's truth. When you begin to speak the antidote you are choosing to agree and accept who God has created you to be. You are speaking life to yourself instead of accepting death. By coming into agreement with God you have given HIM permission and access to move on your behalf in the situations and circumstances within you and surrounding you. The Holy Spirit will partner with you so you can start living instead of existing in every area of your life. REMEMBER: There is FREEDOM for you in Christ because God's plan for you has NEVER changed!!               (Jeremiah 29:11)!!

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I choose to believe the antidote which is God’s Word instead of the poison I have accepted as my truth. Help me speak and believe God’s Truth about me!

What poison have you believed as the truth and/or
what antidote have you chosen to apply in your life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at