Sunday, November 29, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Thanksgiving, the holiday, is over. My question is: Are you still thankful? There are other questions I can ask as well like: Did you enjoy the day? Was it a blessing or more like a curse for you? Did you gain more weight to add to what you already feel like you need to lose? Did your family love on each other or fight? Do you just go right into Christmas preparation and all of the frustrations that comes with trying to find the right gift? No matter what your answer is to any of these questions. We need to still be thankful not just on a particular day but EVERY DAY!!!!  

I Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; 
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

The message at church today was: "Lord, I thank you". As I sat there listening to the message, I got inspired and started to form this poem in my mind. I thought about the things I am still thankful for.

 Lord, I thank You...
By Andrea Monroe

Lord, I thank you for the breath in my body.
Lord, I thank you for keeping me in my right mind.
Lord, I thank you for eyes to see.
Lord,I thank you for ears to hear.
Lord, I thank you for a mouth to speak.

Lord, I thank you for my home you have provided.
Lord, I thank you for the car that I drive.
Lord, I thank you for the job you have provided.
Lord, I thank you for food in the refrigerator.
Lord , I thank you for clothes on my back and shoes on my feet.

Lord, I thank you for my loving and supportive husband who you gave me.
Lord, I thank you for my amazingly dysfunctional family.
Lord, I thank you for my wonderful friends who push and pull me to do my best.
Lord, I thank you for my coworkers who work together as a team.
Lord, I thank you for my enemies who keep me on my toes.

Lord, I thank you for loving me more than I will ever know.
Lord, I thank you for your mercy which are new every day.
Lord, I thank you for your grace which I do not deserve.
Lord, I thank you for your healing touch when I am sick.
Lord, I thank you for forgiveness of my sins and me forgiving others.

Lord, I thank you for saving my lost soul.
Lord, I thank you for cleaning me up from the inside out.
Lord, I thank you for giving me a new song to sing.
Lord, I thank you for giving me a new heart.
Lord, I thank you for loving on others through me.

Lord, I thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, who saved me.
Lord, I thank you for the Holy Spirit who teaches me.
Lord, I thank you for being my Father who provides, protects, and loves me
Lord, I thank you for never giving up on me.
Lord, I thank you for always being there for me.

We have been given a gift of love from our Father. Will you receive the gift which is being offered this day to you? If you have not accepted HIS FREE GIFT, you can pray today. Lord, I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. I speak with my mouth that Jesus is LORD according to Romans 10: 9 -10. If you prayed this simple prayer you NOW have Someone who has come into your heart to show you everything you have to be thankful for. 
Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see the blessings you have given me. Teach me to be thankful for each one of them. Teach me how to speak life and not death in my own life. Show me that YOU REALLY are speaking to me in areas in my life. Give me the boldness to be obedient to act on YOUR directions.

Are you still thankful?
What are some things you are still thankful for?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I am thankful today for Jesus saving, loving, protecting, and caring for me continually. It is almost Thanksgiving  Day according to the time and calendar. But this post can be used throughout the year as a reminder. I say "we" because I need a reminder as well. We can get discouraged and\or hardhearted when we have been fighting a battle for a long time without an end in sight. But I am here to tell you that there is LIGHT IN THE TUNNEL not just at the end. God loves you and is in the midst of the battle with you. Read Psalm 103 (NLT)  it gives us a GREAT picture of God's love for us and reasons why we should be thankful today.

If you can take just a moment of your time and choose to refocus. I KNOW you have a list of things to be thankful for just like me. Here is my list:

1)  Life - The Lord woke me up this morning to see a brand new day. 

2) Husband - God gave me an AMAZING man that loves me and pulls the best out of me.

3) Family - God placed me in a family that showed me how to love, pray, and survive in the world around me. 

4) Friends - God placed friends in my life who support the good things and correct me when I am wrong.

5) Job - God provided my job where I am at peace although I am being stretched right now.

6) Home - God provided a place of sanctuary, peace, and protection from the elements for me.

7) Clothes - God provided  me with clothes on my back and shoes on my feet.

8) Car - God provided the car that I drive each day.

9) Food - God provided the food that I eat at each meal daily.

10) Health - God has kept my body and mind healthy in my body and mind healthy.

NOTE: I was looking for a thankful song to go along with this post. I had not heard this particular Mary Mary song. But I listened to it over and over again. I pray it puts you in a thankful mode as well. Enjoy!!!

Link to Video:

We have to choose to be thankful for ALL the blessings we have received today and every dayDuring the holidays, I know you may get or become depressed. You may believe your reason is a great one BUT there is another perspective to choose. Choose to look around you at ALL that you have instead of looking and living internal to yourself. 

TESTIMONY: Believe me when I say that Thanksgiving through Christmas were my least favorite times of year. Everybody was soooooo happy. At least that is the way it seemed to me and  I was dying on the inside. There was nobody to listen to me. But then when I get real with myself, I never told anyone how I was feeling or what I was thinking. I put on many masks and kept EVERY painful memory and thought process buried deep inside of me. This was NOT healthy for me and it is NOT healthy for you. 

You might say, this is just a list of the basics. There are sooooo many people without the basics. There are also soooooo many people with the basics and cannot or do not recognize them. But without the basic things on this list I would be homeless, naked, an orphan, lonely, sick, and most importantly dead. I need my LIFE and so do you. There are people around you that need you to be here and present this holiday season and the entire year. You can choose to look for resources to help you through what ever you are going through. If you have a phone with internet you have resources available at your fingertip. GET HELP!!! Don't do it alone because this is where the enemy gets his victory. The Lord gets HIS victory when you expose the lies you have believed to HIS truth and believe what HE is saying about you. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see the blessings you have given me in the basics of my life. Teach me to be thankful for each one of them. Teach me how to speak life and not death in my own life. Show me that YOU REALLY are speaking to me in areas in my life. Give me the boldness to be obedient to act on YOUR directions.

Are you thankful for the basics in your life today?
What are some things you are thankful for today?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

We last talked about Jesus temptation in the wilderness Matthew 4: 1 -11. You may feel like you are being tempted or in a wilderness as well. The devil, our enemy, attacks when we are weak. He comes against our belief in God. He comes against who we are as children of God (our identity). Our enemy wants to plant doubt that our God cannot or will not deliver us. He wants us to believe there is no hope. We have to choose to speak life in the midst of the valley experience we are going through, just like Jesus did. He spoke only the Word of God. These verses present us with a play-by-play of how we are to fight. It is VERY easy to speak what we see around us or feel inside of us. But it is a choice to speak life and believe what the Words of God are saying. Especially, when other voices are speaking about our situation.

We are still talking about voices. Remember there are 4 voices:
1) Satan's voice: Speaks lies and twists the truth ALL the time

2) God's voice: Speaks truth at ALL times

3) Our voice: Can speak both truth and lies. It depends on which one of the above two you spend the majority of your time with. 

4) Other people's voice: Can speak both truth and lies. It depends on which one of the above two they spend the majority of their time with. 

God communicates with us individually. He will use people to communicate with us. He manifests Himself to us through the Holy Spirit. The enemy speaks to us individually and through others as well. This is why we must ask for help to distinguish who is speaking. 
Everyone seems to be going into something, through something, or out of something. What someone else has experienced does NOT necessarily have to be your experience even if is the exact same thing or similar. Many times your situation is different and no one can seem to give you the right answer. Our Father ALWAYS wants us to come to HIM first for our answers. But HE understands that many times we will try and deal with it on our own or go to another person before coming to HIM. God is usually our last resort when HE should ALWAYS be our first place of help. Whose voice are you listening to? If you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you can ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and HE will.

Let me give a build up for my TESTIMONY. I am NOT an advocate for divorce and neither is God. I truly believe that My Father, God, could have restored my marriage. But I KNEW I was disobedient to HIM so I, Andrea, just wanted out of the BIGGEST mistake I had ever made. I am NOT by any means taking divorce lightly. I am sharing my experience. Your experience may be very different.

TESTIMONY: I am remarried now so this means I have been divorced. I was in a marriage of my choosing not God's. I was dying each and every day and I kept my pain hidden except from God, the devil, and me. All three of us had a voice. It was NEVER God's will for me to get married the first time. During the course of my separation and final divorce decree. I heard MANY, MANY voices speaking to me about how HARD it was going to be, how God does not like divorce, and it is like a ripping in the spirit. This was their experience or someone close to them. BUT it was NOT my experience. The funny part is I kept trying to brace myself for the pain, sadness, or something to hit me and it NEVER did. When we went to court it was like a traffic ticket for me. 

As I was typing that last sentence, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my root canal. I had a root canal about a year ago. My mouth was in some serious pain. I was completely miserable. If you have had one you can relate. When I went to the doctor, I was bracing myself to feel severe pain and the doctor said "you will feel no pain because the root is dead. We just have to remove the dead root and refill it." It was the best dentist experience I ever had past and present. In the context of my marriage, there was much pain during the duration. But the divorce had to be done to relieve the pain. My marriage was dead before I even walked down the aisle and the scary part is; I knew it but walked any way because of the voices of people and the devil.  

What are the dead things in your life that God is speaking to you about? What are the things that you should be taking to HIM about instead of your friends? Who is your counsel coming from? We have to remember that EVERYONE does not have our best interest at heart. Everybody has a voice and they are speaking to us: TV, news, social media, friends, family, God, and the enemy. Whose voice are you going to listen to?  

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my spiritual ears to hear what You are saying to me. Teach me to distinguish between the voices I hear. Teach me how to speak life and not death in my own life. Show me that YOU REALLY are speaking to me in areas in my life. Give me the boldness to be obedient to act on YOUR directions.

Are you listening to the small still voice of God or everyone else?
What are the things you need to let go and what are the things you need to hang onto for dear life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I was sharing with a friend of mine this week about the AMAZING way God has been blessing me this week. In the process of sharing with her I made a statement: "There are 3 voices that talk to me. They are my voice, the voice of God, and the voice of the devil. I have to choose which one I am going to listen to." When I woke up that thought process about voices was my first thought. I had to add another voice which is "the voice of other people". As I thought about this and began to write I needed to be reminded: "Whose voice am I listening to in the areas of my own life?"

In my life journey, I have been more familiar with the voice of the enemy than the voice of God. You may have the same testimony. The Holy Spirit has changed my hearing so I can now recognize the voice of my Father and the voice of the devil. I am not 100% but I can distinguish between the two more now than before. If you are a child of God, then you have an enemy that is trying to take you out.

As I was studying, I came across Jesus temptation with the enemy. It is a perfect picture of God's voice and Devil's voice. In these verses, I see Jesus as an example of us. Read Matthew 4:1 - 11 (NLT) to get full context.

Satan's voice: Speaks lies and twists the truth ALL the time
Example: Matthew 4:3 (NLT)
During that time the devil came and said to Him (Jesus), If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread. 

God's voice: Speaks truth at ALL times.
Example: Matthew 4:4 (NLT)
But Jesus told him (the devil), "No! the Scriptures say, People don't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Our voice: Can speak both truth and lies. It depends on which one of the above two you spend the majority of your time with. Our voices can mimic the voice of God and the voice of the devil. Jesus spoke what HE knew and believed. HIS voice was in agreement with the voice of God. Our voices SHOULD mimic the voice of God as well. I must admit sometimes my voice can mimic the voice of the enemy instead of God.

In the verses, Jesus shows us how to fight the enemy. It is not for us to tell the enemy what we think or how we feel. Jesus understood that the enemy can only be defeated with faith and the Word of God. As women we can be VERY emotional and also VERY analytical in situations we face. I am the same way in both areas. But when we are going through something we have a choice to make. Will you choose to listen to the voice of God through HIS Words? Or will you choose to listen to the voice of the enemy by listening to ourselves, other people, or the enemy?

God had to show me that many times God works through other people to answer questions, concerns or prayers. God had to further reveal to me that my enemy works through people as well. This includes family, friends, children, seniors, etc. It brought me comfort when I read Matthew 16: 21 -23

Other people's voice: Can speak both truth and lies. It depends on which one of the above two they spend the majority of your time with. Their voices can mimic the voice of God and the voice of the devil. You have to be able to tell the difference. Just because it is what you want to hear is not always the right answer.
Example: Matthew 16:22 (NLT)
But Peter took Jesus aside and began to reprimand Him (Jesus) for saying such things. "Heaven forbid, Lord," he (Peter) said. "This will never happen to you!"

You may already understand this concept and that is GREAT!!! But there may be someone who believes the negative voice/thoughts they hear are just theirs. You may not  understand the voices/thoughts you hear may be from another source.  Whichever category you find yourself, it is my prayer that something you have read today blessed you and brings you into a closer fellowship and walk with God.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my spiritual ears to hear what You are saying to me. Teach me to distinguish between the voices I hear. Teach me how to speak life and not death in my own life. Show me that YOU REALLY are speaking to me in areas in my life. Give me the boldness to be obedient to act on YOUR directions.

Whose voice are you listening to and following ?
Does the voice you are listening to 
bring chaos or peace? Why?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Where are you safe? Are you safe at home? Are you safe at the movies? Are you safe on your job? Are you safe at church? Are you safe in your car? Are you safe at a concert? Are you safe at a restaurant? Are you safe at a sports event? If you watch the news, you know and understand that none of these places are SAFE. So, if these places are NOT safe according to our own or someone else's experiences...what do we do? Personally, I run to MY ROCK!!! I am a Child of God and proudly declare this fact. But I am not one who wants to stick my head in the sand and hope the bad things in the world would just go away.

TESTIMONY: As I watched the news last night and this morning it reminded me of 9/11 of the continuous footage being played and replayed over and over again. God reminded me that just as HIS MIGHTY HAND protected me when I was in the Pentagon. HIS MIGHTY HAND and Presence is the ONLY thing that can protect us today. It may seem like the enemy is allowed to run rampart these days BUT GOD is still in CONTROL. I went straight for God's Words and found two weapons that reminded me I do not have to fear.

Psalms 18:2 (NLT)
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock,
in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.

Proverbs 18:10 (NLT) 
The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
the godly run to HIM and are safe.

I see the military presence has increased in many places. Has there been an increase of prayer warriors on the wall as well? The ONLY safe place is found in the LORD!!! Bad things happen to good people ALL the time. Bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people. But at the end of the day. You CANNOT protect "you" no matter how hard you try. The ONLY protection you and I have is found in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!

It is my prayer that God is using these events to turn the hearts of people to HIM or back to HIM. I used to say and hear all the time "ALL we can do is pray." I saw prayer as a last resort plan maybe you have to. But my husband so eloquently explained to me one day that: "Prayer is EVERYTHING we can do." A prime example of this was played out in the  movie "WAR ROOM." Prayer changes things!!! It always has and always will.

Link to Video:
Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see what is really going on spiritually. Teach me how to pray strategically. Show me that YOU REALLY are my protection and I am safe in YOU.

Do you feel safe where you are?
Where does your belief of safety come from?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Monday, November 9, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Have your parents ever made you a promise? Have you ever made your child a promise? Did they keep their promise to you? Did you keep your promise to your child? God is our Ultimate Parent. HE ALWAYS keeps HIS promises to us. 

TESTIMONY: I was teaching vocabulary words to my class last week. They were learning what the word "promise" means. I asked them: Have your parents made you a promise that they kept? All of their answers were "yes" along with the specific promise their parents kept. As the children were sharing, a thought hit me that "God has made me a promise that HE is coming back for me". As I was thinking of the promises and looking up the exact address in God's Word. I found a "God's Promises Bible" App. Of course, I downloaded it and God's Promise for today is Proverbs 3:9-10. (Please check out the app.)

This past weekend, I continually pondered the thought and the promises God has made me through HIS Words. Here are 5 promises that I have specifically thought about this weekend.

1) God promised HE loves me. (Jeremiah 31:3, Deuteronomy 7:7-8, John 3:16)

2) God promised HE would give me eternal life. (John 3:16, John 17:3, I John 2:25)

3) God promised HE would give me freedom. (Isaiah 61:1, John 8:32-36, Luke 4:18-19)
4) God promised HE would provide for me. (Psalm 23:1, Proverbs 3:9-10, Psalm 34:8-10) 

5) God promised HE would give me peace. (Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7) 

I kept hearing this song this weekend. It blessed me so I am sharing it with you.

 Link to the Video:

This song demonstrates the promises of God to each one of us. It was God's Master Plan to die for each of us in order to save us, clean us up, and set us free. God has done HIS part on the Cross through Jesus Christ. Today will you allow God to continue to clean you up so that you can be set free in EVERY area of your life. God KNOWS you are worth it and so do I. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see your promises to me. Make them REAL to me. Help me to experience your promises in my own life.

Will you choose to believe God's promises 
about you?
What promises of God do you need to believe 
and  speak into your own life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

How many times have you tried to use someone else's connection to God? How many times have you just given up because your "battery was too low spiritually"? How many times have you thought God just does NOT care? HE does but sometimes HE wants each one of us to come straight to HIM. Our answers are locked in God and HIS Words. Only HE can unlock them for you. But you have a part to play in getting the answers. You have to seek HIM. (Matthew 6:33) HE has the right answers you seek for the problems and issues you face. 

Let me give you the backdrop of my last post, Who is Your Power Source? I went out of town without the power source for my laptop because I was rushing. I needed to access my laptop but it was dead. I had others trying to come up with a solution. But, what I needed was locked inside of my laptop. It was not in the cloud. I had not emailed myself a copy. It was not on my Google drive. I just could not get access to the information needed. Why? My power source was missing so I could not access the power needed. Are you going to others to find the solution to your power source issue? God has given each of us access to HIMSELF. HE is our Creator and HIS desire is to become our one true Power Source. But it is a choice ONLY you can make. It cannot not be made by your mother, father, sister, brother, pastor, BFF, etc.  

TESTIMONY: You may say, I have prayed and read God's Words and nothing happened. Or you have tried to change but nothing happened. I know what it feels like to speak the words of life but still live like you are defeated, ashamed, depressed, condemned, unforgiven, unloved, etc. I was reading the Bible but it did not speak life to me. It did not speak life because of my hard heart and my messed up belief system. (Read my "Negative Viewpoint of God" post) When I tried to plug into the Power Source it was a chore like washing the car or taking an exercise class that I absolutely dreaded. I kept trying to change the behavior instead of allowing God's Words to transform my thinking and belief system about God, me, and the world around me. I chose to take one step at a time and one verse at a time. The Holy Spirit took 100 steps, I believe. HE showed me who I am in Christ not just a mirror reflection. I chose to start believing and day by day my thoughts started to change. (Read my "Positive View Point of God" post) 

Our minds have been programmed by our 5 senses, especially, what we see, hear, and feel which are processed by our minds. We grow up and we believe one way even if it is a lie. As we learn more and more about ourselves and the world around us our belief systems may change or become even more ingrained with us. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we start to read God's Words and promises to us. At this point, some beliefs may need to be changed while others become more ingrained.  

This is how the Holy Spirit explained it to me. My programming needed to changed. The lies/code we have believed have to be rewritten to believe the truth. This is where we have to apply Romans 12:2 like a medicine, allowing God's Word to change the way we think. If the way you are thinking and believing is working for you then please continue. BUT if it not working out for you, please do something different to get different results. Many times we do not even question our thoughts or feelings. It is just the way things are but start today to question the negative thoughts you have about yourself. Also question, where they came from? I was told to believe the truth but not to combat the lies I had already believed. In this battle, YOU have to fight for YOU along with the Holy Spirit. Jesus has already won the war!!!

Please bookmark the website below and study often with your actual Bible or mobile device. Here's some truth from God's Words about you:

Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see my true power source and know and UNDERSTAND that God and HIS Words to me are real. Help me to experience Romans 12:1 - 2 in my own life.

Do you have your own personal connection  
to the right power source?
Does your power source lead to freedom or prison? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Monday, November 2, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I received an error message when I turned on my laptop this morning. The message was "battery too low". Then it gave me a choice to continue or go to my tools. The thought and action immediately followed that I needed to plug my laptop into a power source. It was an involuntary action. I did it without thinking because it is a habit when I see that message. The Holy Spirit hit me with a thought: "Who is my power source when my battery gets low." I did not have to think long. My immediate response was God. Then there was a followup question: Why don't you plug into HIM when your battery is getting low?

As I pondered the two questions more I had to repent. I have allowed other things to distract me from my power source. The amazing growth part for me is I used to go days, weeks, or months beating myself down because I had not been connecting to the power source. You may have done or be doing the same thing. We do not have to beat ourselves up or even feel down or ashamed. We must  remember that "Jesus cares for you" my last blog post. Cast those negative thoughts on God because HE cares for you. (I Peter 5:7)

I ran back to my Power Source which is God and HIS Words. Immediately, I began to try and find Scriptures and think of examples of people in God's Word who were connected to the power source. There were two people who came to mind: Jesus and David. In John 5:19, "Jesus said He could do nothing by Himself, He does only what HE sees the Father doing." In First Samuel 30:6, David was about to be stoned by his men because their sons and daughters were taken captive. "But David found strength in the LORD His God." Jesus and David were plugged into their power source.

Of course, Jesus did no wrong but David messed up a great deal. I want to be more like Jesus but in reality I am more like David. But the same power source they had is the same power source we have today. No matter how low our battery has gotten we can still plug into God. So the question becomes "how do I plug into God". A picture is worth a thousand words.

The main way to plug into the power source which is God is to get into HIS Word. In God's Words you will find life, freedom, love, peace, forgiveness, joy, etc. I am a speaking, talking, walking in freedom example of what God's Words can and will do for you to change your life. I am not speaking from someone else's experiences but my very own. 

My mind had to be renewed and so does yours according to Romans 12:1-2. The Holy Spirit wants you to understand who and where your power source begins. It is NOT your best friend. It is NOT your spouse. It is NOT your mother/father. It is NOT your job. It is NOT anything our finite minds can comprehend. As a matter of fact, "it" is a "PERSON" HIS Name is God our Father. As you get to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND the God who created you. HE will lead you into your FREEDOM in Christ through HIS Spirit within you. He will open the prison doors in your life. He will lead you out of the darkness you may have been in for days, weeks, months, or even years. You may say I have been waiting on that. The beautiful part is God has been waiting on YOU to plug into HIM as your Power Source. It is a choice ONLY you can make. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me plug into the correct power source and know and UNDERSTAND that God and HIS Words to me are real. Make Romans 12:1 - 2 real in my life.

What power source are you plugged into?
Is it leading and guiding you to freedom or prison? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at