Thursday, December 24, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I just want to take a moment to let you know that the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus the Christ! (Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16) HIS birth brought us freedom! HIS birth brought us love, acceptance, significance, and forgiveness!

JESUS is the reason for the season! Jesus was sent because Your Father and mine loves each one of us! Jesus came because HE wanted us to know that we are accepted! Jesus came because we are significant!  Jesus came to show us we are forgiven! This holiday season is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and giving to others who are less fortunate. It is also about families getting together and loving on one another.

As I thought about the reason for this season, the words to the song:"Mary Did You Know" came to my mind. I tried to put myself in Mary's place as Jesus was born and grew into a man. Can you imagine giving birth to the Son of God? Watching Him grow from a baby, to a toddler, to a teenager, and to an adult. Then watching Him give HIS life for the world. This song is POWERFUL and always puts me in a VERY thankful mood. No matter what is going on in your life I pray it does the same for you. 


Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see what Jesus' birth did for me. Help me to KNOW and understand that I am loved, accepted, significant, and forgiven by my Father, God today. I am choosing to believe these as my truth. Thank you in advance for showing me who I really am.

Do you REALLY understand the
reason for the season? 
What do you need to ask God to show
you to make it real to you?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

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