Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
You are loved! You are accepted! You are significant! Do you believe these 3 statements about yourself? It is a choice to believe or not to believe it about you. Only you can make the choice. If you do not believe it then you are believing a lie about yourself. I can say this because for many, many, many years I did not believe it about myself. This applies to the believers and the unbelievers. Jesus gave HIS life for ALL of us to walk in these 3 freedoms. But it is a choice you have to make.
You are LOVED! (Jeremiah 31:3) As human beings, we desire love. As women, we seek out love and many times in all the wrong places. Your Father wants you to believe that HE LOVES YOU!!!
God had to first get me to believe that I am loved by HIM. HE had to build my trust in HIM as my Father. I had a couple of issues with God as my Father because I viewed Him through tainted lenses, my viewpoint. I did not know my biological father so God placed a step father in my life who loved me unconditionally. But I was sooooo damaged on the inside that I could not fully receive the gift of love he was offering me. I know God sent him to show me an example. God uses people to show us HIS love for us many times. Are there people in your life that wants to love on you? But you won't allow them because of the damage that has been done to you mentally or physically.
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
You are ACCEPTED! (Ephesians 1:5 - 6) The word "accepted" means to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor. Your Father, God, has accepted you with approval and favor. His acceptance is NOT based on what you did yesterday, today, or not even this minute. He accepts you and I because we are HIS children.
I kept getting this concept mixed up because I believed and felt like I had to earn HIS acceptance. But the truth is I just had to receive it as a gift from HIM hands to my mind and heart. I was confused that my sins were me and I were my sins. Our Father can and does separate the sin from HIS child. HE loves and accepts you but does not approve of the sin you commit. Let me break it down like this: A normal child disobeys a rule. The parent will talk to and/or discipline the child. The parent still loves and accepts the child even though the parent does not like or accept the behavior. God does the exact same thing with each one of us.
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
You are SIGNIFICANT! (Genesis 1:26) The word "significance" means important and of consequence. You are significant and important to your Father, God. First HE created you and then HE chooses to wake you up everyday with a fresh and new start. HE woke you up this morning. This means you are significant. You may question "why" because of the crazy and messed up things that may be going on in or around you. But the truth is no one can be you but you. No one can walk your path but you.
I know because I used to question "why" ALL the time. I would lay in bed not wanting to get up because what purpose would I serve within any given day. But My Father and yours showed me that I am a benefit added to this great big world. HE is the ONE that would and still do wake me up every morning. But now instead of asking "why" I say "I am looking forward to seeing what you are going to do today"!
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you for showing me that I am loved, accepted, and significant right now to my Father, God. I am choosing to believe this as my truth instead of the lies. Thank you in advance for changing my thought processes about me and You.
You are LOVED! (Jeremiah 31:3) As human beings, we desire love. As women, we seek out love and many times in all the wrong places. Your Father wants you to believe that HE LOVES YOU!!!
God had to first get me to believe that I am loved by HIM. HE had to build my trust in HIM as my Father. I had a couple of issues with God as my Father because I viewed Him through tainted lenses, my viewpoint. I did not know my biological father so God placed a step father in my life who loved me unconditionally. But I was sooooo damaged on the inside that I could not fully receive the gift of love he was offering me. I know God sent him to show me an example. God uses people to show us HIS love for us many times. Are there people in your life that wants to love on you? But you won't allow them because of the damage that has been done to you mentally or physically.
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
God loves ME with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
God loves ME and chose ME in Christ. (Ephesians 1:4)
You are ACCEPTED! (Ephesians 1:5 - 6) The word "accepted" means to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor. Your Father, God, has accepted you with approval and favor. His acceptance is NOT based on what you did yesterday, today, or not even this minute. He accepts you and I because we are HIS children.
I kept getting this concept mixed up because I believed and felt like I had to earn HIS acceptance. But the truth is I just had to receive it as a gift from HIM hands to my mind and heart. I was confused that my sins were me and I were my sins. Our Father can and does separate the sin from HIS child. HE loves and accepts you but does not approve of the sin you commit. Let me break it down like this: A normal child disobeys a rule. The parent will talk to and/or discipline the child. The parent still loves and accepts the child even though the parent does not like or accept the behavior. God does the exact same thing with each one of us.
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
God has adopted ME and made ME accepted. (Ephesians 1:5-6)
You are SIGNIFICANT! (Genesis 1:26) The word "significance" means important and of consequence. You are significant and important to your Father, God. First HE created you and then HE chooses to wake you up everyday with a fresh and new start. HE woke you up this morning. This means you are significant. You may question "why" because of the crazy and messed up things that may be going on in or around you. But the truth is no one can be you but you. No one can walk your path but you.
I know because I used to question "why" ALL the time. I would lay in bed not wanting to get up because what purpose would I serve within any given day. But My Father and yours showed me that I am a benefit added to this great big world. HE is the ONE that would and still do wake me up every morning. But now instead of asking "why" I say "I am looking forward to seeing what you are going to do today"!
Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
I am significant and important to God because HE created me. (Genesis 1: 26)
I can ONLY thank God that I am NOW walking in the truth. I AM LOVED! I AM ACCEPTED! I AM SIGNIFICANT! God has shown me the way to walk in this FREEDOM!!! It is my prayer that HE opens your heart and mind to BELIEVE AND KNOW the same.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you for showing me that I am loved, accepted, and significant right now to my Father, God. I am choosing to believe this as my truth instead of the lies. Thank you in advance for changing my thought processes about me and You.
Is God's love, acceptance, and significance settled within you?
What lies have you believed about God's love,
acceptance, and significance toward you?
acceptance, and significance toward you?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God.
Please share a comment or email me privately at
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