Monday, December 28, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
You are forgiven! You are loved! You are accepted! You are significant! Now choose to forgive others. You are not a victim of or to your past. You are not a result of what others have/have not done to you or what you have done to yourself. You can continue to blame them or put your big girl panties on and do something different. (Doing something different may mean getting professional help. There is no shame in getting help.) You can learn from the mistakes, offenses, pain, etc. Or you can choose to continue the vicious victim cycle. But it is definitely a choice for you to make. It is not based on how you feel about the person but based on your choosing to let the offense go instead of holding onto it. It is poisoning your system whether you believe it or not.  

Remember the definition of forgiveness according to
1) The act of excusing a mistake or offense.
2) Compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive.

My definition is "letting yourself out of prison".
I understand now that Forgiveness = Freedom.

When we refuse to forgive others that have hurt us, we lock ourselves in a prison. We believe that we are protecting ourselves. But in reality and truth we are locking the hurt, pain, and offense inside. We are not allowing the wound to heal by rehearsing it over and over again. When we do this it is like picking at and taking off a newly formed scab on a wound. The more you pick at it; the more it is NOT going to heal. There are things happening beneath the surface with the skin, blood cells, etc. There are things happening beneath the surface within your mind and heart that says you will never forgive _______ for doing _______ to you. Let yourself out of prison and choose to forgive. Walk out of darkness into the light.
It AMAZES me that we want forgiveness for our mistakes and offenses. But we can refuse to forgive others for theirs. Trust me I am talking to myself just as much as I am talking to you. This was and is a BIG one for me. I held REALLY BIG grudges. Your offenses maybe HUGE too. But they are keeping us with a victim mindset instead of a VICTOR mentality. I have been talking to and listening to people talk about the mistake Steve Harvey made by announcing the wrong name at the Miss Universe pageant. Everyone seems to have an opinion: some for him and some against him. But at the end of the day, the people in my circle have no impact on Steve Harvey's life. Forgiving others is the same way sometimes. You are the one that is bound up while the other person(s) does not care or does not know you are offended or hurt by what they did.  

TESTIMONY: Jesus gave HIS life to set you and I free. It can happen at any time. I was riding down the road and the Holy Spirit brought the man to my mind that broke into my house when I was a little girl to rape/molest me. God laid it on my heart to forgive him. This was not hard for me because now I know and understand what forgiveness does for me. I told the Lord that I forgive that man and I began to wonder about his childhood. Was he molested as a child? Did he know the Lord? Has he actually accomplished his task with other little girls? Was he still alive? Then I started praying for him. Lord, if he is still alive and don't know You bring him to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This brought light to me. I forgave him a while ago but God brought him back to mind a couple of weeks ago.
I am learning that when people hurt you it is because they have been hurt and are hurting inside themselves. Even the ones who seem to have it ALL together. There are some VERY nasty attitudes that people can have for no apparent reason. Trust me there are reasons. I can speak on this because I was one with a VERY nasty attitude. I was mad at the world because I had been hurt and no one seemed to care. People cannot believe it when I tell them now. It is because The Holy Spirit has cleaned me up from the inside out and transformed me into someone new. You have to look at what is behind them. They may have been hurt the same way they are hurting you. We are quick to look at actions and not look at the motivation or history of the action and person.

You may ask, "if I forgive them do I have to forget what they have done to me?" The answer is "NO". But if you ask the Lord to heal the wound it will be like the bruise you got when you were 10 years old that you remember when and how you fell off your bike but it does not bring hurt with it anymore. You remember and keep on moving forward instead of consistently looking and walking backward. Even though you fell off the bike and was hurt you also learned to ride the bike eventually. You learn as you forgive more and more. It only takes a step but the first step is a doozy. Your thought process may be: But you don't know what they did to me? Tell God and ask HIM to help you forgive______ for ________.

This is how forgiveness works when you do it; you pass the test. That mean boss may cause you to walk into your destiny. That parent that seems unloving may cause you to walk into your destiny. That wayward child may cause you to walk into your destiny. Our enemy (the devil and ourselves) can and will use any and everything to throw us off course and keep us off course. You can be your own worst enemy. I was my worst enemy for a LONG time. BUT GOD allows and uses the things that will seemingly break us to build us up and make us stronger.

Do you have to tell the person you have forgiven them? No, you do not it is between you and God. Do you have to be BFF's if you choose to forgive? No, you do not. But if you ask God HE can bring about a reconciliation at the right time. You may tell someone you forgive them for ____________ . Their response may be, "what are you talking about" or "I did not do anything to be forgiven for." Initially, I would just talk to God about it. As HE grew me up in my relationship with HIM I was able to confront the persons who I felt had hurt me. There is still more to go but sometimes baby steps. I have forgiven but baby steps with confronting. 
TESTIMONY: For most of my life, I believed my Momma did not love me. She was overprotective, overbearing, and a disciplinarian. The weeds I had planted against her was the size of a vast acre of land in my mind. The enemy was having a field day with our chaotic relationship. I was sitting in my own personally designed prison cell where she was concerned. She kept going on about her own way. She did not know the negative thoughts I had against her but God, the enemy, and I did. It would just bother me to talk to her on the phone. I did it out of duty not because I felt like I wanted to. But God changed my heart over the last couple of years based on the prayers of my husband.

God had to show me that there was a part I had played in the scenario of being a victim instead of a victor. I understand our relationship now after many, many years of heartache and pain. I cannot change anyone else and I could not even change me. It took my relationship with Jesus Christ to change me and help me pass the tests of life through forgiveness.
  1. I am forgiven so I choose to forgive. (I Peter 2:21, Colossians 3:13)
  2. I am loved so I choose to love. (2 Corinthians 12:15)
  3. I am accepted so I choose to accept others. (Romans 15:7)
  4. I am significant so I choose to treat others as being significant. (Genesis 1:26) 


Are you going to choose to be bitter or better
as you enter into the new year? 
Are you going to choose to be a victim or victor  as you enter into the new year?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I just want to take a moment to let you know that the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus the Christ! (Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16) HIS birth brought us freedom! HIS birth brought us love, acceptance, significance, and forgiveness!

JESUS is the reason for the season! Jesus was sent because Your Father and mine loves each one of us! Jesus came because HE wanted us to know that we are accepted! Jesus came because we are significant!  Jesus came to show us we are forgiven! This holiday season is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and giving to others who are less fortunate. It is also about families getting together and loving on one another.

As I thought about the reason for this season, the words to the song:"Mary Did You Know" came to my mind. I tried to put myself in Mary's place as Jesus was born and grew into a man. Can you imagine giving birth to the Son of God? Watching Him grow from a baby, to a toddler, to a teenager, and to an adult. Then watching Him give HIS life for the world. This song is POWERFUL and always puts me in a VERY thankful mood. No matter what is going on in your life I pray it does the same for you. 


Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see what Jesus' birth did for me. Help me to KNOW and understand that I am loved, accepted, significant, and forgiven by my Father, God today. I am choosing to believe these as my truth. Thank you in advance for showing me who I really am.

Do you REALLY understand the
reason for the season? 
What do you need to ask God to show
you to make it real to you?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

You are ACCEPTED! You are LOVED! You are SIGNIFICANT! At church today our Youth Pastor, Alex, preached about our lives being a blank canvas. He said, "Creativity is a divine gift from God." The Holy Spirit is still driving this point home for me. I came home and began to write about the blank canvas. As I wrote, The Holy Spirit began to show me God as the CREATOR of all. I know this as far as the words are concerned. I love nature and watching all that God does in and through nature. But the words became real to me in brand new ways. Scripture verses began to come more alive to me. We are going to look at them and what they mean to each one of us. I understand even more now than before that I am NOT a mistake. I am forgiven, accepted, loved, and significant to My Creator, God.

The first scripture I went to was Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God CREATED the heavens and the earth."
  • I am recognizing the blank sheet of paper as my canvas for God to fill with words. The Bible was a blank canvas. Creation was a blank canvas. My life is a blank canvas. I can fill it with negatives or positives. I choose positives. Even more so I want God to fill it each day. When I see these words they have new meaning. God, You are the originator of creation and creativity. God planned for us to be here by creating the Earth, other planets, and the solar system. Therefore, we are  accepted, significant, and loved. YOU are NOT a mistake.
  • What is your blank canvas? What is your creative gift from God? If you do not know ask HIM to show you.
Then I went to Genesis 1:26 – 27: Then God said, Let US make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign (rule) over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the air, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” So God created human beings (You and I ) in His own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female HE created them. (emphasis added) 
  • You and I were a thought process in the mind of God and a discussion with a purpose in verse 26. Then in verse 27, God created you and I to fulfill the purpose. God completed HIS thought process by actually creating us as actual human beings. Therefore, we are loved, accepted, and significant. YOU are NOT a mistake.

  • Do you believe God created you for and with a purpose? If not, ask HIM to show you.
This brought me to Psalm 139:13 - 15: You made ALL the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
  • When God created you in your mother's womb you were not a mistake then. You are not a mistake today or right now. You may believe you are based upon your start in life or words spoken to you. But your belief and the words are lies. Your Mom and Dad were just an avenue that God chose to bring you into this world. He needed them to get you to earth during this specific timeframe. But You are not a mistake. Therefore, you are loved, accepted, and significant. 
  • Do you believe you are a mistake? If so, ask God to show you how HE created you special and precious. 
Then I thought about provision and went to Genesis 2:15 - 16 : The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you may not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."  Genesis 3:6: The woman was convince. She saw that the tree was beautifl  and it s fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.
  • God has NOT changed! HE knew Adam and Eve would mess up in the garden. He knows that you and I will mess in our lives. God's plan did not change when they messed up; it does not change when we mess up. God has already incorporated the mess up in HIS plan. You are still loved, accepted, and significant  even when you mess up. You are NOT a mistake! Ask for forgiveness and keep it moving!!!
I then had to look at The Plan located in Genesis 3:15: "And I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring (satan) and her offspring (Christ). He (Christ) will strike your head and you (satan) will strike his heel. John 3:16: For God loved the world (me) so much that HE gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through HIM.
  • The Son of God, Jesus the Christ, is the one and only plan to show us that we are loved, accepted, significant and forgiven. God the Father was speaking in the Book of Genesis and in the Book of John, Jesus is speaking about HIS Father's plan for Him to love on each one of us. This means: You are loved, accepted, and significant! You are NOT a mistake!
Then Jeremiah 29:11 came alive in a different way. "I KNOW the thoughts and plans I have for you thoughts of good and not of evil to give you an expected end."
  • The Creator and Creator of creativity put it inside of you to write, paint, design, to be good with numbers, speaking, kids, sick people, senior citizens, etc. It was and is HIS creativity that is working through You and me. It is HIS plans at work. Ask HIM to show you how HE is working in and through your life today.
New mercies are blank canvas every day. We get to create something new each day. We can also choose to continue the same old mess we are in or create something new. Start believing and speaking the truth about yourself and God. HE LOVES YOU and YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE! I pray you look at, read, and receive the words of this video and song.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you opening my eyes to see that I am NOT a mistake. I am loved, accepted, significant, and forgiven by my Father, God today. I am choosing to believe that HE has a wonderful plan for my life and HE hears me when I pray. Thank you in advance for showing me the special and creative way you have created me.

Have you believed the lie that you are a mistake
What truths in God's Words can you use
to battle the lies you have believed?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
You are significant!!! God brought my attention to the small instruments during worship at church. Then again during a symphony I attended on Sunday. They were not the focus instruments but they added impact to the songs. I began to watch the persons playing these small instruments and heard the way they changed or impacted the song. Even though they were small they were not insignificant. It is the same with us. We can believe that we are insignificant in our family, among friends, coworkers, church, and even with God. We can believe we have just a small part or no part to play at all. This can make us feel insignificant. This is a lie. The truth is you and I are significant to God. Our Creator did not create us to be insignificant. HE has a plan for our lives and HE listens to us but we have to seek HIM for the plan. (Jeremiah 29 :11 - 13)

Many thoughts crowded my mind as I watched and listened to those instruments.
  • They can be counted as small but never worthless.
  • They may be small but not insignificant to the song.
  • They may be small but they were needed for that specific song for effect and impact.
Each of us have a part to play in this life. We are needed for this timeframe and place.
  • We may be counted as small in our eyes but we are NOT worthless.
  • We may be small in our eyes but we are NOT insignificant to God or this life.
  • We may be small in our thought processes and mindsets but we are needed impact others now.
According to, Significant means: "The quality of being worthy of attention; importance." I now know and understand that the smallest instruments are not insignificant. They have a purpose and so do you. The smallest instruments were a birdcall whistle, two pieces of wood, a triangle, and two maracas. These instruments were not played in every song but when they were needed; they added effect and impact to the songs. God wants to use your life to add effect and impact to your own life and others around you. If you believe the lie that you are insignificant. Then you are also missing out on experiencing being loved and accepted by God.

Just as the instruments were played by a person. The writer of the music had a vision, thoughts, ears, and eyes for what instruments would be needed to make the musical piece come to life. As I thought about this point, the writer and orchestrator of our lives is God. HE has the vision, thoughts, ears, and eyes for our lives to come together. Remember: Jeremiah 29:11 above: God has a plan; no matter how hard you have tried or is still trying to mess it up. You have not and cannot mess this plan up. If I believe this is truth, then how can I also believe that I am insignificant. I actually know the answer to this question? I used to speak the words all the time but I did not believe them in my heart. Do you know that you can speak words but not really believe what you are saying? Even though the words sound good and are the truth they are not truth to you.

TESTIMONY: I was messed up for a LONG, LONG, LONG time in my thought processes and mindset. I would speak the truth and sing songs about the love, peace, joy, etc. of the Lord and living as far away from these as you can possibly get. My coming and going to the church buildings were not enough. I had to allow Christ to become a part of me and me part of HIM. Jesus REALLY given HIS life for mine but that is where my actual belief stopped. I said words but they were not freeing because I did not really believe. I knew John 3:16: For this is how God loved the world (Andrea): HE gave HIS one and only Son (JESUS), so that everyone who believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life. My problem was I heard this preached and it was truth. But there was more to the story which set me free. John 3:17 -18  God sent HIS Son (JESUS) into the world not to judge the world (Andrea), but to save the world (Andrea) through HIM (JESUS). There is no judgment against anyone who believes in HIM (JESUS). But anyone who does not believe in HIM has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.

I was judging myself all the time for doing the wrong things and going the wrong places. I believed Jesus was judging and condemning me also. So instead of walking in freedom I was living in my pitifully decorated prison cell of doubt, unbelief, confusion, chaos, etc. When all I had to do was believe the truth and the TRUTH who is JESUS would set me free in my mindset and thought processes. I began to think about all the things God had given me. God changed my thought process to see HIM as a Giver instead of a Taker. He want to do the same for you. But as always you have to choose to let HIM do it and believe.
  1. YOU ARE FORGIVEN TODAY!!! (I John 1: 11 -12)
  2. YOU ARE LOVED TODAY!!! (Jeremiah 31:3)
  3. YOU ARE ACCEPTED TODAY!!! (Ephesians 1: 5 - 6)
  4. YOU ARE SIGNIFICANT TODAY!!! (Genesis 1:26, Jeremiah 29:11)
I am praying for you that you stop believing the lies of the enemy and start believing the truth of who God  has created you to be. You are significant just because You Father God created you with a plan in mind. You are SIGNIFICANT! GOD HAS AND IS THINKING ABOUT YOU TODAY!!! Please BELIEVE HIM!!! It is my prayer that something you read has and will touch your heart to accept Jesus Christ today, if you have not already, as Your  Personal Lord and Savior. Romans 10: 9 - 10 
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you for showing me that I am significant, worthy, and important to my Father, God today. I am choosing to believe that HE has a wonderful plan for my life and HE hears me when I pray. Thank you in advance for changing my thought processes about me and You.

Have you believed the lie that you are insignificant to God and others around you
What truths in God's Words can you use
to battle the lies you have believed?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Friday, December 11, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

You are forgiven! Forgiving yourself is a BIG piece of ALL three freedoms. What is "forgiveness"? My definition is “to let yourself out of prison”. The freedom to love yourself. The freedom to know and understand that you are accepted and significant. Each one of us have made some choices in our lives that we are not proud of. Some of the choices may bring with them shame and condemnation. Well, we have the EXACT same testimony because I KNOW some of my choices have. The good news for each one of us is Romans 8:1 There is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.

The dictionary defines forgiveness as:
1) The act of excusing a mistake or offense.
2) Compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive.
Forgiveness = Freedom
You have to choose to excuse your own mistakes or offenses. You have to choose to be compassionate  and willing to forgive yourself. You cannot walk in the 3 freedoms above without forgiving yourself first. When you walk in unforgiveness, you are continuously replaying and experiencing the offense or choice. Even if you try and put it out of your mind. You may not realize it but this is what happens when we choose not to forgive ourselves. You have walked into an invisible prison cell in your mind and heart. You have closed and locked the door behind you and sat down. You have built up a wall of protection for yourself. You have planned and purposed in your mind to stay awhile. The deceptive part is we do not realize what we have just done. (I know I did not realize it for many, many years.) You can feel this way for hours, months, or years but it is totally up to you. Especially, if you are the sort of person to hold a grudge. I did not know I was that sort of person but found out that I was. It took God to show me. HE can show you as well and set you free because HE did it for me. Isaiah 61:1

We can hold onto things that God is trying to remove from our lives that are killing us. We have to choose to forgive ourselves for the mistakes or choices we have willingly made. Here are some of mine I have shared before in previous posts:
  • I was the one who was searching out compliments from men like drugs because I felt like I needed validation from someone else. (acceptance)
  • I got married the first time because I was a people-pleaser and felt like marriage would fix me.  (looking for love)
  • I got pregnant because I was seeking to fill the void within me. (significance)
What do you know of forgiveness? I knew I had to ask God and HE would forgive me because of Jesus Christ and the Cross. I John 1:11 - 12 I believed that part of it but the hard part for me was forgiving myself. I always seemed to blame myself for things that went wrong in my life. I played the "blame game" very well. The blame game is equal to prisons in different areas of our lives and minds. I internalized EVERYTHING. It was ALL my fault. Therefore, God could not really love or accept me because of ALL my sins. These were lies I had believed for years.

TESTIMONY: God has forgiven me for my compliment addiction. God has forgiven me for asking HIM to abort my unborn child (I had a miscarriage). God has forgiven me for not loving myself. God has forgiven me for honoring the devil more than I did HIM. God has forgiven me for comparing myself to others. God has forgiven me for trying to fill the void in my own life with other things other than HIM. I have FORGIVEN myself of all of the above things which is the second part of forgiveness. You have to choose to forgive you!
  1. YOU ARE FORGIVEN TODAY!!! (I John 1: 11 -12)
  2. YOU ARE LOVED TODAY!!! (Jeremiah 31:3)
  3. YOU ARE ACCEPTED TODAY!!! (Ephesians 1: 5 - 6)
  4. YOU ARE SIGNIFICANT TODAY!!! (Genesis 1:26)
I am praying for you that you stop believing the lies of the enemy and start believing the truth of who God  has created you to be. You are wonderfully complex and marvelous to God Psalm 139:13 - 18. You are forgiven! GOD HAS FORGIVEN YOU TODAY!!! Please FORGIVE YOURSELF!!! It is my prayer that something you read has and will touch your heart to accept Jesus Christ today, if you have not already, as Your  Personal Lord and Savior. Romans 10: 9 -10

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you for showing me that I am forgiven right now by my Father, God. I am choosing to forgive myself and accept God's forgiveness. Thank you in advance for changing my thought processes about me and You.

Have you accepted God's forgiveness of your past and present sins
What lies have you believed about God's
forgiveness of your sins?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

You are loved! You are accepted! You are significant! Do you believe these 3 statements about yourself? It is a choice to believe or not to believe it about you. Only you can make the choice. If you do not believe it then you are believing a lie about yourself. I can say this because for many, many, many years I did not believe it about myself. This applies to the believers and the unbelievers. Jesus gave HIS life for ALL of us to walk in these 3 freedoms. But it is a choice you have to make.

You are LOVED! (Jeremiah 31:3) As human beings, we desire love. As women, we seek out love and many times in all the wrong places. Your Father wants you to believe that HE LOVES YOU!!!

God had to first get me to believe that I am loved by HIM. HE had to build my trust in HIM as my Father. I had a couple of issues with God as my Father because I viewed Him through tainted lenses, my viewpoint. I did not know my biological father so God placed a step father in my life who loved me unconditionally. But I was sooooo damaged on the inside that I could not fully receive the gift of love he was offering me. I know God sent him to show me an example. God uses people to show us HIS love for us many times. Are there people in your life that wants to love on you? But you won't allow them because of the damage that has been done to you mentally or physically.

Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
God loves ME with an everlasting love.  (Jeremiah 31:3)
God loves ME and chose ME in Christ. (Ephesians 1:4)

You are ACCEPTED! (Ephesians 1:5 - 6) The word "accepted" means to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor. Your Father, God, has accepted you with approval and favor. His acceptance is NOT based on what you did yesterday, today, or not even this minute. He accepts you and I because we are HIS children.

I kept getting this concept mixed up because I believed and felt like I had to earn HIS acceptance. But the truth is I just had to receive it as a gift from HIM hands to my mind and heart. I was confused that my sins were me and I were my sins. Our Father can and does separate the sin from HIS child. HE loves and accepts you but does not approve of the sin you commit. Let me break it down like this: A normal child disobeys a rule. The parent will talk to and/or discipline the child. The parent still loves and accepts the child even though the parent does not like or accept the behavior. God does the exact same thing with each one of us.

Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
 God has adopted ME and made ME accepted. (Ephesians 1:5-6)

You are SIGNIFICANT! (Genesis 1:26) The word "significance" means important and of consequence. You are significant and important to your Father, God. First HE created you and then HE chooses to wake you up everyday with a fresh and new start. HE woke you up this morning. This means you are significant. You may question "why" because of the crazy and messed up things that may be going on in or around you. But the truth is no one can be you but you. No one can walk your path but you.

I know because I used to question "why" ALL the time. I would lay in bed not wanting to get up because what purpose would I serve within any given day. But My Father and yours showed me that I am a benefit added to this great big world. HE is the ONE that would and still do wake me up every morning. But now instead of asking "why" I say "I am looking forward to seeing what you are going to do today"!

Repeat this statement and God's Words over and over again until the lies you believe bow to the truth:
I am significant and important to God because HE created me. (Genesis 1: 26)
I can ONLY thank God that I am NOW walking in the truth. I AM LOVED! I AM ACCEPTED! I AM SIGNIFICANT! God has shown me the way to walk in this FREEDOM!!! It is my prayer that HE opens your heart and mind to BELIEVE AND KNOW the same.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank you for showing me that I am loved, accepted, and significant right now to my Father, God. I am choosing to believe this as my truth instead of the lies. Thank you in advance for changing my thought processes about me and You.

Is God's love, acceptance, and significance settled within you
What lies have you believed about God's love,
acceptance, and significance toward you?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
How do you clean your home? One room at a time. Some rooms you spend more time in than others. It depends on how dirty or cluttered it is to you. But when you really clean your home you start in one room or level and then go to another. Jesus does the exact same thing with us. HE cleans us up one area at a time. Although, I know sometimes it may seems like HE is cleaning the entire house at one time.

As children of God, together our bodies are the temple of God and HE comes to live on the inside of us through the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 3:16). HE comes in to do house cleaning. He does not come into chaos for it to remain chaotic. The Holy Spirit comes into our lives replace the chaos with peace and order. So, HE gives us some immediate blessings. We can just think about a prayer and God manifests the answer. We pray and HE answers. God is building a relationship with us so that we can trust HIM to take care of us. The same God who created you and I wants an intimate relationship with each one of us.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior many different times in my life. I would walk a couple of steps with HIM and get the instant gratification of blessings. This would put me on cloud nine. Then a problem, trial, or tribulation would happen and I would revert back to my same ways of dealing with or handling problems. I would shut the world out and deal with things internal on my own. Or I would go to my friends to get their take on the situation. Just as I had done before but neither of these produced peace, joy, love, or freedom in my life. I was doing the same things and expecting a different result; which is insanity.

TESTIMONY: When problems would arise that were hard to deal with or conquer I would revert back. My familiar was easier to deal with than dealing with the reality of the situation. I did not go to my pastor or another Christian. Why? Honestly, I really did NOT want to change but I wanted the blessings to continue. I also did not want them to know my business. I did not want them to know just how broken I was inside. I was "blessed and highly favored" to the church folk but I was dying on the inside. It was because I chose to wear a mask. My experience was they would talk about me when I shared. The pastor would preach on what I had shared. So, church was not a true refuge for me.

I have since discovered that all churches are NOT the same. Just like all church folk and people are NOT the same. PLEASE don't write off ALL because of the one or couple of bad experiences you have had. Believe me, I truly understand that the familiar ways to deal with things are easier. People and things around you come against you when you choose to walk the godly path. That is hard because you are used to them being there even if they are not good for you. But God has something better for you. HE truly changes us from the inside out. Our thoughts and heart need to be changed or cleansed to receive ALL that God has for us, one room at a time.

The rooms the Holy Spirit wanted to clean inside of me were bitterness, unforgiveness, self-hatred, feelings of not being loved, procrastination, brokenness, lust, loneliness, negative attitude, etc. These are only a few. HE is still cleaning me up from the inside out. What rooms does God want to clean within your life?  Will you waver by asking others or trust God to get you through the situations and circumstances of your life?

This song blesses me and I pray it does the same for you. This is what God has done for each one of us.

Link to Video:

Prayer: Holy Spirit, clean me up from the inside out. Show me what rooms I need to turn over to you, Lord. Help me to stay and allow You to clean me from the inside out.

Will you allow God to cleanse you
 from the inside out? 
What rooms do you believe God is trying
to clean in your life?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or email me privately at