Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
Exodus 20:12 & Ephesians 6:2
Honor your Father and Mother...
TESTIMONY: I used to think I was the only girl, young lady and now woman in the world with a messed up relationship with my Mother. I would always look at other girls, young ladies, and women with their Moms and I would get soooooo VERY jealous. I was mad at my Mother, myself, and even God.(see Forgiving Others and Forgive God posts) I am pleased to say that through the ups and downs of our relationship throughout my life God has built a relationship between us. I had all but given up. BUT GOD through my fiancee and now Husband's prayers accomplished what I could never seem to do. I can truly say today that I love my Mom and it is the absolute truth. There is no mask on me in this area any more. I AM FREE!
There is a BIG problem we have to face. We want people to accept us with our flaws. But we don't want to accept our mothers with their flaws. God had to show me that she did and does love me. My problem was she did not show it the way I needed to see it. This may be where you are living and I understand it all to well. Your Mother has a background with baggage. There is probably some baggage that you could not carry if the roles were reversed. Does it seem like you clash at every turn? Does it seem like she just does not understand you? Let me tell you the enemy was and is having a field day with your turbulent relationship even today.
NOTE: Don't follow my mistake which was I never stopped to ask God for help. I always tried to do this or that in my own strength to get her approval and attention. IF you can identify with any of this please know that God truly LOVES you and wants the best for you. HE has a plan for your life. But, as long as you live in isolation keeping it to yourself nothing will ever change. But start asking the HOLY SPIRIT to build or restore the relationship with your mother. If you are the mother ask the Holy Spirit to build or restore the relationship with your daughter. As long as there is breath; there is still time.
Exodus 20:12 & Ephesians 6:2
Honor your Father and Mother...
Did you celebrate and honor your Mom
this past weekend? Did you tell her you loved her? Did you show her that she
means a great deal to you? Mothers come in many shapes and sizes. Mothers
come from many different backgrounds. Mothers come with their own issues and
baggage. Some are VERY loving and others are not. Some may have to be shown how
to love you. Some may have to be shown how to give. Some mothers you love
and want them around you. Some mothers you may dislike. Some mothers you may
want to disown. It just depends on the relationship. But the truth is:
they are still your mothers. I
saw and read alot of Facebook tributes this weekend and was able to post one of
my own. I wonder how many were genuine? Are you still wearing the mask in this
area? How many wish they could post something but just feel like it would be a
lie? Well, whichever category you find yourself this post is dedicated to you.
Keep reading.
This morning, the Holy Spirit had me listen to the song, No
Charge. As I really listened to the lyrics of this song I began to weep. I
started to see just how selfish I have been over the years in reference to my
mother. I had to ask the Lord for forgiveness.
A thought process hit me: Every day is Mother's Day. Moms do not
get a day off. The word Mother to me means "sacrifice". If she was in
the house with you as you grew up, then she deserves a THANK YOU!!! She did
alot of sacrificing for you and the family. It is easy to see and say what she
did NOT do. The harder part is to look at what she did do just for you and the
family. Your Mother and mine sacrificed her body, finances, time, and life for
us. If you are a mother you know what it means. Hopefully, you are a better
mother to your child/children because of your Mother's example. It does not
matter if the example is good or bad. You can still learn what to do or what
not to do. But it is a choice that only you can make.
By watching the news, we understand
that "time is very short". There are sooooo many parents losing
children and children losing parents. This is happening each and every day. We
do not know when the last day will be for us to see each other. So we must
celebrate while we can each day to the FULLEST. We do not want to have a life full
of more wasted days, weeks, months, or years in the relationship with our
Mothers. We do not know the last time we will see our Mothers. They do not know
when the last time they will see us. We have to celebrate them each and every
day because this thing called LIFE is VERY PRECIOUS.
I celebrated my Mother this weekend even though it was long distance. My Husband and I celebrated his Mom this past weekend. My Mother-in-law is a picture of a loving Mother. She
loves and cares about her family. This is what her mother taught her. She has
accepted me as her actual daughter. I call her Mom and she calls me her
daughter. We do NOT like the term _______-in-law. We spent time with her and
loved on her. During this time frame, I am sure she was also thinking about her
Mom being in heaven since last month. (See
tribute My Grandma: A Virtuous Woman) Mom has 4 sisters and they were all
together this weekend. All of them feeling a loss while enjoying the love shown
to each of them by their children. Then I thought about his/our cousin who left
a father, husband, and daughter behind. (See
Tribute Gone too Soon: Carolyn).
Your Mother may not be perfect or even
likable but she is the Mom God gave to you. Have you ever thought that God may
have placed you in her life to show her the way? We want more sometimes from our Mothers than they may be equipped or prepared to give. In this case, pray and ask God
to lead and guide you in ways to handle the relationship. Trust me when I say
HE will because HE had to do it for my mother and me.
God is ALWAYS GOOD and HE always
will be. HE knew my messed up relationship with my Mother. So HE gave me other
Mother's along the way to help shape and mold me into who I am today. Some of them are my Godmother, Supervisors, Parents of my students, etc. They saw
and pulled things out of me that I did not or could not see for myself. The
process is not over it just continues. If you think about it God has placed
some special women around you as well.
My mother was and is not perfect but I choose to love her for who
she is and not for who I want her to be. I can continue to live in the land of
shoulda, coulda, woulda but where would that get me. It would get me stuck in
the same old “stinking thinking” as Joyce Meyer says. But I can also choose to
meditate on something different today. I can choose to love my Mother just
because GOD gave me to her. She made her choice to keep me and raise me. God in HIS AMAZING wisdom has allowed me to speak life into my Mother and her into me.
Although, I have heard this song many, many, many times before; it never
HIT ME the way it did today. This means that the Holy Spirit has dug up the
soil of my hard heart to hear what HE is saying to me. It is my prayer that as
each of you listen to this song today that the Holy Spirit will use it as a
tool to break up the soil in your hearts as well. I had to call my Mother and
tell her THANK YOU for her sacrifice.
Link to Video:https://youtu.be/lQ-uahV6hAY
TESTIMONY: I used to think I was the only girl, young lady and now woman in the world with a messed up relationship with my Mother. I would always look at other girls, young ladies, and women with their Moms and I would get soooooo VERY jealous. I was mad at my Mother, myself, and even God.(see Forgiving Others and Forgive God posts) I am pleased to say that through the ups and downs of our relationship throughout my life God has built a relationship between us. I had all but given up. BUT GOD through my fiancee and now Husband's prayers accomplished what I could never seem to do. I can truly say today that I love my Mom and it is the absolute truth. There is no mask on me in this area any more. I AM FREE!
There is a BIG problem we have to face. We want people to accept us with our flaws. But we don't want to accept our mothers with their flaws. God had to show me that she did and does love me. My problem was she did not show it the way I needed to see it. This may be where you are living and I understand it all to well. Your Mother has a background with baggage. There is probably some baggage that you could not carry if the roles were reversed. Does it seem like you clash at every turn? Does it seem like she just does not understand you? Let me tell you the enemy was and is having a field day with your turbulent relationship even today.
I share the testimony to show that with God ALL things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) I also share to tell you that while there is breathe in your Mom's body God can and will fix it for you, too. Pray for restoration. If you have never had a real relationship with her then pray for God to build one. The enemy wants you to believe you are the only one that feels the way you do. It is a LIE! I know exactly how you feel. I lived and believed that same lie.
There is something wrong with you. There is something missing in both of your lives. You need each other because this is why God gave you to each other. If the relationship cannot be restored for whatever reason. If after reading ALL of this. You still say there is no way. It is okay as well. God still loves you and has a plan for your life!!!
NOTE: Don't follow my mistake which was I never stopped to ask God for help. I always tried to do this or that in my own strength to get her approval and attention. IF you can identify with any of this please know that God truly LOVES you and wants the best for you. HE has a plan for your life. But, as long as you live in isolation keeping it to yourself nothing will ever change. But start asking the HOLY SPIRIT to build or restore the relationship with your mother. If you are the mother ask the Holy Spirit to build or restore the relationship with your daughter. As long as there is breath; there is still time.
So what kind of Mother did you have growing up and even now? Whichever category you find yourself. Each of the mothers had to travel the same exact road. They were pregnant with you. They carried you inside of their bodies and chose not to abort you. They chose to keep you. Times may have been hard but they weathered the storms of life with you. They watched you grow while sometimes placing their hopes and dreams on and in you. Some may have even given up their dreams but kept you. Your mother displayed her love for you just by allowing her body to become a tunnel for you to get from heaven to this Earth.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me love my mother the way You love her. Let me see her the way You see her. Please build/restore our relationship. Give me the words to speak. Open my eyes to see You. Open my ears to hear Your voice. Open our hearts to understand what You are saying to me concerning our relationship. Jesus, thank You for giving Your life for mine. Holy Spirit, thank You for being my Comforter and Teacher. I choose this day to believe in Your Love for both of us.
Will you stay a victim or
become a victor in this area?
What are you willing to do differently?
become a victor in this area?
What are you willing to do differently?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God.
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