Sunday, April 10, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1


Background: She was a sharecroppers wife who raised 7 children. 2 boys and 5 girls. She watched one son suffer and die. She also helped rear the grandsons who came down for the summer to help on the tobacco farm. She cleaned homes and reared other peoples' children. She supported her husband and three others who had a vision for a church called "Guiding Star". She was married twice and outlived them both. She got married the second time at 73 and gained 8 stepchildren: 4 stepsons and 4 stepdaughters. She had to go through something with having mature children on both sides and some not in agreement with the union. But she was a strong woman and full of wisdom. She made the blended family into one BIG family which is still VERY close even now. She left an AMAZING legacy which is being carried on by her family. By the way, if you think it is too late for you to get married. God can bring the person when you least expect it. Don't give up; look to my Grandmother's testimony. She had her ups and downs just like all of us. But she had a perspective and outlook on life like no other I have ever known. She was not perfect but she lived for her Lord and family.
We had my Grandma's Celebration of Life yesterday. She was a woman that loved everyone well. She was a woman who was also well loved. She is greatly missed by everyone who knew her. But we are also rejoicing because we KNOW she is in heaven with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Her life was a godly example of a Christian not religion. As my husband stated, "If Grandma didn't make it in; ain't no hope for any of us." He said it jokingly but it is sooooooo true. 

Her smile would light up her face, your face, and the room. She had a BEAUTIFUL smile. She was the embodiment of the Proverbs 31 Woman. She was the Matriarch of our family. She was 97 years old. When I met her she was 84 years old. She still lived alone. She was walking around her kitchen with a sweet grace and confidence. She treated me like I was a part of her family not a stranger. This is how she treated EVERYONE she came into contact with over the years.

She loved on me every time I was in in her presence. Even at the end on Easter Sunday, I knelt down in front of her and held her frail hands. I prayed over her for her transition time into Glory. I kissed her hand and told her I loved her and she whispered it back. This is one lady that grabbed a part of my heart the very first time I met her. There was a light that just illuminated from her that was unmistakable. She did not just have a relationship with Jesus. My Grandma had an INTIMATE relationship with HIM. Anyone who knew her knew she loved Jesus.

One of her favorite songs was: "I'm going home on the morning train." She would sit at the kitchen table and sing the chorus over and over again. Then she would tell you: "I'm going home on the morning train because the evening train might be too late." Well, she spoke it into existence because she entered eternity around 6:00 a.m on April 3, 2016.

I watched her walk through the stages of life for the last 13 years. She had dealt with dementia for many years. I watched her transition to her daughter's house when it wasn't safe for her to be left alone. I watched her recover from a fall that resulted in a broken hip. She bounced right back and was up walking around. As her memory deteriorated,she was not able to place how or where she knew you. But her sweet spirit and smile never skipped a beat. I watched her daughters and son serve her as she had served them growing up. They treated her like the queen she was. I must say I have and am learning to serve by watching them over these years.

During her homegoing service I had to take notes. Here they are:

The Solo was "Alabaster Box"
You don't know the cost of the oil in my Grandma's alabaster box. I believe my Grandma's praise was always constant and consistent because of the oil that was in her Alabaster Box. You know the cost of some of the oil in my alabaster box because I am sharing it with you through this ministry. The soloist was feeling this song as she sung it and she made us feel it as well. The Spirit of God was truly present with us.

Link to Video: 

There were tributes given which I have to share with all of you. Each person had 2 minutes to speak. Each person used more than 2 minutes. Each one had a story about how Grandma had impacted their lives. Here are some of the words about her:
  • She was a Gift from God.
  • I learned how to serve God and people from her.
  • She modeled Christ.
  • She taught me how to see them as Christ and serve them.
  • She taught me how to wash people's feet. When they go up; you go down.
  • When they are nasty; you be sweet.
  • She was a humble and sweet lady.
  • She ALWAYS had a smile.
  • She ALWAYS had a praise whether at home or church.
  • She had plenty of faith.
  • She was a sweet and precious lady.
  • She was the same every time you met her.
  • She fought a good fight.
  • She was the easiest parishioner.
  • She was a gentle giant.
  • Her life preached a sermon.
  • She had a boldness in her faith.
  • There were 4 strong men (deacons)who founded this church. There were 4 strong women who had their backs. They told them to do what God has called you to do.
  • Grandma and Grandpa had keys made to their house for the pastor and had a room for him as well. 
  • The 4 deacons taught their 2nd pastor how to lead.
  • When she could hardly make it to her seat at church she still had a smile on her face.
  • She loved EVERYBODY.
  • Her life exemplified the Christian walk.
  • All of her offspring know the Lord.
  • She was a Guiding Light.
  • Her life was one of love, service, and sacrifice.
  • She was a soldier.
She had 2 sayings that everybody remembers:
  1. I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright.
  2. Get in the Word and stay in the Word; stay there til Jesus come.
Their spoken words actually displayed her life. They were ALL GREAT!!! Then the eulogy which was the icing on the cake. The title was: The Good Fight II Timothy 4: 6 - 8 Her Pastor and Daughter-in-law gave a short but moving message. She said many of the same things that were spoken through the tributes. However, she closed with a POWERFUL statement, asked us a question, and said two words.

There is coming a day;
when a day will start without you.

Did you accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior?

Two Words:

My Grandma did indeed fight a good fight, She received her crown. She is rejoicing in heaven. She did indeed WIN. It is my desire to win as well. But it is God's desire for each of us to win. We can only truly win by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior. Just as Grandma made the choice each one of us have to make the same choice. "Have you made the choice to accept Jesus as Your Savior?" If the answer is no. You can today by praying the following simple prayer.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED like my Grandma was. Do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too!

Have you considered that there will be a day 
without you?

Do you know where you will spend eternity 
when the your day comes?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me


  1. Sis, this is excellently written! Thank you for reflecting on Grandma's Celebration of Life!

    1. Thank you, Sis!!! It was and is my prayer that her life continues to touch people's lives and draws them to Our Savior!!!

  2. This was a beautiful home going service. Every word was so true of her.

    1. Yes it was BEAUTIFUL! Yes every word was true, Mom! Thank you for your comment.
