Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
Hello Women of Valour,
Today is a BEAUTIFUL day even though it is cloudy and dreary outside! Inside I am just overjoyed that Our Father loves us the way that HE does. God sees us for who HE created each one of us to be. He also walks along with us through the pain, heartbreak, abuse, prisons, etc. HE picks us up when we fall down. HE shows us in very real and tangible ways that HE really does understand what we are going through. Even though, HE understands HE does not want us to stay there. The truth is there may be more storms in our lives than we can count. There may be more clouds than we want to see. But we are still here even though some may not want to be.
You are here because your life matters and YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!!
By Andrea Monroe
It matters that what you have been through did not kill you.
It matters that being raised by imperfect parents you have still been able to achieve something.
It matters that the feelings you had or have about yourself have not resulted in a successful suicide.
It matters that you survived a miscarriage or abortion.
It matters that your mother did not abort you.
It matters that you are still here after sexual abuse.
It matters that your self image was or is damaged but you still keep moving forward.
It matters that food is an enemy to you but you continue to use a spoon or fork.
It matters that your children was taken from you and you are angry but still pray for them.
It matters that your boss is "off" but you still pray.
It matters that you may be living paycheck to paycheck but bills are still met.
It matters that you survived a divorce or going through one.
It matters that you are seemingly in a loveless marriage.
It matters that you are or have battled homosexual desires.
Each of these represent a storm/clouds in your life.
It depends on your perspective.
Your perspective and view is limited especially if it is negative.
BUT GOD sees the entire perspective and view.
You are and never were a mistake.
You were always destined to be here
God created you with a purpose and a plan.
Have you ever thought about the word "Miracle"? I had to look it up. According to Dictionary.com, Miracle means:
- an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is subscribed to a supernatural cause.
- such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.
- a wonder; marvel.
You are a wonder and marvel to Your Creator. "You are a Miracle!" Well, if you have never heard it before. I am telling you today. YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!! I know it may not seem like it today or yesterday or even maybe tomorrow depending on what is happening in your life. But the miracle that is YOU is not dependent on what happens to or around you. The miracle was and is your very life given to you by God. It does not matter whether you believe it or not. But it is the TRUTH! We are waiting on our BIG Miracle but the Biggest Miracle of all is each one of us.
Just may ask, "How do you know this and why do you believe it? (Please keep reading)
BACKGROUND: I was walking down the hall of the preschool where I teach and passed the infant and toddler rooms. As I passed the rooms this week the Holy Spirit hit me with a thought. They start out as a baby and grow to be an adult without any skin being added. I started thinking about this and it did and is blowing my mind. My mind went every where. I teach advanced 4 and five year old children. They have grown and changed in 10 months. I was looking at pictures of them playing and learning at the beginning of the school year and they have changed so much. Their features have changed. They have gotten taller. Their speech has even changed. They do not shed their skin to change from year to year or even month to month. Neither do you. We are changing each and every day. Miracle!!!
There are 2 things that hit me:
- The same Creator of the Universe took HIS time to create me. The universe is so vast that scientists are still learning and discovering new things. They are still learning and discovering new things about the human body inside and out.
- It was like the Holy Spirit opened up Psalm 139:13 - 17 and related it back to creation. I have and am seeing both of these passages in a new way that I had never experienced before. The same way God created everything in the universe in Genesis 1 with detail HE spoke and it was so. In Genesis 2 HE actually placed HIS hands on and in Adam to do surgery to create Eve. The same God who had spoken every thing into existence was now very personal and intimate with Adam and Eve. Now, HE made ALL the delicate and inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Please hear the Holy Spirit through me Woman of Valour. The same God that was personal with Adam and Eve is the same God that wants to be personal with each one of us. We have to choose to let HIM. God loves you and I. HE does NOT have favorites. HE wants to heal us in our broken places and mend our broken hearts. HE wants to heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon us by others. HE also wants to heal the wounds we have inflicted upon ourselves by believing lies as the truth. HE wants us to live and walk in the freedom Jesus died to give us.
Another thought just hit me which is John 3:16 - 17.
For God so loved the world (Me) that HE gave
HIS one and only Son (Jesus), so that everyone (Me)
who believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life.
For God sent HIS Son (Jesus) into the world not to judge the world (Me),
But to save the world (Me) through HIM. (Emphasis added)
Jesus allowed HIS life to be given in exchange for yours and mine. We are the miracles. I have never experienced this verse from this perspective before. God uses Miracles to produce Miracles. Very profound statement but also very TRUE!!! IT MATTERS that out of our messes God brings miracles and out of the dust HE brings diamonds.
Woman of Valour, if you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior and you do NOT see your self as a Miracle. I am praying right now that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see and your ears to hear and your heart to understand that YOU ARE A MIRACLE today!!!
Woman of Valour, if you have NOT accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. Pray this simple and life changing prayer:
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. HOLY SPIRIT, open my eyes to see myself as the Miracle that is spoken about in God's Word and the words of this post.
WHOO HOO!!! I am praising God with you and for you. The angels in heaven are partying right now as well.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me see myself as a Miracle. I want to see myself from Your perspective not my own. Open my eyes to see me. Open my ears to hear Your voice concerning me. Open our heart to understand what You are saying to me concerning our relationship. Jesus, thank You for giving Your life for mine. Holy Spirit, thank You for being my Comforter and Teacher. I choose this day to believe in God's Words and Love for me.
How do you see your yourself: Miracle or Mess?
How did this become your truth?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God.
Please share a comment or Email me