Thursday, February 18, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

God is and still using this verse to minister to me: 
Proverbs 3:5 - 6
Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart;
do NOT depend on your own understanding.
Seek MY Will in ALL you do,
and HE will show you which path to take.

Why is it that we actually think and believe we are in charge of our own lives? Can you say CONTROL!!! We want to be "in control" of something/everything. As I thought about this concept of control, the less control I realized I actually have. I am understanding more and more especially over the past couple of weeks that I am NOT in control. From the slip at my job, to the allergic reaction, to my cousin's unexpected home going. I am finding out that I cannot even control myself. I NEED JESUS!!! Who and/or what are you trying to control in your life?  

So, modes of transportation started coming to my mind: planes, trains, and automobiles. I also thought about cruise ships because that would be my ultimate vacation. Let's start the discussion with the fact that none of these are 100% safe. We accept an amount of risk when we use any of these modes to transport ourselves from one place to another. 

I am not trying to scare anyone but wake us up to the truth. We as human beings have to trust in something or someone BIGGER than ourselves. I have been thinking about trust lately and reflecting on the passing of my cousin. She was healthy and full of life. I have attended many funerals but this one hit me hard. There were no closure as to the details that resulted in her death. She went to work fully expecting to come home like any normal day but this day she was called 'Home'. We go to work each day just like she did. She took vacations just like most of us. She used modes of transportation. It showed me that I have to ALWAYS be ready to go 'Home' because I do not know the day nor the hour when My Father will call me home. Are you ready, Woman of Valour?

Airplanes, trains, automobiles, and cruise ships are not safe ALL of the time. There are many instances I can point to from the news. Think about Malaysia Jet MH370 which has yet to be found. It is actually lost. Think about the many, many plane crashes. Think about the Amtrax train derailment of 2015. Think about ALL of the automobile accidents that are reported. Think about the cruise ships where people die or get very sick. The people are trying to get to their destinations safely. They were NOT in control. When we use any type of transportation we cannot trust in the pilot, engineer, driver, or captain. We have to TRUST IN THE LORD who commands everything. What is HIS Will even in the little things?

Our every day automobiles can be used as weapons. Every day there is a car accidents in this country and the world at large. When a drunk driver gets behind the wheel. When a person texts while driving. When there are distractions while driving you and/or someone else is putting your life at risk. When the weather is bad. When you are in a car you fully expect to reach your destination safely. Are you really in control? Or is Someone working behind the scenes to keep you safe? 

So, I live less than 5 minutes from my job. But I never really thought about driving or modes of transportation in this manner prior to now. The famous line comes to mind: 'It won't happen to me.' There have been plenty of accidents/deaths because people would not or did not pull over and send their text then keep it moving. Or people would not or did not give their keys to someone else. 

TESTIMONY: I was driving down the street from Bible Study but failed to send my husband a text letting him know I was headed home. I picked up my phone and immediately had to put it back down. I pulled over to the side of the road and sent him the text then continued on my way. This took less than a minute to do. This post has convicted me to live my life differently. I thought about my life, the sister in the car with me, and whomever else I may encounter on the road that night. Their lives matter to someone just like mine does. 

Please think before picking up your cell phone to send a quick text. That text could cost your life and/or someone else's. Think before drinking and driving. We have a responsibility to ourselves, family, and each other as human beings.

It takes MAJOR faith to use any mode of transportation. You may not think so but you are "trusting in" someone or something to take you from place to place. Anything can happen on the way. Thinking about the 50 car pileup on the turnpike in Pennsylvania last month. The people had no idea what was going to happen that day when they set out on their journeys. This is why prayer is sooooooo important. The next day is not promised to me. As I dealt with not being able to fully catch my breath, shows me that my next breath is not even promised. 

James 4: 13 - 15
14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. 15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”

This sounds like some words you may have heard from your grandparents: 'Lord willing and the creek don't rise.' You may have thought it was funny but it is based in part on the truth of My Father's Words. It is God who has numbered our days before we ever lived one of them, according to Psalm 139: 16. The fog comes in the morning mostly and within a short span of time it is gone just like us. If we are given 100 years on this planet it is a short span of time in comparison to eternity. 

It is my prayer that the HOLY SPIRIT convicts your heart with something that you read today. The prayer below will allow you to settle these questions. Where will I spend eternity? Who am I trusting in today?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. My life is like the fog. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED about your decision. Do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too!

Who am I trusting in today?

Where will I spend eternity ? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me


  1. So amazing. I certainly relate to not taking a breath for granted. Not being in control can really be an asset. Give it to God. Thank you, as usual, for this winning blog.

    1. Thanks Cryss. Every breath is precious. Trusting in God is truly an asset. I agree 100%.
