Monday, February 1, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse, mobile home? Do you live with a roommate at college, your brand new spouse, or back at home with your parents? Think back to when you first moved in. Were you immediately comfortable being in your new surroundings or with another person or your family? The answer for most of us is probably "no". As I was reading my devotional, Diamonds in the Dust, the title was: "There is no Place Like Home." She was talking about the Word being or becoming like home to us. As I started to write this blog God took it even deeper for me. My spirit and the spiritual realm should be like home to me. I should be comfortable in My Father's Presence. We can get comfortable by spending time with HIM in prayer and HIS Word's.

We say "I am a child of God" but when was the last time you talked to Your Father or HE talked to you? I actually had to ask myself the same question. It was answered by God giving me this example of the house and this post to share with all of you. It is a valid question because a child talks to their parents and the parents talks to their child(ren). Even if the child is deaf or blind they find other ways to communicate. They are comfortable in each other's presence. We were spiritually deaf and blind before we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. God used and continue to use other ways to communicate with us to show us just how AWESOME HE really is. HE does this through answering our prayers and others prayers concerning us. Sometimes it seems like we have to labor over prayers to get an answer. Then there are times that HE will answer your thoughts. You can think about something and God will answer the thought. In both cases You are connecting with Your spiritual DNA. You are only accomplishing this connection with Your spirit into the spiritual realm.

We have natural DNA from our natural parents and spiritual DNA from OUR Spiritual Father. It is time for us to start or continue to identify with our spiritual side. It will bring each one of us life, peace, joy, love, security, belonging, etc. We are daughters of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. We must start acting like it in our thought processes. Tell the devil: I take that inadequacy thought (whatever negative thought) captive to the obedience of Christ. I am choosing to believe what My Father says about me in this moment.

God had to show me HE was NOT some tyrant sitting on HIS throne barking orders at me. HE is a Person and personable God to and for each one of us. HE took HIMSELF from the spiritual realm and made HIMSELF natural so we could relate to HIM. Therefore, HE is GOD the Father, JESUS the Son and Savior, and the HOLY SPIRIT the Counselor and Teacher. HE did it because HE desired children and a relationship. HE chose each one of us and now HE wants us to continuously choose HIM.

My Father and yours actually created the earth out of absolutely nothing.(Genesis 1) HE spoke and it manifested and it was good. Why did God go through the process of creating the earth, atmosphere, seasons, etc? It is because of each one of us. God did ALL of this for you and me. Then he created you and me. I used to believe for a long time that I was a mistake. I should never have been born. You may be able to identify with those statements. I mean even as a Christian I believed this about myself. It was an uphill battle for God to win with me. These thoughts were soooooo deep in my thought process that they were a part of my make up. My belief system was 'jacked up'. HE had to change it but it was a process and continues to be a work in progress. Your Father wants to change your belief system as well. HE created you because HE loves you.

BUT God began to show me that I am complex and marvelously made by HIM (Psalm 139: 13 -16 Message). My belief system was soooooo messed up that God showed me that I was in heaven with HIM. Then HE placed me inside of my mother. When I left heaven I forgot who I was and I forgot about Him as my Father. I had amnesia and during the course of my walk on this earth HE has been reminding me of who I really am. I REALLY am a child of God. This is the same for each of us. God wants you to remember who HE is and who you are.

In my DNA: Natural and Spiritual (Part 1) post, I stated: "we are a spirit which lives in a body." We are spirit first then body. Life on this planet was made possible by God Himself. But we have forgotten who we are and who HE is. God wants us to remember. But we have an enemy that opposes us remembering. So all of the negative things that we can story up in our memories crowd out the wonderful memories and thoughts of OUR Father. Jesus understood HIS Spiritual DNA. Jesus was teaching HIS disciples to pray and the first two words were: OUR FATHER. HE closed the prayer with: "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."

TESTIMONY: I am REALLY understanding my spiritual DNA right now. My body has pains coming from both hips and my back. I can choose to focus on pain and be downtrodden and mad that I slipped on black ice. Or I can choose to focus on My Healer and go through the process. I choose the latter because I know that Our God is still sitting on HIS throne. HE still has ALL POWER. HE still gets ALL THE GLORY!!! AMEN!!!

REMEMBER: This is a journey for us to share in the trench and the triumphant. I know I am not the ONLY one that God is dealing with. Please share your triumphant or trench experience. The enemy gets the glory when we try and hide or cover up in darkness. God gets the glory and light can shine in when we share.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I want to be led by me spiritual DNA more than my natural DNA. Show me my spirit and the spiritual realm so they are more like home to me than my physical place of residence. 

Which place is more home to you: Your physical residence your body or your spirit? 

How can you tell?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

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