Sunday, February 28, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

Spring and summer are the seasons many of us look forward to with great anticipation. It is time for ___________ . You fill in the blank. It maybe a time you are dreading because you do not know what to do with your child or children. It can be time to get into shape before summer. It can be time to move into your new home. It can be time to move into a new position. It can be time to go on a long awaited vacation. It can be time to spring clean. It can be time to open your own business. I have a question for you concerning ____________ in the coming months. Do you have a 'have to' attitude or a 'want to' attitude toward it? All of the above mentioned items require planning.

I ask you the question because I have been pondering this same question for a week. I have an AMAZING opportunity that has been presented to me. It requires me to get my body into shape. When it was first presented to me I was excited. Then I began to think about the work involved. So, I have given myself a six week lifestyle challenge. This is the beginning of the second week. I am exercising and eating right. I worked out 5 days last week. I started out at 158.5 lbs and yesterday I weighed in at 152.5. I have lost 6 lbs. I know this is the start of a process and I will plateau or stay at a weight and not lose each week. Before I started this process by asking God to help me with 'wanting to' work out and eat right. Will I continue when I don't see results? YES!!! Will you continue when you don't see results in whatever you are trying to accomplish?

TESTIMONY: This is the crazy part, my husband has been trying for months to get me back into the gym. We joined together last year, I was excited initially and we were faithfully going to exercise. I fizzled out but he was faithful even up until now. When he would talk about working out I would either make excuses or say I just don't want to go. This was my mindset. It was not what he wanted to hear and it was not what I wanted to say but it was my mindset at the time. Now, I am VERY thankful to God for helping me change my mindset. I want to workout and enjoying my classes. I am enjoying making smoothies and eating right. Another encouraging thought process for me is not for me to be forced to do the right thing because of getting sick.

God reminded me that I had this same dilemma with my relationship with HIM. Some years ago, I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a 'want to' mindset toward spending time with HIM. I had a 'have to' mindset. As a Christian this is what you have to do. I would hear a message or God would speak and I would get motivated to read the Bible, pray, and spend time with HIM. I would get excited and then fizzle out. HE gave me a 'want to' attitude. HE showed me Isaiah 54:5: "For your Maker is your Husband." When I read this verse I saw our relationship as "want to" instead of "have to" for the first time.

Physically and spiritually I have previously had a 'have to' attitude at first. This means I thought about both as a chore or something to be dreaded. This can be your mindset toward anything you desire to accomplish. I have to ____________. This may be your mindset today. It first starts with a decision then action must be put toward the decision. Let's say you want to get healthy as I am trying to do now. You seek out an "expert" to help you. The expert can be a teacher of a class, a video workout, the internet, a friend who has a healthy lifestyle, etc. There is some work that you must do to get in shape. There is a workout plan that must be followed. There are eating habits that must be changed. You have to become strict with yourself. You cannot eat the same things you did before if you want to see real changes. But as you continue working the exercise plan you will see results: the way your clothing fits, the scale, and others will notice the changes. The more you work the plan the more it can become your lifestyle. The key is to put in the work. You must work the plan. Do you know that one decision can and will impact your life forever if you allow it? What ever decision you are facing choose to do it with a 'want to' attitude instead of a 'have to' attitude.

Now, let's transfer this same mindset to your spiritual self. First, there has to be a decision. The decision is to accept Jesus Christ. He is the "Expert". But HE also uses friends, the internet, apps, etc. to help you along the way to build a relationship with HIM. The decision to get healthy will impact your life but this one decision will impact you for eternity. Tell someone that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. You have to start eating differently. You may ask: How? Download the YouVersion Bible app (it is the brown bible picture) or click this link: and start reading John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17. It will tell you that God loves you and has given you a VERY special gift. The book of John was a starting point for me. God used it to show me HIS LOVE for me. You can change your eating habits with regular food. You also have to change your eating habits by feeding your spirit with the Word of God and other resources. You are strict with yourself about what you put into your body. You have to be just as concerned with what you put into your spirit. You will begin to see results: You will have joy and a strange peace that you just cannot explain. But it makes you smile no matter what is going on around you.

When you start getting healthier and losing weight you feel better and gain a new attitude. When you accept Jesus Christ you become a new person in Christ (I Corinthians 5:17). In both cases, some people will be happy for you and others not so much. In both cases, you must plan time to accomplish your goals. Do you have goals set? This requires you to plan your time as you would with working out, your man, children, or girlfriend. I am just saying that your desire alone will not get you to your desired goal or result. God wants you to know HIM. He is not a secret. He wants to show you the plan that HE has for your life. God wants to impact your life in every way. Will you let HIM?

NOTE: You may say I did not need God's help to change my mindset. I would have to disagree because I had tried a couple of times to do it own my own and it did not work. So, this time I tried Someone different and HE is working with me to work the plan. This time I wanted longevity. I needed a new mindset and attitude and HE has shown me how to see the positives instead of the negatives. It is my prayer that You allow God to show you the positives as well in your plans. It will be work involved but you do not have to dread it anymore.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, change my attitude and mindset from 'have to' into 'want to' in the areas where I see things negatively. Show me the positives You have already provided for me. 

Do you have a 'have to' attitude 
instead of a 'want to' attitude? 

In what areas, do you need to ask God to assist 
you in changing your mindset?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Monday, February 22, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

What plans have you made for this day, week, month, year? I have made plans for my life as it pertains to my life and death. My death will have an immediate impact on my husband and family. I have insurance policies to help out financially. My husband and I have talked about where we want to be buried. We have life plans for our dates, vacations and we have death plans. At the end of the day, my entire life will be summed up in a couple of paragraphs of words on a page and a picture with my birth date and my death date. My remains will be sitting in the front of the church but I will NOT be there. There will be tears but what memory of me will stick out for my husband, family, friends, co-workers, associates, etc. This is the same outcome for each one of us. It may sound morbid but it is the truth. What impact do we want to have on this world?

I just thought about my cousin, Carolyn. She impacted me when I first met her as well as my last memory of her. I dedicated a blog to her and many people posted pictures and videos of her. Many people shared their thoughts of her and how she will be missed. I think about Denise Matthews aka Vanity who also entered eternity this month. She was a famous person who gave her life to the Lord, just like my cousin. But they are no different from any of us. Both lives are a matter of words on a page and a picture with a birth date and a death date. The physical bodies had the same ending.

What impact did these two women have on our world? Carolyn's life impacted many people and her young grandson who spoke on behalf of the family. She will forever be remembered by him, his children and grandchildren. He will make sure her memory stays alive. Just because she spent quality time with him and treated him well. She impacted me and her life has now touched many people in other nations based upon the page views of my "Gone to Soon But Not Forgotten" post. Carolyn has worldwide recognition. Denise Matthews has worldwide recognition because of her fame as Vanity. As I looked at her FB page I saw the many condolences. She had prayed with people which impacted them. She had also preached messages that impacted people all over this country.

What mattered for them and matters for each one of us is:
  1. Have we received Jesus Christ as our personal Savior?
  2. How do we live our lives?
  3. How do we treat other people?
  4. How do we impact other people's lives?

I am reminded today that "life is indeed short". Time waits for no one. Once this 24 hour time period is spent there will never be another like it. I have been thinking a lot about my life and taking inventory. It is my desire to be ALL that God created me to be. I hope that is your desire as well. I cannot put off things for tomorrow any more. This verse is sticking with me more and more:

James 4: 14-15
14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” 

I am writing because this is the gift God gave me. It is my desire and action to bring GOD GLORY and show you HIS LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, PEACE, FREEDOM, and FORGIVENESS. I share what I am going through because since HE has and still is setting me FREE. HE can set you free as well. How do you want to be remembered? My cousin's phrase was: "Life is Short". Denise Matthews' phrase was: "You got one shot." It is my prayer that something you read will lead you to accept and walk closer to Jesus Christ today.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED about your eternal decision. Do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too!

What impact will your life have on this world?

Do you know where you will spend eternity ? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

God is and still using this verse to minister to me: 
Proverbs 3:5 - 6
Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart;
do NOT depend on your own understanding.
Seek MY Will in ALL you do,
and HE will show you which path to take.

Why is it that we actually think and believe we are in charge of our own lives? Can you say CONTROL!!! We want to be "in control" of something/everything. As I thought about this concept of control, the less control I realized I actually have. I am understanding more and more especially over the past couple of weeks that I am NOT in control. From the slip at my job, to the allergic reaction, to my cousin's unexpected home going. I am finding out that I cannot even control myself. I NEED JESUS!!! Who and/or what are you trying to control in your life?  

So, modes of transportation started coming to my mind: planes, trains, and automobiles. I also thought about cruise ships because that would be my ultimate vacation. Let's start the discussion with the fact that none of these are 100% safe. We accept an amount of risk when we use any of these modes to transport ourselves from one place to another. 

I am not trying to scare anyone but wake us up to the truth. We as human beings have to trust in something or someone BIGGER than ourselves. I have been thinking about trust lately and reflecting on the passing of my cousin. She was healthy and full of life. I have attended many funerals but this one hit me hard. There were no closure as to the details that resulted in her death. She went to work fully expecting to come home like any normal day but this day she was called 'Home'. We go to work each day just like she did. She took vacations just like most of us. She used modes of transportation. It showed me that I have to ALWAYS be ready to go 'Home' because I do not know the day nor the hour when My Father will call me home. Are you ready, Woman of Valour?

Airplanes, trains, automobiles, and cruise ships are not safe ALL of the time. There are many instances I can point to from the news. Think about Malaysia Jet MH370 which has yet to be found. It is actually lost. Think about the many, many plane crashes. Think about the Amtrax train derailment of 2015. Think about ALL of the automobile accidents that are reported. Think about the cruise ships where people die or get very sick. The people are trying to get to their destinations safely. They were NOT in control. When we use any type of transportation we cannot trust in the pilot, engineer, driver, or captain. We have to TRUST IN THE LORD who commands everything. What is HIS Will even in the little things?

Our every day automobiles can be used as weapons. Every day there is a car accidents in this country and the world at large. When a drunk driver gets behind the wheel. When a person texts while driving. When there are distractions while driving you and/or someone else is putting your life at risk. When the weather is bad. When you are in a car you fully expect to reach your destination safely. Are you really in control? Or is Someone working behind the scenes to keep you safe? 

So, I live less than 5 minutes from my job. But I never really thought about driving or modes of transportation in this manner prior to now. The famous line comes to mind: 'It won't happen to me.' There have been plenty of accidents/deaths because people would not or did not pull over and send their text then keep it moving. Or people would not or did not give their keys to someone else. 

TESTIMONY: I was driving down the street from Bible Study but failed to send my husband a text letting him know I was headed home. I picked up my phone and immediately had to put it back down. I pulled over to the side of the road and sent him the text then continued on my way. This took less than a minute to do. This post has convicted me to live my life differently. I thought about my life, the sister in the car with me, and whomever else I may encounter on the road that night. Their lives matter to someone just like mine does. 

Please think before picking up your cell phone to send a quick text. That text could cost your life and/or someone else's. Think before drinking and driving. We have a responsibility to ourselves, family, and each other as human beings.

It takes MAJOR faith to use any mode of transportation. You may not think so but you are "trusting in" someone or something to take you from place to place. Anything can happen on the way. Thinking about the 50 car pileup on the turnpike in Pennsylvania last month. The people had no idea what was going to happen that day when they set out on their journeys. This is why prayer is sooooooo important. The next day is not promised to me. As I dealt with not being able to fully catch my breath, shows me that my next breath is not even promised. 

James 4: 13 - 15
14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. 15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”

This sounds like some words you may have heard from your grandparents: 'Lord willing and the creek don't rise.' You may have thought it was funny but it is based in part on the truth of My Father's Words. It is God who has numbered our days before we ever lived one of them, according to Psalm 139: 16. The fog comes in the morning mostly and within a short span of time it is gone just like us. If we are given 100 years on this planet it is a short span of time in comparison to eternity. 

It is my prayer that the HOLY SPIRIT convicts your heart with something that you read today. The prayer below will allow you to settle these questions. Where will I spend eternity? Who am I trusting in today?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. My life is like the fog. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED about your decision. Do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too!

Who am I trusting in today?

Where will I spend eternity ? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Saturday, February 13, 2016

DESIGNER ORIGINAL: CLASSY and SASSY LADY - Carolyn Williams-Robinson

Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

My cousin had a very powerful home going service today. She is truly gone now. Actually, she left on Thursday, February 4th. I believe many of us are still in a state of shock. Please keep our family in your prayers for comfort and peace. Today was for us to say goodbye, remember, and share with each other who she was to us. Now the hard part begins when the people will fade back into "normalcy" and we are left with more questions than answers.

Her grandson spoke words on behalf of the family. He said his grandmother always said "life is too short. He did not understand her words meant until now." He shared how his Nana would always spend time with them. He shared alot about the times they spent together daily. From his speech, she was a pillar in his young life. He brought me and many others to tears. Just looking at this young boy remember and speak with a great deal of love and respect for her and the values she instilled in him. Her legacy lives on within the young and the old and everyone in between whose lives she touched. 

The Pastor's message title was:
 Designer Original: Classy and Sassy Lady
I Corinthians 12

He opened with a question: "How many of you planned to be here 2 weeks ago?" He then followed with, "Carolyn brought us here today." The church was packed. He said, "In his 21 years of being a pastor at that church, this is the biggest funeral they have ever had." He spoke about: 
  • Her being a Designer Original continuously.
  • God blessed her and each one of us with a gift(s). She used hers to serve others. 
  • She made one of a kind shawls for people. They were unique and special just like her.
  • Life is too short to major in the minors.
  • God made Carolyn special.
  • She never met a stranger. She was the sister/best friend everyone wanted.
  • Carolyn had to trust God and each one of us do too.
  • God used Carolyn for the purpose HE created her and then took her back home. 
  • The only reason you don't get to heaven is because you don't want to go to heaven.
  • Each one of us is to use our gifts to serve others.
  • Her style and ability to get a bargain.
  • The gospel which is Jesus coming to earth and being crucified for each one of us then being raised from the dead 3 days later and ascending to heaven. 
All of the things he said are actually true of each one of us. He definitely made these points and in a short time frame. I have to personalize things when I hear them. So I am sitting there and I am listening to the words and taking notes on my phone. 

Tonight, I started looking at my notes and was blessed all over again. I started to think about my gift. What is my gift? My gift is words. I use them in spoken and written forms to encourage others. I can find a unique perspective or a silver lining in just about anything. This has just developed over the last couple of years. "Doom and gloom me" would ALWAYS see the negative and throw a pity party. 

As I thought about Carolyn today and how she used her gift to serve others. I decided to stop procrastinating and finish the book God gave me to write called, "Silent Scream". I have been afraid of criticism or not being good enough. But with the Holy Spirit's help, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) I just have to be obedient and use the gift more. My cousin was obedient to the pictures that God showed her. So many was blessed and still are being blessed by her gift.

I am special to my Father just like Carolyn. I had to trust Him just like her. My purpose is not finished so that is why I am still here. But at the same time I understand that time is short. So, I have to work while I can. In this case, it means write and speak while I can. My cousin is truly gone but not forgotten. 

What are you waiting for to walk in your gift? What is your gift? Let my cousin propel you into your destiny. I am allowing her to propel me into all that God has for me. She LIVED her life to the fullest! I am going to live mine to the fullest as well. LIFE IS SHORT!!! Will you join me?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help us discover and walk in our gifts before it is too late. Help us understand that we are special. Since You gave us the gifts we can walk them out today. 

What is your gift?

What is keeping you from using it now? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

GONE TOO SOON BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Carolyn Williams-Robinson

Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

This is another Trenches and Triumph post for me. It is also hard to write because there are many questions but few answers in the death of a "loved one" gone too soon. This post is dedicated to my cousin, Carolyn Williams-Robinson who entered eternity on Thursday, February 4th. Our entire family is grieving and hurting behind this tragic accident and loss. There is a hole where she should still be. My mind is whirling while my heart is heavy and happy all at the same time. I have watched FB as different family members and friends have posted pictures and videos of her with their words of grief and loss. As I thought about it, how could I memorialize her? Then it came to me, do it with words. So this is my way of sharing a life that is gone too soon but definitely NOT forgotten.

At first, questions flooded our minds: Why? How? When? Did she suffer? These are questions that are still outstanding for the family. I said, "My heart is heavy and happy all at the same time." It is happy because Carolyn and her husband rededicated their lives to the Lord and joined a church. She was announcing it in North Carolina during our family gathering for Christmas. She was EXCITED about their decision. So, this does bring a level of comfort to our family knowing that she is with the Lord. The main question became for eternity: 'Had she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior?' The answer was YES.

This is my beautiful cuz and she is being missed with each day that passes.

Carolyn was my cousin by adoption. I was initially adopted into the family by my Godmother, her Aunt, about 12 years ago and now by marriage.
First time: I met her for the first time on her father's back porch in North Carolina. We hit it off initially by her telling me she was going to take my shirt because she liked it. I told her "whatever" she was not taking my shirt. She liked me because I did not back down.
Last time: I saw her at Christmas last year in North Carolina. She was sitting on the couch beside me showing me her Pandora bracelet. She specifically pointed out the Dallas Cowboys helmet charm on her bracelet because both of us shared a love for the Cowboys. I was actually sporting a Cowboys shirt. Then, she showed me the rest of the charms. I remember thinking her bracelet definitely reflected her. I also remember her telling me I should get one.
I remember hugging her at the end of the night and us telling each other we would see each other the next time. It definitely makes you want to hold those that are close even closer to you.

She was a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, cousin, niece, etc. She was the sort of person you either liked or disliked. She was very frank and to the point. She kept it "REAL".  She was the life of the party. She was always in a good mood when I saw her at cookouts and family functions. She was an entrepreneur. She was very creative. She was a very stylish dresser. She was funny. She loved to look like a million bucks but she was very thrifty with her money. She would wear alot of name brand clothing but she did not pay name brand prices. She loved to find a bargain and she did not mind going into negotiation over prices. She had a knack for getting it for the price she wanted. She loved Lime green and her favorite flower was the Cattle Lilly. She was a blessing in my life and the family. She was also a blessing to many others that I am just finding out about since she has passed. She definitely left a legacy.

I watched her plan her stepmother's funeral. She could have fallen apart but she held it together for her father's sake. She handled the details which is the hardest part when someone passes. I also watched her stand by her father's side as she watched him and helped nurse him back to health from a serious illness. She was good under pressure.  She made decisions and was seemingly able to keep it moving. She was very much on top of her game. She was a strong woman. I started to put "black" woman but she was just "strong" period.

Our family has more questions than answers about her death but there is not a question about her eternity. She is not one that "we" have to try and place in heaven at her funeral. She made her own decision while there was still time and life in her body. Each of us have to make this same choice while we have time. Choose to "plug in" or "plug back in" again to "THE ONE" who created you and loves you just like HE loved my Cuz! I believe she would want me to ask each of you: "Have you made the choice to accept Jesus as Your Savior?" If the answer is no. You can today by praying the following simple prayer.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED like my cuz was. Do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too!

Have you truly trusted Jesus as your Savior?

Do you know where you will spend eternity ? 

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

Monday, February 1, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Do you live in a house, apartment, condo, townhouse, mobile home? Do you live with a roommate at college, your brand new spouse, or back at home with your parents? Think back to when you first moved in. Were you immediately comfortable being in your new surroundings or with another person or your family? The answer for most of us is probably "no". As I was reading my devotional, Diamonds in the Dust, the title was: "There is no Place Like Home." She was talking about the Word being or becoming like home to us. As I started to write this blog God took it even deeper for me. My spirit and the spiritual realm should be like home to me. I should be comfortable in My Father's Presence. We can get comfortable by spending time with HIM in prayer and HIS Word's.

We say "I am a child of God" but when was the last time you talked to Your Father or HE talked to you? I actually had to ask myself the same question. It was answered by God giving me this example of the house and this post to share with all of you. It is a valid question because a child talks to their parents and the parents talks to their child(ren). Even if the child is deaf or blind they find other ways to communicate. They are comfortable in each other's presence. We were spiritually deaf and blind before we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. God used and continue to use other ways to communicate with us to show us just how AWESOME HE really is. HE does this through answering our prayers and others prayers concerning us. Sometimes it seems like we have to labor over prayers to get an answer. Then there are times that HE will answer your thoughts. You can think about something and God will answer the thought. In both cases You are connecting with Your spiritual DNA. You are only accomplishing this connection with Your spirit into the spiritual realm.

We have natural DNA from our natural parents and spiritual DNA from OUR Spiritual Father. It is time for us to start or continue to identify with our spiritual side. It will bring each one of us life, peace, joy, love, security, belonging, etc. We are daughters of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. We must start acting like it in our thought processes. Tell the devil: I take that inadequacy thought (whatever negative thought) captive to the obedience of Christ. I am choosing to believe what My Father says about me in this moment.

God had to show me HE was NOT some tyrant sitting on HIS throne barking orders at me. HE is a Person and personable God to and for each one of us. HE took HIMSELF from the spiritual realm and made HIMSELF natural so we could relate to HIM. Therefore, HE is GOD the Father, JESUS the Son and Savior, and the HOLY SPIRIT the Counselor and Teacher. HE did it because HE desired children and a relationship. HE chose each one of us and now HE wants us to continuously choose HIM.

My Father and yours actually created the earth out of absolutely nothing.(Genesis 1) HE spoke and it manifested and it was good. Why did God go through the process of creating the earth, atmosphere, seasons, etc? It is because of each one of us. God did ALL of this for you and me. Then he created you and me. I used to believe for a long time that I was a mistake. I should never have been born. You may be able to identify with those statements. I mean even as a Christian I believed this about myself. It was an uphill battle for God to win with me. These thoughts were soooooo deep in my thought process that they were a part of my make up. My belief system was 'jacked up'. HE had to change it but it was a process and continues to be a work in progress. Your Father wants to change your belief system as well. HE created you because HE loves you.

BUT God began to show me that I am complex and marvelously made by HIM (Psalm 139: 13 -16 Message). My belief system was soooooo messed up that God showed me that I was in heaven with HIM. Then HE placed me inside of my mother. When I left heaven I forgot who I was and I forgot about Him as my Father. I had amnesia and during the course of my walk on this earth HE has been reminding me of who I really am. I REALLY am a child of God. This is the same for each of us. God wants you to remember who HE is and who you are.

In my DNA: Natural and Spiritual (Part 1) post, I stated: "we are a spirit which lives in a body." We are spirit first then body. Life on this planet was made possible by God Himself. But we have forgotten who we are and who HE is. God wants us to remember. But we have an enemy that opposes us remembering. So all of the negative things that we can story up in our memories crowd out the wonderful memories and thoughts of OUR Father. Jesus understood HIS Spiritual DNA. Jesus was teaching HIS disciples to pray and the first two words were: OUR FATHER. HE closed the prayer with: "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."

TESTIMONY: I am REALLY understanding my spiritual DNA right now. My body has pains coming from both hips and my back. I can choose to focus on pain and be downtrodden and mad that I slipped on black ice. Or I can choose to focus on My Healer and go through the process. I choose the latter because I know that Our God is still sitting on HIS throne. HE still has ALL POWER. HE still gets ALL THE GLORY!!! AMEN!!!

REMEMBER: This is a journey for us to share in the trench and the triumphant. I know I am not the ONLY one that God is dealing with. Please share your triumphant or trench experience. The enemy gets the glory when we try and hide or cover up in darkness. God gets the glory and light can shine in when we share.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I want to be led by me spiritual DNA more than my natural DNA. Show me my spirit and the spiritual realm so they are more like home to me than my physical place of residence. 

Which place is more home to you: Your physical residence your body or your spirit? 

How can you tell?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me