Sunday, January 10, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hey Hey Hey Women of Valour, 

How are you doing?

What do you choose to focus on today? Do you choose to focus on the weather? Which is always CHANGING. Do you choose to focus on the problems in your life? Which will always come up. Do you choose to focus on the football playoffs? Which will have you up and down physically and emotionally. Do you choose to focus on Your Creator and Father? Who does not change. It is a choice only you can make for yourself. No one can do it for us. I am choosing to refocus!

  1. center of interest or activity 
  2. central point of attention 

  1. The way you see something
  2. A way of thinking about something

Focus is what you choose to give your attention to. Where is your attention today, this week, this month, and this year? I would love to say mine was on God this week but I found myself focusing on my purpose and work. My focus can either lift me up or bring me down. As I am writing this post, I am choosing to refocus on my God who has the answers to the questions that I am trying to figure out. Whatever you are facing right now child of God HE has the answer to your questions as well. The longer you and I focus on our problems the BIGGER they become. Also the smaller God can seem in relationship to the problem. You and I have to make a choice to refocus our attention.

Perspective is your way of thinking about something. My perspective was that my purpose was too BIG for me to fulfill and am I making a difference on my job? I am asking God to reveal what my next step should be but I am also worrying about the next step. This is insanity. Why? Because I am supposed to cast my cares upon the Lord since HE cares for me. (I Peter 3:7) This is easier said than done sometimes. More like MANY times this is harder than it seems.

TESTIMONY: God reminded me of a real example of focus and perspective. As I flew to Georgia in August of last year, I was totally calm getting on the plane and it taking off. I knew that no matter what happened my trust was in Him. My focus was on Him not the plane or the pilot. My perspective or thought process was: "God has me in the palm of HIM hand right now in this moment." God shared with me that when we pray and praise HIM we are lifted above our problems/issues. Just like the plane taking off and soaring above the clouds/problems. We soar above our problems when we pray and praise HIM. When I landed in Georgia I was in a different place. When we come out of prayer and praise with our God we are in a different place. Our problems should not be gigantic anymore because we should have a different focus and perspective. We should be looking at it from God's perspective and with a godly focus. The problem should no longer be seen from our limited perspective.

As I look now at my purpose and job, I understand that my God will lead me and direct me to the people and places I need be. I just have to do my part of preparation. I must also continue to pray and praise HIM for HIS WILL to be done. This applies to each one of us. What is your perspective and focus on today? It could be a wayward child, death of a loved one, sick parent/child, job, marital issues, your purpose, etc. Woman of Valour, choose to refocus on Your Creator today. HE has EXACTLY what you need in this very moment.

This song helped me refocus. I pray it does the same for you. Listen to the words.

Link to Video:

Prayer: Holy Spirit, Help me to see things from Your perspective instead of my own limited viewpoint. Help me to refocus on You instead of myself or my problems. Open my eyes to see You and open my ears to hear You in the midst of my problem.

What are you going to focus on
as you walk though this new year? 
What is your perspective going to be as you walk through this new year?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me

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