Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

I said we are on this journey together. We are in the trenches together. I have been doing alot of soul searching, reading, and studying about inadequacy and insecurity. I am reading the Bible and other commentaries and articles. The more I read the closer and further away I am from a solution. So my heart tells me that Jesus is the answer. This is the TRUTH...but my finite mind tells me there has to more to it than that.  My heart and mind are not in agreement. Have you ever felt like you were being pulled in two different directions at the same time. 

Well, this is where I found myself this week. As I said, I am going to take you on this journey with me from prison to peace. As the Holy Spirit reveals to me; I am going to share and it is my prayer that as HE reveals to you that you will also share with us. So I have been reading over the verses of Scripture which I shared in my previous post: "Lies: Feelings of Inadequacy."  

I will say it again to myself just as much to you. Women of Valour, it is time (actually past time) to fight back and get out of the pit of insecurity and inadequacy. Let's start with the first verse
  • God has NOT given me the spirit of fear: but of power, love and a sound mind.  (2 Timothy 1:7)
So, let's break this verse down:

I Timothy 1:6-7
God has NOT given me the spirit of fear. So what has God GIVEN me? POWER, LOVE, and A SOUND MIND. My Father has given us HIS Daughters these three things. 

  1. HE GAVE me POWER to do what? So, as I read verse 7 I also began to read around this verse of what was before it and after it. It was verse 6 that stuck out to me. "This is why I remind you to fan into a flame the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you." I had to remember that God gave me the gift of healing many many many years ago. But I have not been utilizing the gift. The Power HE gave me is to lay hands on the sick. The POWER HE GAVE me is to speak words of encouragement to those that are downtrodden. The POWER HE GAVE me is to open the blinded eyes and set the captives free with HIS WORDS. What POWER has GOD GIVEN to you to build up yourself and HIS KINGDOM? You have to remind yourself of the words that have been spoken over your life. Then get to fanning and speaking and acting upon the gifts.
  2. HE GAVE me HIS LOVE to do what? To love God first, myself, and then others. I went to Matthew 22:37:38. So, how can we love on others if we do not love ourselves. I used to try and do this on my own but it never worked. As it turns out I was only loving others to try and get my own self-centered and selfish needs met. Which were based upon my feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Thankful to MY Father for showing me HIS LOVE for me and showing HIS LOVE to others through me. Have you been showing love to others out of selfish or self centered motives? God wants to show us HIS true love for us. Please let HIM.
  3. HE GAVE me a SOUND MIND (self discipline or self control) to do what? This is so that I can choose to walk out the things HE desires for me to do to build up HIS Kingdom. I can also say no to the things that do NOT build up HIS Kingdom. Sometimes it works and other times I do my own thing because I feel like the things HE asks of me to do are TOO hard. Maybe you can identify with that statement. The Holy Spirit wants to remind us of EVERYTHING that Jesus endured for us and then I get my act back together. He is reminding me now through this journey.
My heart is in agreement but my mind is saying: "Yeah, that ALL sounds good but what about your feelings of inadequacy and/or insecurity. What about when ________ hurt you? What about how ________ makes you feel? The thoughts may be valid but it goes back to whose voice am I going to listen to? Your heart may be saying yeah she is right but the thoughts in your mind may be saying "whatever that is just for her and not you." The Word of God is for each one of us IF we allow it to reveal the truth to us. By the way, IF is a GIGANTIC two-letter word. Especially, IF you add WHAT IF to it. 

So, let's break down FEAR. Where does the negative part of fear come from? It comes from our enemy the devil, our backgrounds, our thought processes about change. Any type of changes bring with them FEAR of the UNKNOWN and WHAT IF. Let's cancel this out right now.  FEAR is an acronym that has been around for years:

  • F = False
  • E = Evidence
  • A = Appearing 
  • R = Real

What if you choose to listen to God's Words about you? What if God fails me or has failed me in the past? What if God does not show up for me like HE did not in my past? I am asking you on God's behalf to give HIM another chance. Just like you would give a person in your life who has hurt you multiple times and you keep going back. But you chose to cut God off after one offense you believe HE committed. 

REMEMBER: We will continue this discussion in the coming weeks as God walks us through this process into complete freedom. I will share with you and prayerfully you will share your struggles and triumphs. It does not matter where you are: overcomer, in the trenches, or sitting on the sidelines. We can ALL benefit and encourage each other through the process. This is just the beginning. Stay tuned there is more to come.

GOD has done the work on the Cross through HIS Son, Jesus Christ. Our Father thought we were WORTH it. Now HE wants each of us to choose to BELIEVE that we are worth  it. As I thought about the words from the song Worth in my previous post. The thought hit me that God thinks we are worth it. This short poem came to me so I am sharing it with you:

by Andrea Monroe

My Clothes or shoes do not make me worth it
My friends or family do not make me worth it
My car or house do not make me worth it
My bank account or lack thereof do not make me worth it

My negative thoughts processes do not take away my worth
My unbelieving heart do not take away my worth
My negative words do not take away my worth
Other people's negative words about me do not take away my worth

God made me worth it when He created the entire universe
God made me worth it when HE created my body
God made me worth it when HE created my heart and mind
God made me worth it when HE breathed HIS breath into me

God made me worth it through Jesus Christ 
God made me worth it with the Cross
God made me worth it when HE gave me HIS Holy Spirit
God made me worth it so tell me how can you or I disagree 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, Help me trust and believe my Father made me worth it. Bring my heart and mind on the same page. Help me to fight the lies and believe the truth about myself. Help me to speak and believe God's Words to and about me. Use the words that I speak and believe to set this captive free in these areas of my life.

Are y0u going to choose to listen to God's voice
How will you choose to fight 
the lies of inadequacy and insecurity?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or

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