I have to share what happened on Saturday and finished up this morning. So yesterday was quality time with my husband, Carlton. Last week, we were like 2 ships passing in the night. So, we made time for "us". It was an absolutely AMAZING day spent catching up with each other and just time in each others presence. It is one of the main things I love about our marriage. We absolutely love spending time with each other. We did not do any thing major but just normal stuff and had a ball.
SATURDAY: We have a friendly competition going on to see who can get the most steps on our VivoFits in a given day. So, yesterday we went to Body Combat class. He had me by 1000 steps. He went to walk the track. I came home because we had to get ready for a surprise party. You know most times it takes the woman longer to get dressed than the man. Just saying.
After the party, we went to the Farmer's market and walked around. Then we went to Sonic to eat and walked around the shopping Center to Radio Shack and back to Sonic where our car was parked. By now, I have 10,000 steps. Hubby has 13,000 steps. Then we go to DQ to get ice cream. Then we go and play Miniature golf. I won't tell you who won.
Carlton was still ahead of me in steps. But by this time, I had decided I was not competing I had a goal in mind of 15,000 steps. So, we ended the night with a trip to Ollie's. It is a store that has everything but for cheaper prices. I especially love their book section which are priced 75 - 90% off. By the time we left I have 15,000 steps. This is the first time ever I have had 15,000 steps in one day. I was pumped. I wanted to take a picture but my phone was dead. I did not even think about using hubby's phone. Each morning, the first thing I do is put on my Vivofit.
SUNDAY: This morning, when I put it on and saw 0 steps. It had reset overnight. This is when the Holy Spirit hit me with "HIS mercies are new every morning." I said WOW!!! HE further explained that just as ALL those steps were reset. This is the same way God resets our mess ups during any given day. We cannot do anything that HE cannot and does not cover with HIS mercy.
Lamentations 3:22 - 23
His mercies never cease.
23Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Once I read the verses, "Great is HIS Faithfulness" got me as well. The LORD is faithful even when we are not.
1) Choice: No matter what words you have spoken, deeds you have done, things you have left undone, sin you have committed there is a clean slate each and every day that God wakes you up. It is a choice as to what you will do with that day.
2) Priority: I started this post with spending QT with my husband. My marriage is a priority for me. It is great because we communicate and spend time together. We also have to get in spending QT with Our Heavenly Husband. This relationship must be prioritized because out of it flows ALL other relationships. It AMAZES me that our AWESOME Father and God wants to communicate and spend QT with us each and everyday. Even when we get caught up and a couple of days or weeks pass by HE adores us making time for HIM. What are you prioritizing in your everyday life?
3) Competition: I said Carlton and I are in a friendly competition. Some of you may be in competition with a neighbor for a newer car or bigger house. Some may be in competition with a co-worker for a promotion. Some may be in competition with a girlfriend to see who can get married first. There are ALL kinds of ways to be in competition but are they helping or hindering you in accomplishing your purpose?
4) Goals: I stated, I decided to focus on my goal which was getting 15,000 steps. I had to pause on this part. What things did I do within that day to hurt or hinder myself or someone else. They were counted against me just like my steps were counted. BUT GOD gives us new mercies each day. What have you done or not done in the space of 24 hours. Sometimes we have to refocus our attention to attain a goal. What goals have you set or need to set for yourself to walk in your purpose?
I am not bringing these things up to bring about condemnation but to bring about freedom. So the enemy cannot beat us up with things that have happened in our past. We can tell him, "Yes I did or did not do __________________. But God has given me new mercies for today. And I will have new mercies for tomorrow as well." We have to talk back when the enemy talks to us. We can start with this prayer.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for the new mercies given to me each and every day. I am thankful for Your Faithfulness to me Lord. Help me understand that You are ALWAYS for me and NOT against me. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Who are you in competition with?
What priority does God have in your every day life?
I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God.
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