Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

I am VERY thankful today just because My AWESOME and AMAZING GOD woke me up to see this BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! I AM FREE!!! The spirit of discouragement longer lives here. I HAVE MY COURAGE BACK!!! The Holy Spirit has reminded me that Jesus has set me free. (John 8: 35 - 36) I am no longer a slave in this area I am a child of God. I am remembering my Grandma's words: Get in the Word, stay in the Word; stay there until Jesus comes. I have learned some things about me, God, and the enemy. I have been walking in my instructions which is to "praise my way through" and "stay in the Word". This is what I have been doing. Every chance I get I am listening to music or in the Word and both are uplifting to my spirit. I have found that my soul is uplifted as well. My feelings are changing. My thoughts are changing. The song came to my mind: Praise is What I Do. I have been listening to it and the words are even more meaningful to me now.

Link to Video:

BACKGROUND: Over the past week, The Holy Spirit has taught me some very important lessons:
  1. Freedom is a process and a journey not a destination.
  2. Jesus came to give me life. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10)
  3. Once Jesus sets me free I have a responsibility to stay free.
  4. Praise is a choice and not to praise is a choice.
1) Freedom is a process and journey, just like cleaning your house or apartment. I have been set free/cleaned in many areas but there are other areas where I am in the process of being set free/cleaned. There are still areas where I am not walking in freedom or clean at all. I said, "I did not feel like a Woman of Valour." Well, God only sees me the way He created me to be. His blood bought child. He sees me consistently through the Blood of Jesus. However, my thoughts and feelings gave me a very different picture. Our thoughts and feelings can and will lie to us. We have to choose to listen to and seek out the truth or choose to listen to the lies. You clean the house/room and then it is dirty again. There are different parts to us that get dirty and have to be cleaned again. I believe I went though a recleaning in this area of discouragement.   

2) The Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus came to give me life more abundantly. Jesus has already set me FREE from my prison cell. Jesus has given me LIFE. But the enemy was attacking me based on my past. I was walking in doubt as to what I am supposed to be doing. I was walking in fear of the unknown. I was rehearsing the negative feelings I was feeling. The attack was different this time because usually something is going very wrong in my life and it triggers the thoughts and feelings. Then, my world is thrown into chaos. But this time there was an eerie calmness surrounding me.

3) Through this process, I am learning that I have to walk out and fight to stay FREE. I have a responsibility to stay FREE!!! Jesus gave HIS life to set me free but I have to fight to stay free. How do I fight? By renewing my mind. You have to say what God says about you. You have to ask for help from God. Ask HIM to lead and guide you. The enemy is ever vigilant at his job of trying to help us return to the prison cells Jesus has set us free from. He is doing the exact same thing with ALL of us. You are no different. There is an emotion or thought process that ties you up or gets you to walk down familiar destructive paths. The Holy Spirit showed me I had turned around and was actually walking back toward my prison and prison cell in my mind.

4) Praise is a choice and it gives me a different focus and perspective. My limited perspective only causes me to be further confused. But God's perspective brings about peace, clarity, solutions, and freedom. The Holy Spirit had to remind me what praise does for me. It gets me to refocus on My Father and not my problems or issues. My Father becomes All POWERFUL!  Do not get me wrong I am NOT advocating sticking my head in the sand and ignoring my problems or issues. But praise allows me to see that my Father is greater than my issue. It also allows me to be open to hear from my Father concerning the issue or problem. My Father wants to help me in the midst of the storm. He doesn't want me to handle it alone. Your Father does NOT want You to handle your problems or issues alone either. He wants to lead and guide each one of us to our Freedom in Christ.

There is a strategy to help each one of us overcome. But we need to know the plan and then follow the plan. HE gives us the courage to _______________. This may mean getting up earlier to spend time with the Lord in prayer, HIS Word, Praise. It may mean fasting. It may mean comforting or forgiving someone who has hurt or wronged you. It may mean separation from someone you love for a period of time. It may mean helping a hateful boss. Whatever it means to you it may cost you something that you in your own strength cannot do. This is why we need the Holy Spirit's help. Praise truly helps in each one of these situations. 

TESTIMONY: My doubts and fears were thoughts that the devil were trying to use to make me turn away from MY Father. HE was actually getting me to walk back toward the prison Jesus had set me free from. This is his plan for each one of us. His plan has not changed since the Garden of Eden. He wants to separate us from our Father. It is usually in subtle ways that we just accept. This was not new to me but it was new at the same time. I never had a name to attach to it before: Discouraged. If I had continued walking the path, I would have ended up back in the prison cell worse off than I was before. This is what you and I are fighting against. The Holy Spirit illuminated a Scripture for me.

Matthew 12: 43 - 45: 
When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says, 'I will return to the person I came from.' So it returns and finds it former home empty, swept, and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before. This will be the experience of this evil generation. 

So, I am going to take you all through what God is revealing to me in the weeks to come. God is doing some AMAZING things. God has used Our Daily Bread, Rebuilding the Real You, Battlefield of the Mind, Women of Valour blogs, and of course HIS Word to minister to me and remind me who HE is and who I am. There are resources at our fingertips to help us walk through Life victoriously.

We have SMART phones. But how are we using them? Are we using them to help lift us up  or further tear us down? Are we using them to compare ourselves to others? Are we using them as a tool to learn more about who we really are in Christ.

God used my smart phone to have me listen to an audio book: Rebuilding the Real You. He has also used Women of Valour Blogs to minister to me. Here are some particular ones:
You may have heard and are now hearing many negatives thoughts about yourself. Well, God sent me tell or remind you of HIS truths about you. This is the TRUTH of who you are WOMAN OF VALOUR:
  • I am a child of God today. (John 1:12)
  • I am an heir. (Galatians 4:6 - 7)
  • I am complete today. (Colossians 2: 9-10)
  • I am wonderfully and fearfully made today. (Psalm 139: 18)
  • I am loved today. (Romans 5:5)
  • I am accepted today. (Ephesians 1: 5-6)
  • I am significant today. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • I am never alone or lonely today. (Hebrews 13:5)
  • I am forgiven today. (Colossians 1: 13-14)
To find more TRUTH statements about who you truly are today as a child of God. Click here

Like I said, the feelings of being unloved, insignificant, unaccepted, etc. are things that God has walked me through and I recognize those feelings and thought processes. I am Free in those areas. So, I can quickly recognize and not accept them. I KNOW they are not from My Father. This was old but new because I did not know what it was. I just knew it was very familiar to me. When I had its name I could call it what it was and it had to bow to the name of Jesus. I am no longer discouraged. I feel like myself again. I literally had to praise my way through. I also had to speak to those feelings and thought processes what God's Word says about me. I could not allow the feelings to continuously overtake me. Women of Valour, if there is something that is holding you back ask God to reveal it and then fight against it.

The Holy Spirit is using this blog to remind each one of you what Your Father says about you. You are NOT the same person you once were. It was a choice you made to try and follow the old familiar road instead of following the new path God placed you on. It is a choice to follow the new path instead of the old familiar path. It is always a choice that will lead you to life or death. But we must choose LIFE each day!!! There is more to come in the weeks ahead. STAY TUNED!!!

Prayer: Holy Spirit, thank You in advance for giving me a name for the things that are hindering me in my feelings and thought processes. Father, I take __________________ captive to the obedience of Christ.  I release courage into me right now in the Name and by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I want to thank You for loving on me each and every day whether I deserve it or not. 

Have you been feeling a certain way but
 could not explain or express it?

Can  you start and speaking over yourself 
who God says you are?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me


  1. Well, this is just amazing! So timely for me. I really needed this. Keep allowing God to use you, Woman of Valour.

    1. So glad the Holy Spirit could use these words to minister to you in a timely manner. We do serve an on time God!!! Who loves us VERY much!!! Thank you for your comment.
