Monday, August 10, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

I shared this poem/reflection called "YOU PROVED IT" at Guiding Star United Holy Church in Manson, NC yesterday. As I reflected back on the words this evening, the Lord laid it on my heart that HE IS REAL and still alive. HE reminded me that this used to be my #1 request: "Lord, prove it to me that You are REAL".  If this is or has been your request keep reading.

I am reading through the Bible in a year. As I started reading Acts Chapter 1, a couple of weeks ago, verse 3 hit me. The thought hit me that even though Jesus had been crucified and died for me. HE has already and is currently still proving to me that HE is  still alive and REAL. He has been proving it all along but I could not and did not see it as Jesus proving Himself to me.

Acts 1:3 (NLT)
“During the forty days after YOU (Jesus) suffered and died, YOU appeared to the disciples from time to time, and YOU proved to them in many ways that YOU was actually alive. And YOU talked to them about the Kingdom of God.” (I changed the "HE" to "YOU" because that was the way the Lord hit me with it.)

You Proved It
By Andrea Monroe

You proved it when the car accidents did not kill me. 
You proved it when I felt ugly inside and out; You showed me I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 
You proved it when I did not have a job but You still provided. 
You proved it when I felt unlovable but you still loved me. 
You proved it when I did not feel like I belonged but you said I fit with You. 
You proved it when I felt lonely but You comforted me. 
You proved it when I was sick and You healed my body and my mind.
You proved it when the children were acting up but You turned the situation around.
You proved it when You changed my hard heart from stone back to flesh.
You proved it when You tore down my walls of protection and gave me Your love, joy, and peace.
You proved it when I was feeling inadequate; You showed me that I am more than a conqueror in Christ.
You proved it when I was blind; You opened my eyes to see myself as You see me.
You proved it when I was deaf; You opened my ears to hear Your voice.
You proved it when You showed me how to forgive myself and others just as You have forgiven me.
You proved it when you showed me how to love myself, my husband, family, and even my enemies.
You proved it when you showed me how to look at the positive side of things instead of always seeing the negatives.
You proved it when You were beaten for any sickness that may attack my body.
You proved it when You were crucified for all of my sins.
If we think about it, Jesus has already proved that HE IS REAL and still alive to each one of us. He has done it on many, many, many occasions.
So we have to continuously remember and believe that Jesus will prove it again to each one of us in our current situation or circumstance.

Prayer: Jesus thank YOU for proving to me that YOU ARE REAL and still alive in my life!

What are some "HE PROVED IT" moments in your life?
(You may or not have recognized it
 as JESUS proving Himself as REAL to you.)

Please share in a comment


  1. God has truly proved to me that HE is real in my life. He allowed me to regain my sanity when I should have been in an institution. He set me free from shame and condemnation. There are soooooo many I could share but then the poem would have been never ending.

    What "prove it" moments can you share?

  2. I guess He is still proving it, whenever I read this. I have said it before and I will continue to say it, this blog is really a Godsend. He really uses it to show me that He sees and understands my heart. Thank you for sharing, Miss Andrea.

  3. Thanks for the comment.

    RJ, God is PROVING IT to you just by Jesus moving me to write.

    YOU proved it when you had Andrea write this blog just for me.
    YOU proved it because You are showing me that you see and understand my heart.

    Jesus LOVES you, RJ, you just have to believe it. I know it is hard especially with the lies the enemy has been making you believe as the truth. God is going to use this blog and HIS WORDS to open your eyes to see yourself the way HE sees you. Just keep reading and praying and I am going to keep writing and praying until HE does. You are NOT alone in this battle!!! I am in the trenches with you!!!
