Monday, August 17, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

God has been dealing with me about seeds. Seeds come in both negative words and positive words. Both can be planted by others and they can be planted by each one of us.

How you may ask? By consistently and continuously thinking and speaking the words. We watch over or cultivate the positive and negative seeds/words in our lives without really realizing it. They will do what they are created to do; which is produce. When a seed is planted it will live or die. If it is watched over it will live. But if it is not watched over it will die. Whatever kind of seeds we prioritize in our lives will grow.
EXAMPLE: Love and hatred starts with seeds or words. A child is born and grows up in a home filled with love; while another child is born and grows up in an abusive home. Seeds/Words were planted/spoken in both homes. If nothing changes one grows up feeling loved while the other grows up very defensive and possibly continues the cycle. How can the child who grew up in the abusive home change the seeds of negative words? It is going to require replacing the negative seeds with positive seeds. The only positive seeds that will last is God's Words.

The negative words are like big boulders which overwhelm and help you believe the lies:
  • This is just the way I am
  • Nothing will ever change
  • I will ALWAYS be or feel this way
  • I will never accomplish anything
  • There is no hope for me
  • You don't really know me
NOTE: These are called pity parties and they are not helpful but harmful to bringing about a solution. They were designed to keep you and I rehearsing the hurt/problem instead of finding a solution to our problem. They require us to look at our own logic instead of God's Truth which can only be found in God's Word.

I believed these same lies for a VERY long time. I am talking many, many years. These lies started with seeds. They could be your parents or someone else words to you. They could be your own words to yourself. God showed me that the only seeds that matter and are true are God's Words to us. But the seeds are no good if they are not planted in soil which are our hearts and minds. They must be watched over as well.
The seeds are the Words of God. When you or someone else speaks God’s Words; they are seeds that go into the heart and mind. You have a responsibility to watch over the seed that was spoken/planted. How do you watch over the seed? You water it by going over the Word for yourself. You speak life over your own situation and circumstance. After a while, you will see the seed break open and produce in your own life.

TESTIMONY: This was the major issue in my own life. I would hear God's Words spoken but I did not watch over the Word spoken to me. I did not keep speaking it or thinking about it. I did not water it by seeking out other verses that spoke about God's Love, peace, or joy for me. Meanwhile, I was mean, evil, and beating myself up with my negative words/seeds about myself and other peoples  negative words/seeds about me. This is what I watched over and prioritized which grew and produced in massive quantities. I could not really hear the positive seeds people or God was speaking.
BUT GOD...Here are some seeds/words I have believed which God has already and still is helping me overcome with HIS Words:
  • the man leaving me for someone else
  • not getting the job I interviewed for
  • a friend betraying me
  • a failed marriage
  • a miscarriage
  • being unattractive and unlovable 
  • being lonely
  • not being a good Christian
  • Not being good enough or unworthy (still in progress)
  • procrastination (still in progress)
TESTIMONY: I am still dealing with inadequacy and procrastination because I have not watched over the seeds that God’s Words has said to me in these areas. I have in other areas but not in these. So I am still letting the negative seeds/thoughts and feeling hinder what God has for me. It is up to me to plant and water but my God will truly make it grow. (I Corinthians 3:7) When I start planting and watering the seeds, it is a picture of me coming closer to God who promised HE will come closer to me. (James 4:8a) In researching, I found out that inadequacy is rooted in fear. So I have to water the seeds of faith instead of fear.

HOW to water and watch over the seeds?
  1. Go to the
  2. Download the YouVersion App
  3. Search for verses that deal with the seed you want to conquer (Love, Peace, Joy, etc)
  4. Read, think about, and speak those verses over yourself continuously and consistently. (Keep thinking and speaking even when the negative seeds speak against the TRUTH.)
  5. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you believe God's Words about you

This requires work on our part. It is not a magic formula but it is a plan that will work if you work it with the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that you read something that God can use to move you closer to Him and walking in our FREEDOM IN CHRIST which is the direction HE wants all of us to be going.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, lead and guide me as I start this journey to replacing the negative seeds that have been planted with the true seeds of God's Words about me.

What positive seeds do you need to plant in order to

kill the negative seeds that have been planted in your life? 

 I would love to hear from you about your triumphs and/or struggles with seeds!!
Please share with a comment or via my email


1 comment:

  1. First, thank you for visiting my blog. It is my continued prayer for each of you that God will open blinded eyes, allow you to experience and walk in your FREEDOM in Christ.

    If something blessed you please share a comment or testimony of your own.

    God Bless,
