Monday, August 3, 2015


Welcome to Women of Valour
which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
As I read back over my last blog post, I thought about how I used to and sometimes still do handle the lies I believed about myself. I would have a pity party. I would dig a hole and sit in it for days or even weeks. I have had too many pity parties over the years.

A pity party is when you feel sorry for yourself and you rehearse something that has happened to you. It can be something you caused so you blame yourself. It can be something that someone did to you so you blame them. You rehearse whatever it is over and over again. This can lead to feelings of depression. I lived most of my life depressed but did not realize it as depression.

I was famous for the pity party where I was to blame. Everything was always my fault. The list goes on and on and on but here are a few of them. I have had pity parties for:
  • the man leaving me for someone else
  • not getting the job I interviewed for
  • a friend betraying me
  • failed marriage
  • miscarriage
  • not being good enough or unworthy
  • procrastination
  • being unattractive and unlovable 
  • being lonely
  • not being a good Christian
TESTIMONY: I was having a pity party just last month (July) dealing with feelings of inadequacy (less than). It was in relationship to this ministry. I just did not measure up to other Christians. I was not worthy of the vision God has given me for this ministry. I did not feel that God could use me based upon my background and past.
In the midst of that pity party God showed me that a pity party is NOT helpful but harmful to bringing about a solution. It is designed to keep me rehearsing my hurt/problem instead of looking to the SOLUTION to the problem. A pity party requires me to focus on me versus God’s Truth about me which can only be found in God’s Words.
I KNOW from experience that this concept is easier said than done. The thoughts may be hitting you that God could NEVER love, accept, forgive, or use you because of your past. You have to choose to refocus on the truth of God’s Words instead of the lies you have always believed.
When you accept Jesus Christ as Your personal Savior GREAT things happen to you immediately. You have to choose to believe they have happened no matter what your thoughts or feelings say to you.  
  • I am immediately loved (John 3:16 NLT)
  • I am immediately forgiven (Romans 4:7-8 NLT)
  • I am immediately accepted (Ephesians 1:6 NKJV)
  • I am immediately made into a new person (II Corinthians 5:15-17 NLT)
You are in a battle for your own mind. Keep reading and speaking GOD's Words to you until they manifest to you.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I choose today to believe what God's Words say about me. I am forgiven now. I am loved now. I am accepted now. I am a new person now.

QUESTIONS: What pity parties have you thrown for yourself?
Who did you blame: yourself or others?
Please share via comment or
email me privately at



  1. I want to thank each of you for visiting. Please leave a comment with your thoughts or send me an email if you do not want to share via comment. Thanks again and I am praying you are blessed by something you read.

  2. Andrea, this is beautiful. I love what you are doing through your blog. I am going to send the address to Polly, who has been like a daughter to me since she was 17. She constantly refocuses on what she perceives are her inadequacies rather than God's love and sufficiency. Also, I will send it to a friend who is having a rough time. I didn't have any problem making a comment. The box popped right up. Are you now able to see your comments?
    Karen Smith
    (I have blogged seldom since I started creating curriculum for J-Kidz.)

  3. Karen, thanks for your comments and your willingness to share it with others. It is my prayer that they will read something that the Holy Spirit can use to penetrate the lies and darkness with TRUTH and LIGHT.

    Yes, my comments work now...Praise the Lord. I will check out your blog as well.

  4. I really like the August 3 post about lies and the affirmations that you remind us to tell ourselves. I have to make sure that Polly is reading these!


  5. Hi, Andrea, it's so good to see your blog pop up on my news feed. I see that you have published a book. How can I order one? I'm so glad you are following God's plan for your life. Are you still helping with Grace women?

