Saturday, January 19, 2019


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Hello Women of Valour,

I had a dream last night!

My Dream:

Setting: We were sitting at a table outside on a big redbrick patio having a conversation.  It was a beautiful day!!!

I was talking to a lady who had 2 children and was down on herself and God! She was complaining about her life and how she did not know if God was listening much less hearing her. She was talking about who she was not and would never be. I listened to her talk and talk as only we women can. (smile).

Me: Can I share something with you about the God that I know?

Lady: Yes

Me: You have two children correct?

Lady: Yes.

Me: Do you treat your children the way?

Lady: No.

Me: Why:

Lady: Because they are NOT the same. My son is very strong but my daughter is very emotional.

Me: Just as your children are different so are we as God's children. God does NOT treat me and you the same just as you don't treat your children the same. HE is Our Ultimate Parent! We are children of God but individuals as well. He meets us where we are but HE loves us more than enough not to leave us there. Do you believe this?

Lady: Yes.

Me: Do you love your children? Do you see things in them that they do NOT see?

Lady: Yes, more than life! Yes, all the time!

Me: Just as God loves you and sees things in you that you do not see within yourself.

Lady: No words just a BIG smile on her face and tears forming in her eyes.

Me: God LOVES you! (as I pointed at her) God is always listening because HE said HE would NEVER leave us or forsake us. He has NEVER left your side and HE never will. Are you doing ALL the talking and not listening? In order to hear an answer you must first listen. It is VERY hard to listen and talk at the same time. Maybe what you need is some quiet time where you just sit and listen. What I know about Daddy God is the fact that HE loves to talk to us. HE is VERY personable and relational. He is desiring PURPOSED INTIMACY with us each and every day!!!

I woke up with a smile on my face because this is where God has me right now. Hopefully, something that you read blessed you to continue or start walking toward purposed intimacy with HIM today!!!

Love You beautiful Women of Valour!!!


Prayer: I have made my plans or in the process. Holy Spirit, I am asking you to speak to my heart about me. What is your desire and will for me this year? What needs to change within me this year?

Have you asked God what HIS plan is for your life this year?

If yes, I challenge you to just sit quietly in a place for 2 minutes and ask God to speak to your heart.

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