Sunday, September 25, 2016


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

Women of Valour, 
You and I are 
Choose to BELIEVE!!!

I am working on the Self Talk Series book which is also our identity in Christ. As I am writing, The Holy Spirit is showing me how the enemy deceives and tricks us. He wants us to believe his lies instead of God's truth. His game/goal has NOT changed since Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

I was watching this video on our WOV YouTube Channel. I thought I had published this particular video but I had not. It is for you if you have NOT heard that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL today!!! It is also for you just to confirm the fact that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL today!!! This is according to Genesis 1: 26. The Self Talk Series blog I was working on was: "Remember Who You Are."

I am FED UP with the enemy telling us repeatedly that we are ugly. This is a lie from the pit of hell.

The truth is:
Watch this video and choose to believe the truth about you.
Link to Video:

NOTE: The TRUTH will set you free but you must participate and choose to believe it. Begin or continue to speak life to you until the truth manifests in your heart, mind, and eyesight. Speak the Word of God to you in the mirror. You need to see yourself speaking it and hear yourself saying it.

The TRUTH that I speak of can only be found in and through Jesus the Christ and God's Word. If you have accepted and received Jesus as your Savior then this blog post is for you.

If you have not or you have been on the fence about accepting Christ, Today can be your day. Pray this simple prayer to receive Jesus Christ into your heart.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, I need a Savior, Jesus Christ. I openly confess that I am a sinner and need a Savior. I am asking You to forgive me of all my sins and come into my heart. As I am confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Lord who came to this earth, died, and was resurrected on the third day. I choose today to receive you into my heart according to Romans 10: 9 - 10. I choose to trust you with my life. 

NOTE: If you prayed the prayer to accept or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus please share it with someone. Be EXCITED about your decision. God is going to transform your life as you participate with HIM. Please do not keep it a secret. God loves you and I do too! WELCOME to the family!!!

PRAYER: Father, I thank you in advance for showing us that WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Open our eyes to see us the way You see us. Show us the new person You see when You look at us. Holy Spirit, change our eyesight and open our minds and hearts to see clearly who You have created us to be. In Jesus' Mighty and Holy Name!!! Amen!!!

What lies have you believed concerning your looks?

How have you been made into a new person?

I pray something you read touched your heart to walk closer to God. 
Please share a comment or Email me


  1. I am beautiful and wonderfully made by God.

    1. YES, You ABSOLUTELY are inside and out. Thank you for your confession and comment!!! It is VERY much appreciated!!!

  2. Hmmm, I'm not sure what to say. I don't know how to feel about this. I don't know why.

    1. Hello Rayven,

      I KNOW it is hard to believe. The mirror was NEVER my friend. It was more an enemy than anything. I struggled with this for MANY MANY years. I am asking and the Holy Spirit is asking you to start speaking HIS Words concerning you. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY beautiful and wonderfully complex. God has gifted you with soooooo much.

      Today you can start by making the confessions in this blog. You can say what God says about you. You can just take 1 verse. Mine was Psalm 139: 14. I love you, Lady!!! God loves you more than your mind can ever comprehend.
