Welcome to Women Of Valour
which is about
which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1
I concluded my first post with the need for us to learn how to fight with God's Words instead of our own words. This is easier said than done. It depends on the lies you have believed about yourself, the Church, Our Father GOD, Jesus Christ Our Savior, and The Holy Spirit Our Teacher. It also depends on how bad you want to be FREE.
It took God using what I am sharing today as an opening to begin to reveal to me what was going on in my warped mind. I was going around and around but not getting anywhere in my walk with the Lord. I was a Christian which I believed about myself SOME of the time. Other times, not so much.
I read Exodus 8 which talks about how God sent plagues to Egypt through Moses. God did this because Pharoah would NOT release HIS people, the Israelites, from slavery (prison). Pharoah got tired of the plagues of frogs, so he asked Moses to pray for the frogs to leave Egypt. Moses asked a simple but profound question. WHEN do you want me to pray? In my finite mind, I thought that's a dumb question. I want them to leave NOW. What do you mean "when"? I would have caught an attitude just because he asked the question. BUT Pharoah's response was tomorrow. I was thinking what is wrong with him. He is the leader of the nation. He can stop this.
It took God using what I am sharing today as an opening to begin to reveal to me what was going on in my warped mind. I was going around and around but not getting anywhere in my walk with the Lord. I was a Christian which I believed about myself SOME of the time. Other times, not so much.
I read Exodus 8 which talks about how God sent plagues to Egypt through Moses. God did this because Pharoah would NOT release HIS people, the Israelites, from slavery (prison). Pharoah got tired of the plagues of frogs, so he asked Moses to pray for the frogs to leave Egypt. Moses asked a simple but profound question. WHEN do you want me to pray? In my finite mind, I thought that's a dumb question. I want them to leave NOW. What do you mean "when"? I would have caught an attitude just because he asked the question. BUT Pharoah's response was tomorrow. I was thinking what is wrong with him. He is the leader of the nation. He can stop this.
So, I had to put it in today's terms. This would be like our nation being plagued and President Obama being given an out for ALL of us and answers "tomorrow". The White House is over run and so is EVERYBODY'S homes with frogs. Our president can put a stop to this craziness and instead he says tomorrow.
Your thought process may be the same as mine. But God revealed to me that Pharoah did not just need the frogs to be stopped. He needed deliverance. God, My Father was asking me: When do you want me to deliver you, Andrea? God made me take a long look at my own life. Like Pharoah, I wanted deliverance in many areas of my life just not right NOW. Why did he say tomorrow?
WHY? This is a crucial question I had to answer. It was because I still wanted to have my "F-U-N". Bottom line, I wanted to continue to sin. Even though my "FUN" was killing me physically and spiritually. If I said right now then my fun would have to stop. People would look at me differently. People would expect more of me than I was prepared to give. I knew I needed deliverance but I did not want it that bad right now. Right now had a finality to that I was unwilling to surrender to.
Don't get me wrong Pharoah needed deliverance from the frogs. Just like, I needed deliverance from my pain, hurt, loneliness, tears, people pleasing, etc. Pharoah was the King and did not want to appear weak. Maybe he could figure out a solution of his own in 24 hours or less with his finite mind. I know I could not figure out a solution to my problems and LORD KNOWS I TRIED.
Since I grew up in church I would read the Bible which are God's Words. But my warped thinking said they really did not apply to me. I was (NOT) "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) because I believed I was the ugly duckling and black sheep of my family. "I was (NOT) "a new person in Christ." (II Corinthians 5:17) These were two beliefs which were lies from the pit of hell.
I believed the parts of God's Words where "God was gonna get me," I definitely believed. It was the way I had been trained up in the church. I was going to "hell" for everything from watching movies to wearing makeup to wearing pants. God to me was a disciplinarian and HIS Words were an extension of HIM. There was no freedom only bondage/prison for me.
I kept doing the same sins/things and could not find peace, joy, love, or freedom anywhere. But I knew not to leave the Church building. I would have my fun on Friday and Saturday and then have the nerve to show up to Church on Sunday. Sometimes I would be broken down and repent. This is when I would get saved all over again. Other times I would go to the building and nothing happened. It was business as usual. I was on a hamster wheel and I did not know how to get off. Again, I kept believing this is just the way I am. There is nothing more to being a Christian. By the way, my thought processes were ALL lies. There is hope...Keep reading.
These are the two practical ways God used to bring about deliverance in my life. There are two parts to fighting and winning with God's Words. Both parts can seem tricky but it is a lie the enemy wants us to believe. "HE (the devil) is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)
1.You have to KNOW HIS WORD
My struggle with KNOWING HIS Words was the fact that I did not understand the King James Version of the Bible. God led me to the NLT and the Bible opened me up to a whole new world. It was definitely written just for me.
It took many years for me to understand that the Bible is actually our LOVE LETTER written to each one of us. It took many years for me to understand that the Creator of the universe and My Creator loved me and wanted to talk to little ole me. I am NOT special Your Creator DESPERATELY wants to talk to You as well.
2. You have to believe HIS Words
It was also hard for me to believe something that seemed to contradict EVERYTHING I had been taught or believed. It is easier to think negatively about myself than it was to believe the truth: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". (Psalm 139:14 KJV) and "Since I belong to Christ I am a new person. My old life is gone; my new life has begun." (II Corinthians 5:17)
I had to keep saying it over and over and over again. I did not get on the hamster wheel in one day it was a process. Getting off the wheel was a process as well. The negative words continued to bombard my mind but I would replace them with God's Words about me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made AND I am a new person in Christ. I choose to believe it this second, minute, hour, day. Jesus Christ was showing me how to fight. This is the same way each of us must learn to fight.
I had to keep saying it over and over and over again. I did not get on the hamster wheel in one day it was a process. Getting off the wheel was a process as well. The negative words continued to bombard my mind but I would replace them with God's Words about me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made AND I am a new person in Christ. I choose to believe it this second, minute, hour, day. Jesus Christ was showing me how to fight. This is the same way each of us must learn to fight.
NOTE : Our technological world has made #1 null and void. If you really want to read and understand, you can get a version you understand by clicking on your app store. Search for a Bible app and download it onto your device. Once it downloads open it and keep clicking through the versions until you find one which is easy for you to understand. My personal favorite is the New Living Translation (NLT). Ask the Holy Spirit to open up God's Words to you and HE will because HE is the Teacher.
Prayer: Lord, lead me to the version of Your Word that will speak to my heart. Then teach me to believe Your Love letter written to me.
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Prayer: Lord, lead me to the version of Your Word that will speak to my heart. Then teach me to believe Your Love letter written to me.
If you have been blessed by my blog. Please "share" my blog. www.womenofvalour15.blogspot.com
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