Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This is my first time writing a blog. I have always been a person who journals. So, now the Lord is stretching me to use my journaling/blogging to help me and others. I have found over the years that when I write things down it:
  • Allows me to get them out of me and onto the paper.
  • Keeps the thoughts or feelings from poisoning my system, if allowed to stay inside.
  • Gives me a point of reference when I go back and read what I wrote a day, week, month or even a year later.
  • Allows me to see where my thoughts processes and behaviors have changed.
  • Shows me where I have grown and where I have remained stagnant.
         "Women of Valour" is all about freedom in Christ, setting the captives free, experiencing the love of God, and opening blinded eyes. Isaiah 61:1 states:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me,
for the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to comfort the broken hearted
and to proclaim that captives will be released
and prisoners will be freed.

     God has and is taking me though the healing process in my mind, body, and spirit. God is doing it to me so that He can use me to help others in the very same practical ways HE has helped me. I was hurting emotionally and mentally and not realizing I was hurting. I was hurting other people in the midst of my pain. I thought this is just the way I am.

     How can I hurt and not know I was hurting? Pain was soooo familiar to me it was like my pet. I held onto my pain/pet even when freedom was offered to me. My mind was so warped with lies that I believed the freedom that was offered was for everyone else but me. You may be feeling this way too but there is hope. Keep reading...

Let me give you some background. I was saved or accepted Christ into my life when I was a young girl. I kept getting "saved" over and over again as the years passed. I believed I was saved which meant I was going to heaven when I died. But there was no freedom, peace, joy, or love operating in my life or through my life. I thought I was the ugly duckling and the black sheep of my family. I believed I was unlovable.

My very real scenario: I would literally go to church, women's conference, revival, Bible study, etc and would hear the speaker talk about freedom, blessings, love, peace, joy, prosperity, etc. I would sit in my chair or pew and the thought/lie would hit me "those things are not for you but others." I would rehearse the thought in my own mind how those things were not meant for me based on my past or current mistakes. If I tried to believe it even more negative thoughts would crowd my mind. Has that ever happened to you?

As a child of God, you are loved and have been set free from the prison of sin and lies. The very first Scripture or lesson God taught me was Jeremiah 31:3:

Long ago the Lord said to Israel (Andrea):
 "I have loved you, my people (Andrea), with an everlasting love.
With unfailing love I have drawn you (Andrea) to myself.
God had to make His Word real to me so HE had me insert my name in the verse. This way I KNEW that HE was talking to me. It took me saying it over and over and over again before I started to believe it. My own mind fought me because of what I had believed for so many years.
I said there is hope. Hope has a name and it is Christ Jesus the Resurrected One. God, the Father,  loves you so much that HE gave you the perfect, ultimate gift.
For this is how God LOVED you.....
HE GAVE HIS ONE and ONLY Son (Jesus),
 so that everyone who believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
The enemy has been having a field day with us as women, especially, in the area of love. It is time to take back the ground that has been taken from us. We have used our words to fight in the past and even now. But we have to learn to use the Words of God to fight the enemy that is hindering the love, joy, peace and blessings in our lives.
Prayer: Lord, show me Your love for me everyday. Let me experience Your everlasting and unfailing Love in very real and tangible ways. Make Your Love for me more real than anything else.

1 comment:

  1. First off, let me say that I had no idea you are a writer so this blog is a very pleasant surprise! I think it is so awesome that you are sharing your personal struggle with accepting God's goodness as something that applied to you. It's really a powerful and even Godly thing when we as Christians can discuss our own issues and shortcomings and not act like we have it all together all the time. I believe that god will definitely use this medium as a way to help and encourage not only women but everyone who comes upon it. I think those who need this will find it and that you'll be blessed as a result!
