Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1

My Teachable Moment:

I was riding down the street today and found that my normal route was blocked with a sign posted.
As I followed the signs: turn right. then still further turn right. then left. I quickly realized I had never been through that particular neighborhood that way.  I had to trust the signs because I did not know where I was in relationship to where I wanted to go.

As I was looking for the next orange detour sign, I found myself gaining confidence that I was being led in the right direction.

The Holy Spirit hit me with this thought:

The same way I was looking for and trusting in the detour signs is the same 
way  I should be looking for the detour signs in my life. When my life seems
 to  take a detour  from my expected route. I really have to trust in the Lord to
 lead and guide me. Proverbs 3: 5 - 6 immediately came to my mind.

APPLICATION: Start looking for the detour signs in your life and follow them knowing that Our God, Daddy is only going to lead us where HE wants us to be. Even if it means it is somewhere we do not want to be at during this particular season or challenge. 

As I think about one major detour of getting out of the military and becoming a school teacher. I was following the voice of the Holy Spirit. The detour definitely made me trust and rely on God. My first position, I was a teacher with no experience. My students loved on me and showed me how to love. They also taught me how to teach them. I learned what their strengths and weaknesses were and also mine. We were able to work on them together. This is still true today of being taught by my students. We build and challenge each other as well as hold each other accountable.    

What detours are happening in your life right now?
  1. Starting a business/ministry
  2. Foster Care
  3. Leaving a job/applying for a new job
  4. Reaching out to family
  5. Seeking counseling/group therapy
  6. Seeking a spouse
  7. Reinventing yourself
  8. Reading/Studying the Bible
  9. Reading books that will lead to freedom
  10. Going back to school
  11. Overcoming fear in any area
  12. Forgiving someone who has wounded you deeply
  13. Writing a book that God has laid on your heart
  14. Volunteering at a soup kitchen/shelter
  15. Dealing with unexpected divorce
  16. Staying faithful in your singleness
  17. Adopting a child
  18. Unexpected pregnancy
  19. Dealing with an unexpected illness/diagnosis
  20. Dealing with grief from an expected/unexpected loss, etc.
Our detours can lead us many different places. But at the end of the day or month, were you obedient to the leading of the voice of the Lord in your life. Only you can answer that question.

This teachable moment has given me the PUSH I needed to continue to walk in what God has called me to do which is allowing HIM to set the captive free and help women take off their masks.

Prayer: Lord, show us take and navigate the detours in our lives that you have set up.  Even the ones we have created in our own lives. Help us follow your leading and guidance.  Also, reveal to us the deceptions in our lives that may try and mimic You.  

What detours are happening in your life right now?

Will you choose to trust God to walk you through it? 


  1. Detours are apart of life. It is how we deal with them that matters. We can be mad at the world or follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and trusting HIM through the process. Even in fear and not understanding or seeing the end result. We walk by faith and not by sight. Love you lady and thank you for your comment.
