Welcome to Women of Valour which is about
experiencing your freedom in Christ, being set free,
experiencing the love of God, and opening your blinded eyes
Isaiah 61:1Hello Women of Valour,
I am sure ALL of us can identify with this picture! But in the midst of our storms, we can choose to trust in God. The lyrics to this song will bless you:
How many times have our hearts been troubled and all we wanted was to be rescued? But God seemingly did not rescue or even answer you. I say 'we' because I have been there and sometimes still are there. But could it be that there is a reason for us to go through this particular storm, at this particular time frame. Would we dare pray and boldly tell Our Father to glorify HIS Name through our situations and circumstances? This is what Jesus was saying in these two verses.
John 2:27 - 28:
"Now My Heart is troubled, and what shall I say?
Father, save me from this hour?
No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.
Father, glorify Your Name"
In the portion of Scripture above, Jesus is speaking about HIS Death on the Cross. This is why HE came to this earth. Just as HE was looking to HIS Father. We have to LOOK UP when we find ourselves with a troubled heart. We can go to Our Father to find comfort and peace in the midst of our storms. The situation may or may not change but our viewpoint concerning it can be changed depending on what we focus on and who we trust in.
John 14:1:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled,
trust in God, also trust in Me."
As I watched the movie: Son of God, I saw how the people celebrated Jesus entering Jerusalem for the last time. I also saw how they were the same ones shouting crucify HIM later in the same week. But I also saw, how I have and sometimes still do celebrate Him when things are going good in my life. I also saw how I blamed Him or questioned Him when things were going wrong in my life. He is The Seed that was planted in the ground for three days to give me eternal life. HE did this for each one of us.
HE is the same Seed who used 12 disciples/apostles to impact and change the world forever. We may look at our world today and say where is God? Well, I KNOW the answer to the question. HE is living in my heart and countless others. I can hear the Spirit of the Lord saying as HE said to Elijah. "I have 7,000 others that have never bowed a knee to Baal." (Romans 11: 3 - 5) Baal was a false god. God through HIS people are ALL around us. We may feel alone in our walk on this journey sometimes. But in truth, we are never alone because He said, "I will be with you (insert your name) even until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20 Emphasis Added)
If we look through history, there has ALWAYS been something going on in the world that was seemingly devastating and horrific. It may have seemed like there was not a God that could or would deliver. But each and every time HE did and does. Some of us may believe we are facing that time frame right now in our world.
We have to be on guard for ourselves and others
There is hope
IF we trust in who Our God is in, to, and through us.
By Andrea Monroe
By Andrea Monroe
I am the First and the Last
I am the Alpha and the Omega
I am the Beginning and the End
I am the Author and the Finisher
I am the Resurrection and the Life
I am the Light and the Salt
I m the Son of God and the Son of Man
I m the Son of God and the Son of Man
I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life
I KNOW God to be ALL of these!!!! Do you know HIM to be at least one of them? If so, then in the midst of your storm, hold on to that truth.
Holy Spirit, Help me put my trust back where it belongs which is in Jesus Christ. Open my eyes to see My Daddy, God and Jesus the Christ in a brand new way. Help my troubled heart to trust in You more or just trust You period. Show me how to walk this spiritual journey you have placed me on! I fully understand that I cannot do it by myself. Holy Spirit, led and guide me to people that can speak life and build me up in the midst of what I am going through. In Jesus' Name! Amen!
- Do NOT let anyone take it away from you.
- Do NOT let anyone deceive you into believing something different.
Our God has your name written
on the palm of HIS Hand.
(Isaiah 49:16)
Holy Spirit, Help me put my trust back where it belongs which is in Jesus Christ. Open my eyes to see My Daddy, God and Jesus the Christ in a brand new way. Help my troubled heart to trust in You more or just trust You period. Show me how to walk this spiritual journey you have placed me on! I fully understand that I cannot do it by myself. Holy Spirit, led and guide me to people that can speak life and build me up in the midst of what I am going through. In Jesus' Name! Amen!
What has your heart troubled?
Will you choose to trust God to walk you through it?